Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin said:
no! stay here to play with us... ...forever! *scary laughter*

But..... but....... you people are scary!!

What do we play anyway? Monopoly? Chess?
I feel sorta happy, my Mom could transfer money to my finnish friend to buy me Tuska tickets and maybe...I said MAYBE I'll have a stage pass too...but these hungarian journalist are such dumbfaces :mad: I didnt ask for money just for a damn pass to take good photos and then they can have them. And now they are whining about how I flamed their magazine before (yeah sure, If they put fuckin' Linkin Park into a METAL magazine :rolleyes: )
ahh...ignorant ppl :D

NP: Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Bored and annoyed and lacking in tact.
Buncha girls I used to know from school who haven't been in contact for six months texted me the other day to ask if I wanted to go out to this club we knew, I was bored and figured what the hell. So, tonight bout two hours before I'm set to go, I get the text 'by the way, change of plans, going to zanzibar instead, you still coming?' Zanzibar is a shitty little townie nightclub knowin for fights and dance-trance music that wants to make me pull my fingernails out. Said people involved know how I feel about the place, specially as last time I went a bouncer accused me of theft and tried to kick me in.
My reply?
'Fuck that'.
Yep, tact is something I need to learn.
NF: ....
I lack words.
A return ticket from here to Stockholm costs approx 107 euro. Fine, that I can deal with. But then the lovely airline decides to take out a fee for the service (ca 31 euro) - which is what travel agencies do, but that is just ridiculous when you're buying the ticket straight from the company. You'd think that would be enough. But nooooo... In addition to that they charge me for printing the tickets, and obviously paper is very precious to them since it costs 14 euro.
I almost miss SAS... With all due respect, but fuck you, Skyways, this is the last time I'm flying anywhere, next time I go to Stockholm I'll take the bus or the train.
NL: Sorry to hear its not going well :Cry:
It's the way of big business though, the more desirable a product becomes, the more they increase the demand prices. Not only a service charge but an additional price for the tickets sounds excessive though...
DJ: Yeah it's typical... it's the only airline company up here as well, they can do as they please and charge how much they like, because it's weird: all the sane people want to get out of here, but at the same time they're insane enough to pay whatever price is offered just to get away... :D Oh, what desperation does to people...
Right now I'm just laughing at it... it's just so damn silly :D
Could move to somewhere with more than one airline company. And then kindly inform the people at Skyways that its all their fault that they're losing your custom. I'm sure they will be utterly crushed ;)
Rahvin! Stop pimping yourself out for Wacken, you're hurting my feelings. Feels like the only reason you wanted me to come is coz no-one else would :cry:

DJ, Lord Captain Commander of the Whitecloaks
@DJ: I'm sure of it, I'm the customer all airlines dream of... I don't get drunk and try to open the door while up in the air, if nothing else :p

@rahvin: Wacken? :p ah... once upon a time I thought of going, but decided in favour of Roskilde instead... :D since both options would leave me equally poor.
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