In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

There are twi kind of IF fans who attend live shows now: 1. the ones who only like/know the new stuff 2. the ones who like both

Prehistoric fans will NEVER attend an IF show (and why would they, do not like them anymore, understandable), even if they played Whoracle or Colony from start to finish. Anders couldn't even perform so many songs with growls.

The fans who like both era will still go to shows. Yes, they'll mention how they would've liked to see some older stuff, but they go nevertheless.

There is no right or wrong here, I would've been beyond furious if they had not played deliver us to make room for an older song... Colony is the only exception, but I'd be still somewhat disappointed.
These^ are the type of people the last 3 albums of In Flames have attracted. Yuck. You ought to take the word "Jester" out of your name.
SOAPF is shit, my favorite era is R2R to CC and it did not change with the release with SC so come at me. That being said, there are songs form R2R/STYE/CC as well I can't recall at all, because I found them mediocre. As for attraction, ASOP was good, but it hardly attracted me, I actually had to accept it, SOAPF can suck a dick, it's just a mix of very good and fucking terrible songs, and SC could've been the greatest or the shittiest IF album ever, I liked IF long before and it would not have changed my opinion about them.

So no, I don't feel I should take the Jester out of my name (though Jester Slave was just a running joke between me and a friend of mine and has nothing to do with IF) just because I can't memorize the lyrics of inaudible growling, or not digging the chorus of the mighty Zombie Inc. To be honest, I'm pretty sure the only lyrics I know (or at least some of them) pre 2000 are Moonshield, Jotun, Colony and Everlost pt2. Unless yelling EPISODE SIXSIXSIX counts :D Now that I think of it, there are VERY few IF songs I know the lyrics from heart. Man, if you would've heard me last night during Deliver Us, haha. I was like " FLYYY INTO THE DISTANCE, DADADAAA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I CANT MAKEEEE SENSEEE OF THIIS, NAAAAAAAAA NAAAAAAA NAAAAAAAAAAA". Through Oblivion and ropes were almost perfect, there were only a few parts I had to improvise :D
God you're a twat.
That's like a synonym for jester, so yay for me! Imagine replacing every IF song (or album) with Jester in it with Twat! I don't like the word though, hard to pronounce, so jester it is.

Btw, have you qq'd about Anders' voice today? I haven't checked, but in my time zone you have only 1 hour left, so take it as a friendly reminder. You don't want the streak broken. :D
I can't even imagine what it must be like to know you in real life. :D

Not a good experience if you plan to spout bullshit, I can assure that.

30 mins left btw, so please, don't ruin such an amazing day! :D Here, I help you out: I think Anders' voice on Through Oblivion is perfect. Like hall of fame perfect. He might be the new Michael Jackson.

*sits down in his little boat in the middle of the pond and waits*

Go to any middle school and you'll find out
Hmmm... I think I'll take it.
TCP, nice quality: and yes, he fucks up so many times during this song, but he was surprisingly good during the breakdown. The fucking rowls from the crowd though... =D

Obligatory smartphone stealing by Anders, haha: when it's pointed down it was Anders trying to figure out whether it was recording or not. Too bad you can't see the look on his face, he was fucking lost :D
Five minutes, drop the facade!

Also, I was taught not to listen to what I hate, so I dunno about that. Jk, it's actually common knowledge.

Four minutes, fuck man, the streak! Don't do it!

Your need to try to "bait" people into giving back an "angry" response shows your immaturity.

Also, no one said they hated anything... Expressing opinions and explaining why they are the way they are isn't hating. This self-righteous horse shit people that mindlessly defend anything and everything just because they think they see negativity is retarded.

For some reason IF think people sat there like this: :guh:

When in actuality everyone was like this: :kickass: :worship: :rock:

^Krofius and DE4 who/what/when/where/why/how?????
This is absolutely beautiful.

And Krofius I wish you could find audio of Only For The Weak played live at Rock am Ring 2008 as well. I had some of the audio from that show years back including Cloud Connected, Colony, The Quiet Place and Transparent. I just remember the Synth keys were loud as fuck mixed with the instruments and sounded awesome on that song.
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They should be courageous and tell the truth, that they don't feel comfortable anymore playing those songs.