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Hi. I am Matt. I love death metal and thrash metal and metal in general.

I have a UltimateMetal account because I use the Evile forum here but Dark Tranquillity is one of my favourite bands. World's finest Melodic death metal band IMO :)

Im 19. Live in Birmingham. Love to listen to music and scream along, ha. Im in a technical death metal band but got nothing recorded because we are drummerless. Oh well. Lol

About the drummer: Just play without one. A metal band doesn't necessarily has to have a drummer as long as the rest is good enough. Don't try searching for excuses because you are too lazy to record anything. ;)
Hi everybody, my name is Giuseppe, from Italy.
I'm a newly registered user of this forum, though I've been reading your threads for a long time by now...Dark Tranquillity is my daily bread, though my musical tastes include pretty much everything (I dig postrock and some electronica lately)...anyway for a more precise idea of that the easiest way would be a peep at my last.fm charts.
What else? I play the bass in a local band called Ecnephias, basically it's death-black metal with a gothic touch here and there. Well I think it's ok to say these for now, I hope you all will learn to know me through my future posts:)
Hi to those I haven't welcomed yet.

@ Alex: Get the other Dark Tranquillity albums as soon as possible. Every single album they have made is nothing but perfectly crafted perfection.
Hi to those I haven't welcomed yet.

@ Alex: Get the other Dark Tranquillity albums as soon as possible. Every single album they have made is nothing but perfectly crafted perfection.

Yes, they are good too, but unlike with most other bands I tend to prefer the direction they've taken through the years, a.k.a. muscial maturity or what have you. Not that the first albums are anything short of excellent, like you say.