In Flames New Album being released in Q2 of 2014 thread

It's obviously a non-traditional setlist, so it's pointless to make assumptions about the "popular" songs, because the whole point of this song selection was to shake things up and please the fans a bit.

wow, now they do care about the fans? But I thought that the people attending their shows were teenagers and fans of their last three albums :heh:
I can't give you an answer to why they are doing this. For me, it was obvious that this leg of the tour will have some goodies, but not in my wildest dreams would I have expected THIS.

They surely planned to switch things up, because it was the absolute perfect opportunity to do so - they've been promoting SC for a year now, they've just finished the festivals, where they had to play their best of selection, and they are playing many-many shows in the same countries now, so it totally makes sense to change things. They were also aware that while it's true there are some butthead "OMG, COLONY WAS THE LAST GOOD ALBUM, IF SHIT I'M TELLING YOU"-people, there are many others, who only asked for a fair share of the older records, and nothing more. (TJR has still zero exposure though. #rekt - unless they actually plan to play the whole album at one point, and that's why they don't play any songs from it now)

This is as close as we can get to the turth, unless someone will specifically ask them in an interview about this leg. Personally, I find it very cool, and never understood why some bands with huge discography can never loosen up a bit. If I was an artist and made over 100+ songs, I can't imagine myself not enjoying playing some of the forgotten materials once in a while. Then again, I am not, so maybe I just can't understand.
I can't give you an answer to why they are doing this. For me, it was obvious that this leg of the tour will have some goodies, but not in my wildest dreams would I have expected THIS.

THem I will givo you the answer. Because bands, believe it or not, do care about the fans and what they think about their music.

By saying this I'm not meaning that the next record will be a step back. I think that they will probably go on further on the direction they took with SC.
Btw on another note, Anders said a couple weeks ago that after the tours this year he kinda hinted they'll start doing another record after the New Year or something like that. It was either some more tours of start with a new album, and it kinda felt like on his tone that it was leaning towards doing a record. So who knows, a new album might not be that far away. Or they get some good tour offers and tour the entire spring lol.

If it is another album, it's a further indication to me that they aren't happy with the reception SC has received, or how those songs integrate into the live set. There's usually at least 3 or 4 years between albums these days.
If it is another album, it's a further indication to me that they aren't happy with the reception SC has received, or how those songs integrate into the live set. There's usually at least 3 or 4 years between albums these days.

That would be good, but there is also a chance that they're willing to go onto the new direction.
Before Jester Slave gets worked up, I'm not saying the band themselves believe the album or songs are bad. I'm just saying it's possible they have taken note of the negative/lukewarm reception it received in numerous quarters, and may have noticed the songs don't work as well live as they anticipated.

Personally I'd be fine if the band did not release any more new albums for some time and just toured with the current crop of songs. They have a lot of really great live tracks, many of which are overlooked as the band try to force the newer stuff into the set. There are some fantastic songs from their back catalog that haven't been played in some time, and that'll only get worse as more albums are released.
If it is another album, it's a further indication to me that they aren't happy with the reception SC has received, or how those songs integrate into the live set. There's usually at least 3 or 4 years between albums these days.

