Meet Your MDFers~!

My names Duke Nukem, and I've got balls of steel. I like metal with balls of steel which includes Jag Panzer, Manowar, Riot and Judas Priest.

I kick ass and chew bubble gum. I like big guns and my gun is bigger then yours.


My picture.
My names Duke Nukem, and I've got balls of steel. I like metal with balls of steel which includes Jag Panzer, Manowar, Riot and Judas Priest.

I kick ass and chew bubble gum. I like big guns and my gun is bigger then yours.


My picture.

The name is Guy. I enjoy black metal and death metal of the elite sort and typically spend my time listening to an exclusively stunning variety of Burzum, Morbid Angel, and Beherit. Some thrash, traditional doom, and all other GOOD emanations of metal withstanding are cool as well. Whenever I'm not indulging myself with metal I'm usually reading or watching classic flicks.

I'll be attending Bradley University as a freshman this fall double majoring in literature (19th century stuff mostly) and philosophy. I'll likely take quite a few math courses as I keep shifting more and more toward the analytic tradition (despite the school being elderly and rooted in the continental tradition, whatever) which will likely lead me to specialize in some form of logic whenever I decide to either go all the way with my academic career or drop out and live for metal. Decisions, decisions.

I'm fairly shy irl, so you should initiate the conversation if you want to blessed with my alarmingly hospitable presence.

Here's a photo I just snapped for relevance:

Me acting like my usualy gay-self.

My name is Mike. I went to MDF last year with some bros and talked to a few of you guys, but I don't think anybody knew who the hell I was at the time. But yeah, whatever.

I listen to all forms of metal, but mainly sticking to the greats behind Death and Black metal. I currently attend Illinois Central College and I plan on transfering to a 4-year university later. I am a lazy piece-of-shit with no talent and I have no idea what I plan on doing with my life or what to major in (considering ass-kicking isn't on the list).

Aside from metal, I am usually found acting like a homo while playing World of Warcraft, doing lame and boring activities with my friends, or occasionaly reading ancient literature and mythology. I, too, am a fairly shy person, but once I feel comfortable in a place, I will be more social. So, give me a beer and we can talk about gayshit.
Hey, my name is Jordan. Well I listen metal. I try to listen to a variety of genres but I stick with mostly Black and Death. A couple of my favorite metal bands are Burzum, Beherit, Absu, Electric Wizard and Venom. Along with metal I like some early Prog like King Crimson, Yes, and Black Widow and some classical.

I'm currently a senior in a small redneck school in the middle of nowhere. I am going to attend Southern Illinois Uni this Fall to get a degree in Physics.

Some hobbies I enjoy are reading and knitting and I also am an amateur radio enthusiast.

I think of myself as a easy-going person. I really enjoy meeting new people as long as they don't suck. From what my two friends told me who went last year, you guys are really cool and fun to hang out with.

Being relatively new to metal (two years), I enjoy talking to people about it and finding out what other people like and getting some suggestions on what to listen to.


This is a picture I just took.

24 days!!!! I'm excited to see some great bands and meet you guys.
Guy looks like he's been on the P90X, shit. I'd tap that.

Also, Mike, I'll buy you and I a beer and we can discuss Die Toten Kehren Wieder Mit Dem Wind and other fine bands. :kickass:
Jordan, if you are one of the people with an absurd amount of merch money, lemme know when we're chillin' and I'll advise you on things to buy that you may like. I am pretty good at that usually.