Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Maybe we should let this one die after this round? It's always been less popular than the metal and non-metal ones which I think are enough anyway. It has completed Carpe Mortem's wish of the circle of life of meat, blood and bones now anyway haha.
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Alright, I'll stop being lazy. Since I do want people to rate that game of mine with all of five songs, I thought I would be rather remiss to neglect this list.

Root - Talking Bones.
Root is just something else.

Alice Cooper - Pick Up The Bones
Sounds like Alice Cooper was trying to sound more modern and "relevant" around this time, as this sounds heavily reminiscent of Rob Zombie. He does it surprisingly well, however.

Baroness - Take My Bones Away
Not something I usually listen to, but I can see the appeal of it.

Pungent Stench - Bonesawer
It's alright.

Exarsis - Skull And Bones
At first I was thinking it was just generic modern thrash, but the falsetto wails made it at least decent.

The Unguided - Boneyard
This is very bro-ish metal with a rather lackluster chorus.

Reaper - Burning Bones
This is some nasty shit. I needed to hear it after that previous track.

Altar of Plagues - Feather and Bones
Pretty good sound, but nothing awe-inspiring.

Sortilege - Marchand D'Hommes

One of the standout tracks of this list. It was already going strong for 4 minutes, and then that choral outro section started, and it really kicked it up an extra notch.

Nåstrond - May the Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again
Some good riffing, a sinister, cavernous atmosphere - pretty good all in all.
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Well, ya know.... That damned in crowd. Haven't given it their seal of approval, the bastards.
I'm doing it now, I've written all the scores down. Of course yours took three times as long as anybody else's to read because your formatting is horrible :(. Had to double check it twice.
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Reactions: H.P. Lovecraft
Based on 7 ratings, the results of the BONES theme is as follows:

Root - 7.14 - @Serjeant Grumbles
Exarsis - 6.64 - @Baroque
Sortilege - 6.57 @HamburgerBoy
Pungent Stench - 6.5 - @Sirjack
Reaper - 6.14 - @CASSETTEISGOD
Nastrond - 6.07 - @no country for old wainds (Arg's rating of 1 killed any chances this had)
Baroness - 5.71 - @EspaDa
Alice Cooper - 5.36 @H.P. Lovecraft
Altar of Plagues - 4.86 - @RedStorm
The Unguided - 4 - @arg

Sergeant Grumbles wins!

Nice to see Root win, they seem to be quite underrated around these parts.
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