Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@D_J: Don't worry, there will be no assail. :p
I'm ok, nothing specific, just the general gloominess must have settled here for too long, and it takes an effort to get rid of it. ;)
But thanks, you're very kind. :)
i feel dried out.
i have been in bed for two days constantly now, to get rid of this goddamn flu :( at least the fever is gone now.
NF: hungover but just a bit, thanks to expensive whiskey and you guessed, puking :rolleyes:

@VC: get drunk, I had a cold yesterday but the massive amounts of alcohol seem to have killed many virii :D
NF: Absolutely pissed off and pathetic and stupid. I made my team lose out in Jeopardy! It's all my fault!! :hotjump:
confused and gloomy. As I've been feeling for a while. Even if some things are going great for me, others aren't. I feel neglected in ways as well.

I'll get throught it all somehow, as usual.
drunk on chablis. but it didn't make me happy enough. my current situation is: i have a boyfriend who's trying me on politics and he's always giving the wrong answer. i am realizing that i miss some features (and no, not these ones) of my ex. another guy sends me messages saying i'm sorely missed and i should go back to rome. tonight i asked the friend i was with if he could turn into a Dark Lord of any saga of his choice, have sex with me, and then kill me, cos I am hungover on absurdity and nothing seems to stop the uneasiness. He didn't manage so we ended up in a pub with three scientologists and Wolfy, discussing the physical weight of a person's mind without even laughing cos we wanted to keep them talking for serious amusement. i am taking a roadtrip with rahvin tomorrow. god bless.
Like shit I guess. My g/f told me something along the lines of "I dont feel as much romance as I used to," Which is a big shocker to me. Now she didnt say exactly that, but its the best way to describe it, and Im not sure how to take it. Is it just something that will go away or can be fixed, or is it something thats going to fuck up our relationship? I dont feel like Im doing anything differant, we just dont see each other as much as we used to :cry:.

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@nick: i'm very sorry man. :cry: i think i'll be blunt now, supportive later if the need arises:

if your girlfriend belongs to the vast majority of human beings, who just agree to use codified eufemisms instead of telling some sordid truth, what she said means she's thinking of breaking up, or at least she's very confused and unsatisfied. if this is the case, you're in for some suffering. in the end, though, you'll realize you deserve better than someone who feeds you cliched phrases when times are rough.
if your girlfriend is a smart, honest and upright individual - the minority - she's trying to tell you about a real doubt, probably stemming from you not seeing each other very much. she wants to know how you feel about it, and if you're ready to make an effort to spice your relationship up once more. in this case, i say everything will likely be fine if you show her the love you feel, the way you feel it.

@nick: sorry for this. rahvin more or less said it all..

NF: like shopping :p

edit: normally i hate shopping :bah:
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