Nah wasn't really like that, at least not the way I interpret it when he said it. Anders has always said he loves to be in the studio and create music. And they've had some more than regular offtime between tours, like a couple of weeks here and there this year, so I think Björn & Anders has been writing more stuff than usual maybe. And I think that they tour until December and then again like a month off or something, so there's lots of time off to write stuff. And realistically it's not THAT big of a difference, remember than SOAPF for example was pushed back a couple of months, same with SC, it was supposed to be released 3 or 4 months earlier, so it hasn't really been 3 full years between the albums, and if they would release one next summer it would almost be 2 years, it would be 2years since recording since they recorded SC beginning of 2014. Not a drastic time interval IMO. I truly don't think they give a shit in general about negativity towards their album(s) btw. At least not the current members of the band.
Nah wasn't really like that, at least not the way I interpret it when he said it. Anders has always said he loves to be in the studio and create music. And they've had some more than regular offtime between tours, like a couple of weeks here and there this year, so I think Björn & Anders has been writing more stuff than usual maybe. And I think that they tour until December and then again like a month off or something, so there's lots of time off to write stuff. And realistically it's not THAT big of a difference, remember than SOAPF for example was pushed back a couple of months, same with SC, it was supposed to be released 3 or 4 months earlier, so it hasn't really been 3 full years between the albums, and if they would release one next summer it would almost be 2 years, it would be 2years since recording since they recorded SC beginning of 2014. Not a drastic time interval IMO. I truly don't think they give a shit in general about negativity towards their album(s) btw. At least not the current members of the band.

Possibly, but I still think it'd be unusually quick for them to produce a new album if they started writing again so soon. Who knows, they can do whatever they want, it just sucks that every new album pushes some great songs further away from the live setlist. There's a lot of songs even from R2R and STYE that have never really had the set time they deserved. The likes of Minus for example.
I truly don't think they give a shit in general about negativity towards their album(s) btw. At least not the current members of the band.

Yes, that's how they say they are so that makes sense. What it is surprising is that, if they enter studio, the new album would be released not a long time after the release of the new live DVD (if they release it sometime).
I find it very cool, and never understood why some bands with huge discography can never loosen up a bit. If I was an artist and made over 100+ songs, I can't imagine myself not enjoying playing some of the forgotten materials once in a while. Then again, I am not, so maybe I just can't understand.

Funny, several of us tried to communicate this exact point to you for the last year and you've denied time and time again that IF would ever do anything like it.
They have a lot of really great live tracks, many of which are overlooked as the band try to force the newer stuff into the set. There are some fantastic songs from their back catalog that haven't been played in some time, and that'll only get worse as more albums are released.

Funny, several of us tried to communicate this exact point to you for the last year and you've denied time and time again that IF would ever do anything like it.
I denied that fanservice should affect how you make your next records, and I am still preaching that. There are 99 ways to please the fans, all of which I agree, but giving up your artistic integrity, because a few/a lot/many/everyone told you what they would like to hear on the next record is not one of them. No artist should ever give a flying fuck about that.

If following the "trends" with R2R can be considered a sellout, you'd have to make up a new word for the phenomenon when you are working by the order of your listeners and fans. And this is what got on my nerves many times before, that some of you do not see it, even bring up examples of bands/artists who willingly licked ass on their records. That is, of course, not to say they can not be criticized. All I'm saying they shouldn't care if I want an SC 2 (I don't, I'd like something from R2R-STYE-CC era), or you want a Whoracle 2.

I also said that it is unlikely they would honor TJR with playing the album in its entirety. I would not oppose it, I mean ,why would I, but seeing how forsaken TJR songs even now... they either really-really-REALLY dislike them live now, or there is something special coming. We will know by the end of the year.

I am, however, all for making tours like this one. I had the luck to attend NIN during a very similiar tour, and it was amazing. Yes, I missed out on some of the hits, but I got to see songs many people never had, and never will have the chance to hear live. It was also raw as fuck - almost zero visuals, just pure energy. Shows like this which really stick out for a fan.

But you have to understand it just doesn't work on more "commercial" (there must be a better word for it) shows. I checked a random USA show from last year, it had 15 songs. I checked a random EU show (Barcelona!) and it had 19 with Resin. They perform 22 now + Jester's Door as an intro, so we can say it is 23 songs played. Not everyone is a die-hard IF fan, who listened to their whole discography 50 times at least. Many of these songs would do close to nothing for them, especially if you consider what you could play instead of them. "Woah dude, Square Nothing, yeah, I'm so fucking pumped! I'm so glad they got rid of Only For The Weak/Trigger/The Quiet Place for this!!" - honestly, how many people would say this on a regular show?

