Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: not bad, pretty good, so-so, something like that. Will have to teach a whole biology unit to myself tonight though because of an exam tomorrow since I've learned nothing in class.
Finally, Im getting the fever I expected. We got in a little rain yesterday and I went home in a rather soaked shirt but felt alright until this afternoon.. tomorrow Im either a lot better or a lot worse.. although I have confidence in my immune system. We'll see.. good night folks :wave:
@KC: include me in the list of the well-wishers. :)

nf: tired, 11 hours work, 1 hour 30 gym, brain damaging efforts during the weekend... will go to sleep as soon as possible with a stupid book.
@KC: How old is your grandma? I hope she gets better soon, and the consequences on her body are negligible. :)

Btw, within the last couple of weeks i've lost my two last grandpas (both my mom's uncles).. :/
Thank you all, for your concern. The well wishings are much appreciated. My grandma is 80 y/o. It turns out her hip split down at the right leg joint, so it's kind of like a disslocation aswell... But she's pumped full of morphine and so far has only complained about having to go in lift to get to her ward (she hates lifts). They're opperating tomorrow, and then comes the slow recovery. She'll need to learn to walk on her new hip before she can leave, so right now I'm just hoping that she isnt going to get too lonely in the times that we can't be there for her.

Nf: Tired, over worked and emotionally exhausted. Im aware these are all pretty much the same thing. My growing pains are unbareable. I'm finding stares impossible, and walking down steep hills is torture. Im relaxing though now a bit, listening to the 'Princess Mononoke' soundtrack. I think the music in Miyazaki movies is perhaps 75% of what makes them feel so magical.

@Siren. So sorry to hear about your loss :( Hope your mother is dealing with it alright. I've never had a family member die on me, I'm not sure how I'd cope. My thoughts go out to you.
@KC: have you been checked by a doctor? sounds like you've been injured..
As for your grandma, you should be by her side whenever you can, making her feel better. She'll need your help and support.. These things can be bad for older ppl, since they reduce their mobility which is a vital part of their feeling able and useful.. Good luck, i hope everything goes for the better. *sends out a hug for your grandma*

edit: thanks :) my mom's dealing ok with it, since they were both very old and we expected them to die sooner or later.. it's weird, it doesn't make me feel too bad (i'm not insensitive and i loved them both), i was much more shocked and sad when my uncle died even though we weren't as close.. maybe because this time i didn't really get to see them/spend much time around the dead body (and i guess how everybody else reacts has to do with it too)..
@KC: if that's the way it works, then you already have a cure for all your pains: book appointments. ;) :p
@siren: :lol: @ the appointment quip. i also extend my condolences for your loss.

nf: okay. i'm having these extremely long workdays that will mean unheard of overtime pay next month, but i'm totally bored. i want to have friends who are not as far as my friends actually are. local friendships turned out to be shit, nobody is a keeper really.
I really can understand u on that friendship point, I only have 2 really close friends here and I even dont see them very often, but well its also cause I'm away all the time... started to think that it wouldnt change much if I had a relation here or a guy in another place since I'm hardly at home... I'm so restless...
Ahhh, Projector! I especially love "Day to end".. I get a feeling like I'm in someone's body, in someone's head... and that intro is like listening to someone's heartbeats. Along with Mikael's vocals, it's a sheer dream..I bet you're enjoying, DL1! :)
Hehe.. nice feelings since you put a smile at the end ;)
Have fun writing...

FACT: I should do my translations now, but we have some guests and to be frank, I don't feel like it..
I only have two good friends here as well, but then again I only came here last summer, I should give it more time.

Right now Im watching footie and having a beer.. Im feeling quite good.. maybe a tad melancholic though. Oh well..
NF: Physically horrible. It was pretty scary to drive home when i felt like i was about to pass out any second. Yet i'm about to drive back into town just now. I might not get there alive :/ I feel like i was so drunk that i'm about to pass out, or on drugs or something. I feel like crying because my head's about to explode. Wtf is going on in there.
Also, my hands hurt and one of them is bleeding, because i had to do stupid things at work.
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