Root, Talking Bones - 6.5/10, Nice intro with the carnival thing, transitions surprising well into the guitar which reminds me vaguely of Andy Larocque's playing on the Abigail album. Get's a little shred-ish part way in, which is cool. And then the Count from Sesame Street jumps in on vocals. Holy shit. They're not too bad from a technical standpoint, but holy fucking crap I can't take this song too seriously because of him. He even does the Dracula laugh.
Alice Cooper, Pick Up The Bones - 7.5/10, Sleek, slithering whiplash of a song and superlative industrial metal. Alice provides an excellently furious and emotive vocal performance as usual.
Baroness, Take My Bones Away - 5/10, Love that opening riff, very Sabbath/Danzig. Bass in general has some great tone. Sadly, beyond that, it seems to be ultra generic schmaltz. Guitar solo is alright. It only manages a 5 and not a 4 because of some of the gradual deconstruction of its musical framework it does, which is impressive.
Pungent Stench, Bonesawer - 8/10, Cool, doomy crunch and groove with that guitar, and the guttural vocals are well-performed and are certainly a service to the song overall. They have this odd, hollow blowing quality to them that makes them unique in texture, which I enjoy. Guitar solo fucking rips.
Exarsis, Skull and Bones - 7/10, Catchy riff, but that goofy little blip on the mic at the beginning made me bust out in laughter. Kinda how when Ozzy says "Let's go" during a live version of Fairies Wear Boots these days and I feel like I'm playing Super Mario/Mario Kart with Black Sabbath all of a sudden. Other than that, the vocals slay as this weird hybrid of Bobby Blitz, Joey Belladonna, and Tim "Ripper" Owens. Plus a cataclysmically mindblowing solo.
The Unguided, Boneyard - 3/10, A lot of nu metal-ish stuff which I absolutely can't stand, including the dramatic 90s tempo shift shit and the whiny radio rock esque clean vocals. They even do the hazy, ultra-reverbed drop off. And the electronica it incorporates is loathsomely soporific and uninspired. Puke worthy garbage.
Reaper, Burning Bones - 5.5/10, A lot of admirable energy and power, but it doesn't really vary itself and the vocalist sounds like he's battling a catastrophic sinus infection.
Altar of Plagues, Feather and Bones - 5/10, What in the cancerous, watery shit streaks is up with black metal bands and writing songs like modern Iron Maiden these days? I mean, really, what the hell? It's like they deliberately maximize length and minimize musical ingenuity. I get some cookie cutter black metal at the beginning and then they proceed to subject me to five minutes of meandering zombie line dancing while the same guitar lick keeps going and going like it's on a mission to suck out every iota of creative potential this song had.
Sortilège, Marchand D'Hommes - 6.5/10, A raging French heavy metal romp. Fucking glorious vocal performance. Just a little lengthy for what it is and does.
Nastrond, May The Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again - 4/10, If the producer knew what the fuck volume levels were and fixed whatever he did to the guitar, I'd rate this higher. Vocals are great, drummer seems a little lost beat wise at moments, and doesn't provide much, but he's competent at least. Besides that, who had the bright fucking eureka moment to make this 7 minutes long?