I don't have statistics, but count how many of us are here on IF's board. Now count the average show attendees. I think it's safe to say, that just because I get a boner for Like You Better Dead, and you get a boner for Ordinary Story played live, many others would rather hear something else. I mean, seriously, up until Take This Life, there are 16 songs which people either did not even recognize, or just guess. "Ooh... it's the... mmm.... *chorus kicks in* oh yeah, Black and White, I think I remember it now!". (I'm obviously exaggerating, so save me the preach about Crawl Through Knives or other songs! You know what I meant)

I did agree that regular shows could and should get a more fair representation of songs, and I believe their 2015 shows were a step closer to the optimal setlist. I, however, strongly opposed to forcing them to play 3-4 pre-2000 songs, if not only they believe they doesn't sound as good as other songs would, but even the people there would react negatively to them. And it's not me you have to convince that Ordinary Story, Jotun and Food For The Gods should all be staples, because I'd listen to everything post LS. It's the other (on average) few thousand individuals (which, by the end of the year, makes up an average tens of thousands). I simply do not think setlists like this would sell. And if you look around at other major bands or artists, I believe almost every single one of them are following this principle. Some gets more loose than the regular IF setlist and include more older songs, but some are even more strict and playing the same exact fucking songs for years with very very little variety.

Yes, that's how they say they are so that makes sense. What it is surprising is that, if they enter studio, the new album would be released not a long time after the release of the new live DVD (if they release it sometime).
They can release the DVD by Christmas, and the new album by next Fall.
Look at all of those people standing around like zombies, not moving :rolleyes: hopefully they brought the crowd back to life with The Chosen Pessimist afterwards.

Anders mind "Fuck, we're not moving at all, we're like zombies! Wait, this is not posible, it must be them. Yes, it's the crowd, they're like zombies."

Sounds beautiful. Anders sounds just fine and his screams do the songs a just fine amount of justice. I've been saying this since I joined this message board, the older songs still do sound great with the way Anders screams now.

Bjorn looks very focused on the riffing lolol

Crowd does look like one of those crowds that are just chilling, though.

^Satellites and Astronauts played just how they did play it live back in '08
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I denied that fanservice should affect how you make your next records, and I am still preaching that. There are 99 ways to please the fans, all of which I agree, but giving up your artistic integrity, because a few/a lot/many/everyone told you what they would like to hear on the next record is not one of them. No artist should ever give a flying fuck about that.

No one's argued that they should give up their artistic integrity, but instead to not give up high-quality music. Sounds Of A Playground was of much higher quality than Siren Charms.

If following the "trends" with R2R can be considered a sellout, you'd have to make up a new word for the phenomenon when you are working by the order of your listeners and fans. And this is what got on my nerves many times before, that some of you do not see it, even bring up examples of bands/artists who willingly licked ass on their records. That is, of course, not to say they can not be criticized. All I'm saying they shouldn't care if I want an SC 2 (I don't, I'd like something from R2R-STYE-CC era), or you want a Whoracle 2.

Stop using that mindless defense. Ignore those who say make a "blah blah part 2". None of us here are that fucking stupid. Again, it's about making quality music, record-to-record.

I also said that it is unlikely they would honor TJR with playing the album in its entirety. I would not oppose it, I mean ,why would I, but seeing how forsaken TJR songs even now... they either really-really-REALLY dislike them live now, or there is something special coming. We will know by the end of the year.

Who the fuck suggesed they play Jester Race in full live? Plus they've never played any Jester Race songs live in 15+ years except for Moonshield and Artifacts of the Black Rain occasionally.

I am, however, all for making tours like this one. I had the luck to attend NIN during a very similiar tour, and it was amazing. Yes, I missed out on some of the hits, but I got to see songs many people never had, and never will have the chance to hear live. It was also raw as fuck - almost zero visuals, just pure energy. Shows like this which really stick out for a fan.

