Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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wooo. now enjoying the multiple delights of united kingdom: tr00 beer, tr00 pubs, very fast computers, and HEY! SATURDAY I'M GETTING OOTP (for you too, rahvin. rejoice). also, after trying to meet someone at work for one week with more or less subtle innuendos to his friends about having lunch together and even more outre' words such as "uh, i've been told by someone i should really meet your friend", i realize that the world just does not work that way: he must have heard that and decided to have another friend of his email me proposing lunch together TODAY. no need to mention that TODAY i am in england and will be in england until the 29th. :rolleyes:
:wave: @hyena.
thank you for ootp, it'd be nice when i'll put my hands on the whole series. :) have fun with tr00 beer in tr00 pubs, as long as you can stay away from the long arm of punishment, courtesy of one infamous ambassador. ;)

you have me doubled over in laughter there, mate. actually i am listening to " a tribute to the real oi!" and the end of a song i'm now playing nicely sums it up: if i'm going down, i'm taking some of you fucks with me :lol:
I feel overjoyed!!! I graduated and finally finished high school!!!! :headbang: Now "only" three more entry exams and then fllllyyyyyyyyyyy all the waaaaaay to Finland on the 7th of July!!!! :D Weeeeeeeeeee :D
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Nogie said:
NF: Scared.... of posting here.... :erk:

other than that, I feel pretty good atm.. only thing thats bothering me is my history final on thursday... i must start studying, which I will do soon :p

btw -- *sympathizes with the italian members*
it's awfully hot here too... 31° :cry:
The jews are invading the DT forum <---- if this is you, post here :p
@ zsuzsa: That's great! :hotjump: Graduating highschool was one of the happier days of my life.

@ Kovenant84: I hope you're figuring things out. :erk: Those are good questions to be asking yourself though. It'll fall into place soon enough.
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*is here for explaination :eek:*

..Reroute to remain.. :p

Okay okay I am not leaving, just not posting
I'll be here, my spirit *wooohoo* *wooohooo* *other funny energetic ghostlike waving sounds*
The Grand Wazoo said:
*is here for explaination :eek:*

..Reroute to remain.. :p

Okay okay I am not leaving, just not posting
I'll be here, my spirit *wooohoo* *wooohooo* *other funny energetic ghostlike waving sounds*

just explain why, wazoo, don't wave ghosts in our direction as we are easily scared. :p

Well for the past few nights all the dreams I have been having have either been nightmares, or about women who I know in real life, and that I am attracted to. The dreams about the women piss me off more than the fucking nightmares. Its sort of like my brain is teasing me, and its starting to piss me off. This has been going on for about 3 weeks btw.

hij: drinking right before exams ensures they go well. so, since you were in a pub, i guess that everything will turn out jolly good.
@Siren, Ormir, rahvin, hyena: thank you a lot :Spin: i think it went quite good, though i had to write an essay and the titles they gave us were all stupid except for one that seemed interesting but too difficult, i didn't know enough to do that one.
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Hiljainen said:
@Siren, Ormir, rahvin, hyena: thank you a lot :Spin: i think it went quite good, though i had to write an essay and the titles they gave us were all stupid except for one that seemed interesting but too difficult, i didn't know enough to do that one.

and that one was...?
and the one you did was... ?
come on, young lady, don't leave us hanging on by a thread. :p

rahvin said:
and that one was...?
and the one you did was... ?
come on, young lady, don't leave us hanging on by a thread. :p


pffff i'm just not sure that this is something interesting :D
i did one about the function of the image/picture as way to communicate or something similar, the difficult one was the history one, about human rights and something else that i don't recall now (the title was really long) in history.
there was one about an italian writer and we had to analyze(??) a writing, but i didn't even knew the existance of it, and the other ones were too boring :p
@hilj: you've done well in avoiding the one about human rights, they usually want you to spout rethorical samples of political correctness in these kind of essays, so they can be sure you've been aptly educated to rant endlessly about any topic some lousy liberal finds ethically uplifting.

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