These^ are the type of people the last 3 albums of In Flames have attracted. Yuck. You ought to take the word "Jester" out of your name.
SOAPF is shit, my favorite era is R2R to CC and it did not change with the release with SC so come at me. That being said, there are songs form R2R/STYE/CC as well I can't recall at all, because I found them mediocre. As for attraction, ASOP was good, but it hardly attracted me, I actually had to accept it, SOAPF can suck a dick, it's just a mix of very good and fucking terrible songs, and SC could've been the greatest or the shittiest IF album ever, I liked IF long before and it would not have changed my opinion about them.
So no, I don't feel I should take the Jester out of my name (though Jester Slave was just a running joke between me and a friend of mine and has nothing to do with IF) just because I can't memorize the lyrics of inaudible growling, or not digging the chorus of the mighty Zombie Inc. To be honest, I'm pretty sure the only lyrics I know (or at least some of them) pre 2000 are Moonshield, Jotun, Colony and Everlost pt2. Unless yelling

Now that I think of it, there are VERY few IF songs I know the lyrics from heart. Man, if you would've heard me last night during Deliver Us, haha. I was like " FLYYY INTO THE DISTANCE, DADADAAA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I CANT MAKEEEE SENSEEE OF THIIS, NAAAAAAAAA NAAAAAAA NAAAAAAAAAAA". Through Oblivion and ropes were almost perfect, there were only a few parts I had to improvise