Yes this particular set they're playing on this tour is a pleasant surprise, awesome for die-hard fans and then fans of the newer stuff still get to hear some of the constantly-played "hits" too. You could say that this is a reverse situation of how it's been the last few years. Except those that like the "hits" more get to hear more of them on this current show when people who wanted to hear a few more older songs weren't offered that luxury the last few years.

But you have to understand it just doesn't work on more "commercial" (there must be a better word for it) shows. I checked a random USA show from last year, it had 15 songs. I checked a random EU show (Barcelona!) and it had 19 with Resin. They perform 22 now + Jester's Door as an intro, so we can say it is 23 songs played. Not everyone is a die-hard IF fan, who listened to their whole discography 50 times at least. Many of these songs would do close to nothing for them, especially if you consider what you could play instead of them. "Woah dude, Square Nothing, yeah, I'm so fucking pumped! I'm so glad they got rid of Only For The Weak/Trigger/The Quiet Place for this!!" - honestly, how many people would say this on a regular show?

In Flames are still a heavy metal band, not a radio-rock band where people only know several songs of theirs. Metal is still a category of music that is only supported by a culture of people who have a deeper appreciation of bands and their work as opposed to more mainstream music. It's not as big of a deal or as far of a stretch as you think it is. But yes, this is a very off-color set they're playing now but it still fares well and in a lot of places is a killer show to most clubs full of IF fans.

I think it's safe to say, that just because I get a boner for Like You Better Dead, and you get a boner for Ordinary Story played live, many others would rather hear something else. I mean, seriously, up until Take This Life, there are 16 songs which people either did not even recognize, or just guess. "Ooh... it's the... mmm.... *chorus kicks in* oh yeah, Black and White, I think I remember it now!". (I'm obviously exaggerating, so save me the preach about Crawl Through Knives or other songs! You know what I meant)

I do know what you mean, but, look at how much they've played The Hive in the last 4-5 years. And the argument of Black and White doesn't work when they're playing Drifter this year... What IF fan that ONLY likes the "hits" knows a filler track like Drifter? You also could easily swap Drifter with Black and White or Minus since they're all pretty much equal energy songs from Reroute.

I did agree that regular shows could and should get a more fair representation of songs, and I believe their 2015 shows were a step closer to the optimal setlist. I, however, strongly opposed to forcing them to play 3-4 pre-2000 songs, if not only they believe they doesn't sound as good as other songs would, but even the people there would react negatively to them. And it's not me you have to convince that Ordinary Story, Jotun and Food For The Gods should all be staples, because I'd listen to everything post LS. It's the other (on average) few thousand individuals (which, by the end of the year, makes up an average tens of thousands). I simply do not think setlists like this would sell. And if you look around at other major bands or artists, I believe almost every single one of them are following this principle. Some gets more loose than the regular IF setlist and include more older songs, but some are even more strict and playing the same exact fucking songs for years with very very little variety.

We haven't been saying they HAVE to play a couple Colony songs and a few Clayman songs EVERY show... But fuck, after 10 years of barely touching them... give them some love that they deserve. That's all it ever was.

Basically, the set they're playing right now is awesome and a lot of artists do it especially when they've already toured the same areas recently or do often.

It's cool they're doing this kind of show since they've already toured most of these places once and it's an awesome change-up for a second time around.

not sure if you can see the link, but someone posted a video of them playing "Crawl through Knives" on the 17 of October. Ander's screams are awesome and the crowd is very active, but clearly Anders can't sing the chorus which is sad cause this is a great song live. I know we said this a 100 times, but Anders should really think about either doing some vocal lessons to do these songs justice live or start writing songs in the studio that are within his reach (ie. more screams and less demanding cleans).
Anders has already admitted he sucks at singing, but apparently doesn't give a fuck because conveying emotion is enough. It's a terrible attitude for a professional musician to have, but if there are enough stupid scene kids out there buying your shit regardless, why change?