In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

No way they'll keep this up for next year's big tour. This is pure fan service right now, a gift to us and a pat on the back to themselves, since they've pretty much done with promoting SC. Kinda sad they do not bring this tour to Eastern-Europe (and to the Mighty Spain, of course), but as I said, jokes on me, I actually wanted to pre-order the tickets, but figured I might as well just wait a year when they'll probably come here again with their new record.

It'll be interesting though whether TJR songs will be played or not. I guess Moonshield, Artifacts, and Behind Space from LS are good contenders, but if these songs won't even get ONE night this leg... yeah, that would pretty much say everything about the band's stance on TJR. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. RIP Subterranean though, it's probably the most underrated IF record ever, and don't expect to hear anything from that.
Setlist from their short Scandinavian tour (first show so far)

Bullet Ride
(First time live since July 25th, 2011)
Square Nothing
(First time live since December 9th, 2009)
Black & White
(First time live since December 12th, 2006)
Satellites and Astronauts
(First time live since July 14th, 2010)
Siren Charms
(Live Premiere)
Superhero of the Computer Rage
(First time live since September 26th, 2004)
Darker Times
(First time live since February 5th, 2013)
Crawl Through Knives
(First time live since September 1st, 2012)
Cloud Connected
Enter Tragedy
(Live Premiere)
The Hive
(First time live since September 27th, 2013)
Take This Life
My Sweet Shadow

I like it, some really cool shit, especially Superhero of the Computer Rage, love that song. Return of The Hive as well, my favorite song off of Whoracle. Satellites also one of my favs from Clayman. Gonna be a really good show. Would have loved Ordinary Story as well but you can't have everything.

Good setlist.
It's a pretty strong setlist indeed! Yours is wrong though, they played 22 songs, you only have 14 on your list.

Here is the accurate setlist:

00 - Jester's Door
01 - Superhero of the Computer Rage
02 - Enter Tragedy
03 - Darker Times
04 - Jotun
05 - Bullet Ride
06 - Leeches
07 - Square Nothing
08 - Black & White
09 - Disconnected
10 - Satellites and Astronauts
11 - Like You Better Dead
12 - Siren Charms
13 - Crawl Through Knives
14 - Food for the Gods
15 - The Hive
16 - Ordinary Story
17 - Paralyzed
18 - Take This Life
19 - Where the Dead Ships Dwell
20 - Deliver Us
21 - Cloud Connected
22 - My Sweet Shadow

Still good setlist. I would only remove Like You Better Dead from it.
This is pure fan service right now, a gift to us and a pat on the back to themselves

??? Now you rather like old stuff being played live (WTF)?

RIP Subterranean though, it's probably the most underrated IF record ever, and don't expect to hear anything from that.

And that is a novelty because they've been playing songs from subterranean since... forever? But I think that you meant Lunar Strain, or Lunar Strain and Subterranean.

And no. They won't come to Spain (we are not mighty, just a little nation of nations) since there is not a big interest in their coming (and their sales weren't good), though I must regret that is the common aporach of Spaniards to metal, just a underground movement in some cities. Though new Iron Maiden new album it's number 1 here (but classics are classics).
I think the most exciting thing is when a band you really like does this. Not only these songs are good, but shows like these has an enormous novelty factor. You know half of these songs won't be played for another 5 years if ever at all. There are just simply no rules. You don't have to promo your newest shit, you don't have to cater for your "I only know the hits" viewers - basically, it's like when you pick up the shiny star in Mario, and you can do whatever the fuck you want to until it lasts. From what I gathered among my long-long years, I dare to say that not many bands do this, or if they do, it's not as extreme. (I'm willing to bet it is the first for IF too, if you consider their recent stance on live shows and the way of their latest records)

This setlist was random as fuck. It wasn't just "let's throw in some oldies", no. Jester's Door into Superhero Of The Computer Rage? Yeah, not something you'd ever thought you might hear.

I'm not sure what you mean by that they've been playing songs from Subt. According to, only Stand Ablaze has ever been performed, and the last time was in 1999.

And as for Spain, I still do not want to believe that if you book a smalish club in somewhere Madrid, or wherever, you couldn't fill it. It's a huge country, and you don't have to like SC to be interested in IF - which seems all so much more true for this tour.

Edit: And I never said I would not listen to the old songs live, I just said that if we take a regular setlist, and replace ... let's say two hits with The Hive and Resin, that would be terrible. But if we are talking about 20+ long setlists with random ass songs all around, than I have zero objection.
I'm not sure what you mean by that they've been playing songs from Subt. According to, only Stand Ablaze has ever been performed, and the last time was in 1999.

