Metallica: New or Old?


Master bassist
May 27, 2004
Lancaster, CA
I've seen alot of people that I know fight over whether Metallica's new stuff or their old stuff was better. But, I wanna know wut people here think, because they're much better metal experts than those who've only listened to Metallica's new stuff.

Anyways, I personally think their new stuff is a bunch of bullshit.

Wut u think?
WTF r u talkin about dude? Old metallica was kickass. Back in the day of Ride the Lightning and Kill 'Em All. They were much faster and more speed-like back in those days. Nowadays, they just don't have that kind of sound. I personally just don't like it.

I believe you've been had, Matheusbassist01.

But this is a no brainer....OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could any question in the history of mankind have a more blatantly obvious answer?

Even old is pretty mediocre.
Kill Em All- Good.
Master of Puppets- Decent, overrated.
Black Album- Not as good as Kill Em All.
Everything else before Black Album- Boring, overrated.
Everything else after Black Album- Shit.
I'm probably the only one on this board who likes the entire Metallica catalogue. So coming from a Metallica fanboy (Call me what you will, Just don't call me late for dinner)

Old Metallica Crushes New Metallica.
Lightning, Master and Justice are all very good albums. Its funny with each album thier sound became more interesting and intelegent, then out of nowhere they sold out. It made no sense, I mean Justice has far less comcercial appeal then Master, though the songs are far superior. Then they just do a 180 and go from artistic progression to a commerical focus. Not that they were ever the most artistic band in the world anyways, but its still very strange. But yeah they're new stuff is pretty lame, though I didn't think the new one was nearly as bad as most did, and their old stuff is rather overated (sick of hearing MoP called the greatest album of all time)...
Matheusbassist01 said:
WTF r u talkin about dude? Old metallica was kickass. Back in the day of Ride the Lightning and Kill 'Em All. They were much faster and more speed-like back in those days. Nowadays, they just don't have that kind of sound. I personally just don't like it.
Haha someone took the bait

seriously is this a trick question? I don't think anyone in their right mind likes the new stuff, let alone better than their old stuff
Matheusbassist01 said:
I've seen alot of people that I know fight over whether Metallica's new stuff or their old stuff was better. But, I wanna know wut people here think, because they're much better metal experts than those who've only listened to Metallica's new stuff.

Anyways, I personally think their new stuff is a bunch of bullshit.

Wut u think?

I don't think that anyone on this board would say the new stuff is better. The first four albums were good, the fifth was ok, but already too mainstream, and all the albums thereafter totally suck.
OLD!!! The new stuff can't hold a candle to their thrash metal classics! Here is my rating for the whole Metallica catalague:

Kill 'em All 10/10
Ride the Lightning 10/10
Master of Puppets 10/10
...And Justice for All 10/10
Black Albulm 9/10
Live Shit: Binge and Purge (so what if it's a box set) 8/10
Load 6/10
ReLoad 5/10
Garage Inc. 8/10 (for a cover albulm, it's not that bad)
S&M 6/10 (terrible idea IMO)
St. Anger 5/10 (I like maybee 5 songs on it)