
I have often wondered this myself. You can buy Megadeth remasters for bargain bin prices here, yet all of Metallica's back catalog still costs the same as a new album and for the most part (pre-MoP) sounds like shit. Which is also the reason why aside from MoP and the black album I do not own any of their CDs right now.

ride the lightning has fastastic production considering the year it was released

what I loved most about early metallica though was the tremendous songwriting. All of their albums had such great variety if you consider a song like "fade to black" compared to "blackened" compared to "sanitarium" compared to "live is to die", they wrote songs that were balls out thrash, and then they wrote beautiful introspective songs like fade to black

not to mention metallica has been a gateway band for literally millions of metalheads, so you can't discredit their contribution and importance in the genre (this is more aimed @ greys)
I can't understand the Black Album (1991) hatred some people have. For me, they sold out AFTER that came out. Black Album is more accessible and mainstream compared to the past efforts but its still pretty much thrash metal for me.

It was a mainstream album which usually means selling out. I still enjoy the album though.
ride the lightning has fastastic production considering the year it was released

what I loved most about early metallica though was the tremendous songwriting. All of their albums had such great variety if you consider a song like "fade to black" compared to "blackened" compared to "sanitarium" compared to "live is to die", they wrote songs that were balls out thrash, and then they wrote beautiful introspective songs like fade to black

not to mention metallica has been a gateway band for literally millions of metalheads, so you can't discredit their contribution and importance in the genre (this is more aimed @ greys)

The drums sound like shit on RTL. The bass drums sound very flat and dead. Not to mention it sounds like Lars only has 1 cymbal the entire record. Everything else was pretty good though.
Metallica should leave those albums alone.
They have enough money.
Megadeth and Slayer re-mix and re-master stuff
1: for money
2: for fans
If you were old enough like me, and bought those albums when they were released you would appreciate them being left alone.
RTL's production is perfect for the album it is.
MoP's could be denser imo.
Justice needs bass.
But they should leave them alone.
They are what they are. They are History.
l can understand a younger fan wanting a modern sound to these albums but then your making them something their not.
i dont care what metallica will be do whit theyr music, they will never be the same and if they remasterd those records well good for them but i will not suport anything of Metallica cause they betray us and thats all... this band is DEAD since black album.
I have often wondered this myself. You can buy Megadeth remasters for bargain bin prices here, yet all of Metallica's back catalog still costs the same as a new album and for the most part (pre-MoP) sounds like shit. Which is also the reason why aside from MoP and the black album I do not own any of their CDs right now.

It's even more mindblowing when you take into account how much Metallica loves money. What could possibly be an easier way to make a quick buck than have some producer/engineer remaster your old CDs and re-release them?

Metallica's back catalog is pretty much the same price because those albums continue to sell well.

I don't think it's a fair statement to say Metcllica "loves money" just because they've happened to do well (and DO have enough to last them and their kids). I recall they did so well because they worked out a great deal with Elektra Records back in the day, they stood their ground contract wise. They were savvy where most other bands were not.
I don't know if the fact that they continue to sell well is the reason they are still expensive. I can think of any number of albums that are as old or older than those albums, and are as famous or more famous, yet cost less. You can buy most of Led Zeppelin's back catalog for bargain bin prices here, remastered and all. I'm not saying this is necessarily Metallica's personal doing but it just always struck me as odd why those albums never seemed to drop in price when so many comparable albums have.
Load/Reload > The Black Album. You know it's true.

Load sounds like a really shitty we just got into corrosion of conformity and we're not really southern style album!.

.. and then shitloads of people buy some gay second rate garbage by a washed out 80's bands that should have broken in 1990 because they're called Metallica.
It always shocks me when I go into a shop (usually HMV or Virgin) and I see Master of Puppets or Ride the Lightning for £16 and S&M or Garage Inc for £20, it seems a little extortionate to me, though I've found this to be typical of high street stores. It's much easier to just buy off the Internet.

Load sounds like a really shitty we just got into corrosion of conformity and we're not really southern style album!.

.. and then shitloads of people buy some gay second rate garbage by a washed out 80's bands that should have broken in 1990 because they're called Metallica.

I really enjoyed the Loads, there are three or four bad tracks on each of them but I found them highly listenable, whereas the Black Album grew stale to me after a few listens and only contains a few tracks I really like.
See this is a funny issue, if Metallica were actually in this thing for the money they'd remaster their old discs in a hurry. I think this sort of proves their actual intentions of just making music... Lars is an idiot with his mouth an all, maybe they do not remaster these CDs as a way to point out that they have not in fact sold out... I don't know, maybe they just like the way they sound as they are and figure we do to, I know I like everything up to Load.
I've read that Lars HATES the production on Justice and can't even listen to it anymore because of it.