Terrence Hobbs/Doug Cerrito, anyone who hasn't really listened to suffo, take a listen to this....
and if you can't get past the production (i know some people can't)
I totally agree.
The funny thing is as a big fanboy i watched an interview of Hobbs/Marchais recently, and they were providing tips for guitar players, including the "try to relax" thing, which i had never really bought and considered seriously so far.
They said something along the lines of "you can't play that kind of music during an entire set if you play with too much strain", which i gave a second thought afterwards.
Now in the past weeks i've been trying to relax while playing and i start to feel that playing too strained was the main problem in my playing, causing me a lot of pain, and a lot of rigidity, preventing me from playing difficult riffs but also stuff that requires more feeling such as doing vibrato on chords.
I remember Sparky Voyles telling me the same advice about relaxing while playing those crazy Dying Fetus riffs, and also Erik Rutan mentioning he had some severe hand/wrist injury a couple of years ago due to playing too strained.
Now i can totally realize how relaxing (well... to a certain extent

Before i was like "i play really strained and pick really hard, this is the only way i can play that kind of agressive intense music", and i'm glad i changed my mindset a bit since then.
So thanks Suffocation ! Now i know how you can get away with playing those sick fast technical riffs for an 1h30 long set !
(sorry for the rant

Back to the topic, the Suffocation guitarists (past and present) are insane in terms of playing, both for riffs and leads.