
They shouldn't remaster them because they don't need to. Simple as that. Maybe if they had atrocious production in which all the instruments blended into one massive cacophony of noise then they might consider remastering, but the production is perfectly fine.

And why does everyone feel like they have to use retarded analogies to describe The Black Album and Load/Reload? Just say that they suck and be done with it. We all agree. :rolleyes:
No. It is a travesty, the beginning of the creative suicide of Metallica. Overproduced lets-take-the-safe-road music.

I don't think so. I think they just wanted to make it huge. From the little footage of documentaries I've seen, they invested a ton of time into the project. It'd be a narrowminded idiot that would say Wherever I May Roam, or Of Wolf and Man are crap. Because it sounds good means it sucks right? LOL. Yeah, right, Iron Maiden must really suck then, and every other band that's got a decent non-SLAYER!!!!!!!! sound...
They won't be remastered because Metallica has too far a cushy cut per album sold now, and it would be too difficult to get that same cut under a new version (maybe? just a thought).

Furthermore, Master Of Puppets is the most overrated Metal album of all time, and Kill 'Em All and Ride The Lightning are vastly superior.
I don't think so. I think they just wanted to make it huge. From the little footage of documentaries I've seen, they invested a ton of time into the project. It'd be a narrowminded idiot that would say Wherever I May Roam, or Of Wolf and Man are crap. Because it sounds good means it sucks right? LOL. Yeah, right, Iron Maiden must really suck then, and every other band that's got a decent non-SLAYER!!!!!!!! sound...

They "sold out" because instead of sticking to what they wanted to do, they let Bob Rock take the reins and manipulate the album, the way it's recorded, and the way that it sounds, in order to have the highest impact in the mainstream as possible. Selling out is sacrificing your artistic integrity, not making it big or having quality production.
No. It is a travesty, the beginning of the creative suicide of Metallica. Overproduced lets-take-the-safe-road music.


I don't think so. I think they just wanted to make it huge. From the little footage of documentaries I've seen, they invested a ton of time into the project. It'd be a narrowminded idiot that would say Wherever I May Roam, or Of Wolf and Man are crap. Because it sounds good means it sucks right? LOL. Yeah, right, Iron Maiden must really suck then, and every other band that's got a decent non-SLAYER!!!!!!!! sound...

what the fuck are you talking about??

every other band that's got a decent nonslayer sound?? stay off the crack kids
Maybe you don't read so well Hell awaits...

Necuratul, I doubt every metallica hater has the same thought out viewpoint you do, so I'll agree with you and flip every other asswipe off.
Furthermore, Master Of Puppets is the most overrated Metal album of all time, and Kill 'Em All and Ride The Lightning are vastly superior.

Agreed. I have never been able to sit through Master of Puppets from front to back without stopping. It's quite the opposite for Kill 'Em All and RtL.

However, I've listened to each of those albums less than ten times each, so I can't really have an opinion on them. :rolleyes:
The term "over produced" is what I am refering to when people hate it because it sounds good. I hear the term thrown around a bit often, and it just sounds fucking ignorant from certain people... BTW, I wasn't refering to anyone specifically, I used to deal with a bunch of morons that hated Metallica because they sold out, I don't know why you are so pissed about it...
I'd say somewhere between 70 - 80% of the music I listen to has near perfect production. People hated that album because metallica compromised their musical integrity to please the masses. They stopped writing 9 minute long instrumentals (like to live is to die) for 4 minute radio friendly songs that were background music at parties