That's because you don't know what sarcasm is.

And as for Spain, I still do not want to believe that if you book a smalish club in somewhere Madrid, or wherever, you couldn't fill it. It's a huge country, and you don't have to like SC to be interested in IF - which seems all so much more true for this tour.

Bands today spent a lot of money on tours, so, if they have to travel long just to play in a small club, it does not worth the pain.
The lack of SC is quite telling, IMO. Hopefully they realised they dropped a bollock with that shitheap and make things right next time.
The lack of SC is quite telling, IMO. Hopefully they realised they dropped a bollock with that shitheap and make things right next time.
Quite telling, LOL. They just toured the shit out of it, what did you expect on a tour like this? "All right now, we wanted to surprise you with some random setlists, so let's give it up for the 6 songs from SC we are going to play tonight just like we did for a whole year now!"

With that logic, they are surely making Whoracle part 2, because what else could it mean they just played songs from that record in a fun tour?!:eek: STYE 2 is also coming, they just realized Like You better Dead and Superhero should be staples.
There's a difference between scaling back and dropping almost all of the songs from SC off the setlist. After Come Clarity and ASOP came out, at least 4-5 songs were staples of their set for practically every show for a long time afterwards. Same with SOAPF.

I don't blame them for dropping the SC songs though. The lack of energy in them can't be good in a live set. I imagine SC will get the STYE treatment over the coming years, where only one or two songs from the album make the setlist. They have far, far better songs to use.
There's a difference between scaling back and dropping almost all of the songs from SC off the setlist. After Come Clarity and ASOP came out, at least 4-5 songs were staples of their set for practically every show for a long time afterwards. Same with SOAPF.

I don't blame them for dropping the SC songs though. The lack of energy in them can't be good in a live set. I imagine SC will get the STYE treatment over the coming years, where only one or two songs from the album make the setlist. They have far, far better songs to use.
But don't you see your argument will only hold up once they will start doing a tour with "basic" setlists again? If SC will be as under-represented as STYE has been since its' release, then you will be right.
The great time I would have at this show... Up front... So many headbangs to be had.

I never cared for The Hive. Always thought they should play Episode 666 or Gyroscope instead of it.

I seriously have zero complaints though as those Soundtrack songs from the 2004 DVD were heavy as shit live. The breakdown in Superhero of Computer Rage is sick.

Siren Charms actually seems like it would be heavier live, and is catchy and I wouldn't have a problem enjoying it in concert form.

So many great songs... Wow. I hope they play something like this when(if) they come back around the USA for another swing like they did on the last record.
Btw on another note, Anders said a couple weeks ago that after the tours this year he kinda hinted they'll start doing another record after the New Year or something like that. It was either some more tours of start with a new album, and it kinda felt like on his tone that it was leaning towards doing a record. So who knows, a new album might not be that far away. Or they get some good tour offers and tour the entire spring lol.
^Where did Anders say that?

It did strike me as weird that they recently have been making posts about "writing new material" blah blah because they usually never even speak of fucking around writing riffs while on tour or anything like that until as of late.

These songs on this setlist would just be cool to see. Enter Tragedy and Darker Times both have good riffing and cool parts to them.

These below are just good songs with heavy riffing, good to see them thrown into a show out of nowhere:

Superhero Computer Rage
Black and White
Like You Better Dead
Crawl Through Knives

And who could complain about these?:

Square Nothing
Bullet Ride
Food For The Gods
Ordinary Story
Satellites And Astronauts

Very jealous of who gets to see this setlist played. I especially wonder how Jotun and Ordinary story sound live nowadays. Gonna hunt for youtube vids when can.
Every other setlist which is not during this fun-leg of the tour. The most telling are probably the festival setlists, because those are tailored for the most mainstream listeners.

Still don't know what it means, since it looks like this tour is going to be as long as the previous.
Still don't know what it means, since it looks like this tour is going to be as long as the previous.
It's not about the length. It's obviously a non-traditional setlist, so it's pointless to make assumptions about the "popular" songs, because the whole point of this song selection was to shake things up and please the fans a bit, so if they would've sticked to their "okay, let's include 1-2 older songs", it essentially would've been the same setlist they have been playing for a year now.

They have introduced 15 (!!) new songs to the setlist compared to this and last year's shows, and many of them are either super rare, or quite unexpected, given what IF said about their old songs.