Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: there's no good equivalent to the Swedish word: uppgiven.
I've wasted nearly 18 years on liking and caring about people who never really gave a fuck about me anyway. I think it's time to stop with that now.
@Nick: :cry: I'm so sorry. I'm unsure what to say (never been too good at talking), but I think rahvin said things best. I hope things work out for you, and you have my sympathies.

@Northern Lights: I may understand that feeling well enough in ways... :cry:
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NF: ok, preparing to go on a quest to the other side of the city (yeah it is a quest qhen you live in a 19 million population city :p )
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@nick: *hug*

@northern lights: many people don't know what they got until it's gone

@tristessa: heh, i know the feeling... aloe gel, maybe? :)

@siren: have a nice trip :)

@thanatos: have a glorious quest :lol:
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Trying not to smash my keyboard while typing this. My mom is still acting like a conservative catholic from the 50's, as she always does, never changing her views. My brother cleaned out his car, and there was a set of instructions from a pellet gun scope in them. SHe is screaming about it being a rifelscope. My brother had to point out it is a pellet gun scope, and it isn't either of us. I don't think one of my friends dropped it when my brother gave them a ride yesterday, and I have no idea what the hell happened that it ended up there. My brother mentioned that a friend he gave a ride to a few weeks ago has a pellet gun, and my mom is screaming baout how we shouldn't be around this type of people. I have no idea how the hell somehting happened and my mom insists I'm hiding something. My mom objects to anything I want to do. She doesn't even want me to listen to metal, so I have to buy CD's without her seeing them, and I can't get them at reasonable prices anywhere here, so I've gotten 3 CD's in the past couple months. Those were Detonation CD's I got form MadTinus, and because it's fro the Netherlands, she thinks it's music that is illegal here. makes no sense, but still pissed off. I have no idea what happened with this thing that's being blamed on me. Apparently only bad people would ever own paintball or pellet guns. UM is pretty much the only place I can think for my self and say it. I hate the town I live in, and I can't even get much music here. I also haveto do a ridiculous English project, which I did twice already, the first time I lost it, and the second time, my mom wouldn't let me use it because a joke I made "makes me look metally unstable". As a picture of an ugly woman from a book, I photoshopped a possom on a bald guy's head as a bad looking wig. I hate all the shit I have to do. I even have to hide my mp3 collection deep in a series of folders because last time my mom saw it she deleted almost everything, including a bunch of songs that are rare unreleased things and old CD's I can't get anymore. Not even sure if what I'm typing makes sense because I'm just typing without really thinking.............
@Steve: Ouch. My mom is a drunkard, so I have to stand shit like that also. One night when I came home, she was completely fucking drunk and had thrown all my CDs all over the place and some of them were completely broken. Did some yelling, she didn't speak to me for a week and never apologized nor gave me money for broken CDs.
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I have to hide my CD's. My mom doesn't drink, but she is really annoying with everything. SHe has no respect for my political views, my taste in music, what I want to do, etc. I even have a hidden program (te pro) to erase the internet history so she won't ocmplain about me using message boards.

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@Steve: That´s quite shitty. I remember from the last year when my mum´s ex-workmate was visiting us..
She decided to look at my cd´s and what did she found, heap of metal cds..So she told my mum some facts about those who listen metal.
After the lesson my mother tought that I worship Devil.I don´t would it have been so afwul for her if my mom hadn´t been christian but because she is, she was quite shocked.

I think I should make a new thread.. "Who has afwul relatives"
I have bunch of them.

NP: Emperor - Towards The Pantheon
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