Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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oh yeah, Siren wins today! :erk:

NF: not only i have stupid right-neighbours (at the right of my house, the left ones are ok :p) that i want to kill someday, but some other stupid people more far on the left organized some sort of party, i can hear old italian songs about love and about how beautiful is to be 50/60 years old and act and dress like a 20 y-o. :yell: :puke:
Weeeeeeeeee what do i win? :Smokin:

NF: too much studying and i have to make myself some new coffee...
I just got done with the Father's Day BBQ. I made really good burgers, shrimp, and steak. I made a Cob salad, rice with butter and lemon sauce, and finally to top it all off Key Lime pie :).

Nick(the god of cooking and death)
It's going between 40 and 100 degrees fahrenheit here in the past few days...

I also have a history exam, but I'm not sure when it is... either wednesday or thursday... I have to get a lot of work done, and I don't even have time t og et it done, even If I stay up all night... tewo exams tomorrow at 7:30 and 9:30... ENglish and programming. I feel kind of weird from the caffiene of 6-8 cups / almost two liters of tea... need to stay awake and get work done... oh fuck... last time I had this much caffiene I had caffiene withdrawl 6-8 hours after it... tha will cut out of my hour or two of sleep...

NF: So empty inside... trying desperately to save this all... but what's too much, and what's too little?... am I just doing this because its my first real relationship?... would I be doing this if she were a different person?... too much shit to deal with... its all so damn confusing....
Isnt it though? Ive been in a pretty decent amount of them and they still confuse me :).

Happy b/c afew people from around my neighborhood that I really despise just got put in jail for attempted murder/aggravated battery. Hope they have fun getting raped in the ass in Cook County Jail :).

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