Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: A moment of weakness.. loneliness creeps in.. it'll pass i hope.. i've been better the last couple of days, engrossed in recording music
NF: Totally pissed at the mechanic who fixed the brakes on my car...they gave me a ball-park figure of $600 when they were almost done...I ring today to find that they want to charge a little over $1000!? :OMG: :mad: :bah: :(
NF: Totally confused and frustrated...I was talking with someone and they were happy to talk with me...they typed 'brb', went offline, came back a little while later, didn't send for a while...I asked if I was interupting something, then they told me to go to hell!? It makes no sense!
nf: disappointed at rammstein. seriously. the two new singles are nowhere near what i expected. they're not bad and i can hear some interesting experiments, but come on... there's nothing even remotely passionate or enthralling about them. this is the same band who wrote mein hertz brennt and spieluhr... i see the point of the "we're all living in america" thingie, it's actually nice, and i suppose that the video will be funny (dling it at the moment, so i don't know yet), but this is so not what i hoped. :(
well, i'm tempted to concur... the "mein teil" video is quite powerful actually, but the song remains average. pfff.

edit: new eminem album apparently out in november. title's "encore". let's hope he's less disappointing than rammstein.
I'm trying to convince my neurons to shut up and accept the fact that they should concentrate on the book that i'm going to read to fall asleep.
It's weird how i consider my neurons to be silly nice weirdos (no, not seriously, but when i think/joke about it yes :p ) separated from that something evil and mean that just loves to play with my thoughts.

I think i'm goggly enough to try to go to sleep.
On the list of things that suck about shared accommodation, number one has to be some fuck nearly burning the place down because he's hungover, put something on the stove to cook, then went back to bed...there's exploded egg everywhere, and the kitchen is literally a wall of smoke. Thank god it wasn't something in oil... :bah:
Ben: dare I ask who did that? :p

I've found that moving is... interesting. At the moment I'm sitting on two pillows on the kitchen floor in front of my computer, which is standing on the living room table. We cannot use the bathroom because we've discovered a leak that wasn't supposed to be there, which had us royally pissed off in the morning but now we've begun to see the benefits. We were probably going to redecorate it anyway, this way some of the costs will be covered by the insurance...
Moreover, I've registered with the employment agency and shall begin my hunt for a job...
Siren said:
@Lolita: i had back-pain a while ago too. as soon as i turned my matress the other side and went swimming, it went away. still, my bad chair and sitting too many hours in wrong positions doesn't help. (i hope any of this can help you.)
Thank you.
I know I should move more, go to gym or something but I can't be bothered to go.. I hate to go to gym if someone else is there too. :/ Swimming would be nice. We'll see. My back is a bit better now but I know the pain will come back eventually.

NF: bored and alone on a Saturday night :(
Luckily I have friends on IRC.
This morning i woke up from a nice dream, so it was a bad way to wake up, but now i'm slightly fine. Yesterday i heard from the only female friend i have and we're supposed to go out one day of next week to drink and forget, it's funny how 3 months ago (last time we talked) it was all fine for both of us and now it really isn't, i'm dreading to explain another time my sentimental crap but i sort of have to, i'll give the shortest version possible. Anyway back to the point: i'm happy to see her, i realized lately that between my friends in this town she's the only person i'm able to both joke and talk seriously with without the fear of falling into a load of silly comments.

Completely unrelated: i'm also surprised that here's more than one person that wants to bring me to pavia to show me all they know about the uni since i barely understood where actually i'll have to go, i hope to learn something or it will be hard to go to lessons after i arrive with the train :p
NF: Suddenly quite pissed off. Need to focus on music projects again and get back to being fine like i was a short time ago..
Two nights ago i was at a birthday party. I had eaten almost nothing all day and i was very bored, so after the cake i started munching some chips and nuts and toasts. When i got the first chips in my mouth, some stupid diet nazis (who had nevertheless been munching all night before) started commenting in a highly annoying tone "oh, so you're turning to salty things now, and then you'll turn to sweet again, haha". After giving her a "wtf" smile, i kept eating, minding my own business. When i turned to the nuts, there was another girl, a friend of hers, going "hah now you're eating nuts too, hehe". At that point i started getting highly annoyed. I mean wtf, they kept watching my every bite, and made me feel guilty for every single bit of it. I'm still completely shocked by this, it's the first time in my life anyone has ever made me feel guilty for eating.. And it was horrible how they had to excuse themselves all the time whenever they wanted to eat smt like a bday cake, by saying "i've been on diet all day for this".. I guess this is my protest against it. It's inhuman to make anyone feel guilty for the food they eat.. I need to shout "die, diet nazis die!". :yell: :( :erk:
NF: A tad worried by my complete inability to make conversation now. Unless I'm being deliberately stupid or weird, normal conversation is completely past me. This is true even of the people I consider my best friends.

I've finally found a part-time job that I wouldn't mind doing - data input for a UPS depot nearby. I'll pick up an application form tomorrow morning and see how it goes. I hope I get it, because having no customers to deal with will be good.

EDIT: Also my ability to confuse, annoy, and piss people off is rising sharply.
@Siren: sounds like two ignorant teenage bitches. Nevermind about them, they're so stupid that they don't even know what kind of impression they are giving about themselves. Just so pathetic and naive things to say.
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