meetings at tuska

fireangel said:
though I haven´t read the whole thread (yet) I second Santtu´s request. Saturday is not good because of BTD. Not that I need to meet DT, but my company most likely wants to, and he can´t be at two places at the same time :loco: If it´s not during any of my favourite bands playing, I be there, too, since I like to say hello to some people.

I send you mail too, rahvin (when finished reading this ;) )
Hey :wave: Are you going to meet the guys at tavastia? BTD i mean..
Villain said:
Usually, as partially dictated by my future profession, I'm completely against underage drinking...

Partially I am against too, but remember my dear fellow that in some other countries i would not be an underaged anymore... or something :p
And I really admire your passion to youth-work:I am also planning to study as somekind of socialworker. My dream is to be either a socialworker or a massmurderer - depends on my future views on life and what do i want from it.

Ja kiitokset henkisestä tuesta :)
Naku ist krig said:
My dream is to be either a socialworker or a massmurderer - depends on my future views on life and what do i want from it.
Anyhow it's almost the same, being a massmurderer or the one [read: the social worker] who decides who gets benefits or not.
@Lolita: Oh you´re starting your complain of how foreigners eat your food again :)
But like you said: it´s all about people´s lifes and that is what interestests me.
Naku ist krig said:
@Lolita: Oh you´re starting your complain of how foreigners eat your food again :)
But like you said: it´s all about people´s lifes and that is what interestests me.
Haha, seems like we've talked about this before. Do not take my words too seriously, hunny. ;) You must be a complete opposite of me, I couldn't be arsed to think about strangers' problems day in day out. Friends, that's a different story, but for example some bum from east Helsinki smelling of piss... I couldn't bother. :grin: Hell, it's hard enought to listen to people's whining on the phone as it is in my current job now.
I'm a sales assistant/secretary or something like that in Finland Statistics. [I don't know the exact term of my profession/post in English.] Customers call us and whine sometimes. Well, maybe a little exaggeration there.. most of the customers are alright. The ones who whine are probably those who do it everywhere and all the time anyway. You just have to understand them and do not take it personally.
Rahvinnnn..I was thinking about the DT meeting thing, and came to the conclusion that if it's on saturday the best option would clearly be that they came to Tavastia..And Tuomas (from BTD/BoneGrinder) loves DT so he'd probably like to meet the guys too.
The way I see it, I don't imagine the DT forum crowd will ever be split off into more than 6 little groups, or at least not often. So why not let Rahvin assign a member of DT to each little group, and they can follow the groups around all day for the 3 days? And if Rahvin takes a whistle, he can blow it at set points during the day/s and the DT-members can swap groups. :grin:
@idari: i pm'd you. :)

ok, here is a list of um forumers whom i can contact and i know are coming to tuska, then there is a list of those i think are coming to tuska but i have no means of contacting so far. if you're not in either list but you know you're coming and want to take part in this board's activities, post here or pm me asap.

gtranquillity (got her # ages ago :p)
fireangel (got both of her numbers so i can try my luck in many ways ;))
hearse (cell)
idari (cell)
lina (she'll be in hearing distance)
lumitalvi (cell)
naku (cell)
ormir (cell)
phyrus (cell, i'm not sure he's coming though)
rusty (cell)
salamurhaaja (cell)
lolita (cell)
ulla (cell)
violet baudelaire (no cellphone available, i'll pm her/email her news or make sure she's around someone with a cellphone)
villain (cell)
yayo (cell)
zeanra (cell)
another um user who doesn't post here but would like to meet the band (will pm or email him)

and now for the rest:

delirious, i don't seem to have your cellphone number, but i thought you were coming to tuska... let me know something

ben and anna, i have d_j's cell, if it's still the one ending in 638, but i'm not sure it works abroad or whether you'll have it on yourself, so please contact me.

qsilver, i haven't heard from you either, get in touch.

am i forgetting anybody?
rahvin, I'll pm you my phone # as soon as i remember it.
It looks like i'm coming there alone this year so i'll probably try to stick with you UM'ers always when i feel like needing company. Hope i'm not too much of an annoyance :p
Qsilver said:
rahvin, I'll pm you my phone # as soon as i remember it.
It looks like i'm coming there alone this year so i'll probably try to stick with you UM'ers always when i feel like needing company. Hope i'm not too much of an annoyance :p
I'll gladly keep you occupied :p Though there might be a chance that no one wants my company after they see what i'm like :lol:

@ rahvin: I'll pm you in a sec..(err..i typed 'sex')
LSFOIJFSOIJFSKFKJDS TICKETS NEEDED!!! If someone's got spare tickets or if someone knows someone who's got spare tickets, i've got a friend who needs tickets! 3 day tickets that is.
and OMG SOMEONE BETTER HAVE A SPARE TICKET :mad::mad: I think i'm supposed to get my gun out again at this*does so* :mad: