Mixtape Game ExTreME EdiTiON!

Yeah I suppose you can, but then it only links you to bands where that lyrical theme is tagged as a main theme on their page. I've just tried it now with Omni's theme and got like 10 results and none of the listed bands made it onto her playlist.

It's far easier to do with this version of the game, although I do think most people aren't doing it.
My main purpose with this game was avoiding the shit I see in the other games where a theme is too widely interpreted, so a song which is actually perfect thematically loses to one which is a more abstract approach but better musically.

People weren't judging based on the theme as much as they should, they were just kinda check marking 'oh okay that's on theme I guess basically' then moving on to if they liked the song regardless.
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Root - These geetars are too clean...don't dig the voice that much but it ain't bad...nice lead work , then it stopped 6/10 could have expanded and been cool

Alice - This is another tune that if it wasn't his voice it would totally be any other fucking artist. There's no trademark AC stamp is there? No really recognisable sound he has? l mean maybe there is but l aint heard it. this is ok.. mixed well, played well just a bit...boring for me 5/10

Baroness - l enjoy some of Baronesses music - the riffs are often pretty good, but they don't go mad enough with heavy, stopping short of some good all out chaos. l could probably get to liking the vocals but right now their not doing it for me 7/10

Pungent Stench - Their drummer is wank, geetars are schirenc and bass is a bloke named Perkowski...what else can you say..10/10

Exarsis - Solid speed metal with a bit of an annoying over-processed tone going on but...they write solid tight riffage with mean drums and decent vocals..good stuff 8/10

Boneyard - A band unworthy of their name..dire by-the-numbers 'metal'. you should be ashamed whomever posted this 1/10 (let's not fall out - l just can't stand this stuff)(you should just be ashamed)

Reaper - Cassette only? what a dying shame as this is pretty killer. Nasty dirty nice vibe here 8/10

Altar of Plagues - if the first minute was edited to 15 seconds and repeated ld listen again and again. this could be something evil but its not 5/10
oh my god and it goes on for fucking ages fast forward to 9:30 tho and it becomes more pleasant for half a minute

Sortilege - yeah this is good shit, old attitude metal with some sense of slight menace 7/10

Nastrond - .l often reckon 90's BM is shit and l still think that after listening to this but....bad bad badly produced kit, terrible geetars but the vokills sound nice and crisp. Not a crap riff, its usually the 'chaos' geetars in the background that ruin it for me. why oh why? oh wait..5/10

this was again very enjoyable....dont stop these people if only to hear something you would never look up on youtube
Root - Talking Bones – 8/10

This is a LOT better than all the other Root I’ve heard. At first it seemed a little too sterile and like it was just going to be typical modern trad, but then the riffs kept changing and changing and just when I was sure it was going to be an unrepresentative instrumental track, the voice came in and the song kept moving. Not often that I have a complaint that a song ended too quickly. Will listen to this album, didn’t know they had this kind of song in them.

Alice Cooper - Pick Up the Bones – 6/10

Decent Cooper, I don’t listen to this album often but this is alright.

Baroness - Take My Bones Away – 5/10

This is pretty much my first time listening to Baroness iirc. I liked it until the gay bridge where they repeat the title over and over at the end.

Pungent Stench – Bonesawer – 3/10

They have some cool stuff but this one is pretty boring. Yeah the sound is filthy and nice but the riffs are chugging suckiness. Sounds like a poor Obituary outtake or something actually.

Exarsis - Skull and Bones – 4/10

I’ve heard some good Exarsis but this isn’t it. Gallop gallop, overly cheery progressions, generic thrash vocal delivery until the higher-pitched stuff, but even there he’s content to just wail on pretty much one note than do anything with it. Nothing offensive though, it’s solid but underwhelming compared to what I remember of The Brutal State.

The Unguided – Boneyard – 2/10

Hahaha, good one whoever submitted this.

Reaper - Burning Bones – 5/10

BAWK BAWK-BAWK BAWK-BAWK BAWK BAAAAWWK. Nursery rhyme black metal. Entertaining for shit.

Altar of Plagues - Feather and Bones – 6/10

Was going to bitch about this for its length and whatnot but I’m liking this. I mean, I definitely was tuned out halfway through, but it’s pleasant enough dissoshit. I prefer the stuff on their last album that gets all the black metal fans assblasted though.

Sortilege - Marchand D'Hommes – 8/10

Epic boisterous shit made even manlier when you discover that it’s a song about an ancient slaver that prostitutes out big burly conquered men.

Nastrond - May the Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again – 10/10

I have to say that I’ve never heard guitars like this before. I don’t know if it’s the tone or production or some weird chords or combination thereof, but I fucking love it. Like it’s sort got that kind of And Justice For All “djzum djzum” thing that usually annoys me (you probably have no idea what I’m talking about), but it’s not as bassy and has this fuzzy melodic quality to it too that I love in certain Fates Warning songs (e.g. Without a Trace) and it’s the most legitimately “cold” sounding guitars I’ve ever heard in a black metal song outside of maybe Extreme Cold Weather if that even counts. I get the impression that the song is a little repetitive but I’m too busy enjoying this sound. I haven’t had novelty-chills in metal for a while now. This is a top priority of shit to listen to, thanks whoever posted this.
What the fuck? You gave Nastrond a 10?! I was expecting like a 1 and for you to rip on it in your review. At least someone has realised it's the best thing in this list.
Root - Talking Bones 6/10
Pretty good shit.

Alice Cooper - Pick Up the Bones 5/10

Cheese Cooper. Reminds me of wrestling.

Baroness - Take My Bones Away 2/10


Pungent Stench - Bonesawer 6/10

Production on this always pissed me off. One of my favourite death metal bands though.

Exarsis - Skull and Bones 5/10

I will never listen to them again, but not terrible.

The Unguided - Boneyard 1/10

I saw the song title and got excited for Impetigo. I was monolithically disappointed.

Reaper - Burning Bones 7/10

My life summed up in 3 minutes. BAWK BAWK BAWK hahahaha. Classic.

Altar of Plagues - Feather and Bones 3/10

No. Can't stand this atmospheric drivel. Too fucking long. Points for theme.

Sortilege - Marchand D'Hommes 6/10

Love this album, but it's not great if you're in the mood for a riffmania.

Nastrond - May the Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again 7/10

Finally something with some balls. Length was somewhat unnecessary but maybe I'm still salty over that Altar Of Plagues snoozefest.
Root - Talking Bones - 7

Alice Cooper - Pick Up the Bones - 2
hate this guy's music

Baroness - Take My Bones Away - 8

Pungent Stench - Bonesawer - 5
shit production, simplistic dm

Exarsis - Skull and Bones - 7
good effort

The Unguided - Boneyard - 9.5
clean vocals are full and manly, harsh vocals are emo-ish but raspy enough to be tolerable. the electronics and chugging/driving riffs make me wanna dance and headbang at the same time!

Reaper - Burning Bones - 3
sounds like the ass of the guy in the picture

Altar of Plagues - Feather and Bones - 3
some atmospheric parts were alright but vocals were total garbage and song overall was a waste of time

Sortilege - Marchand D'Hommes (there is an English version of this song called "Flesh and Bones" but it's not available on YouTube) - 4
cette chanson est une grosse merde

Nastrond - May the Rotten Bones Absorb Life Again - 1
who in their right mind would find enjoyment in listening to this