Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: happy :)
had a great time at a Sirenia Susperia and Trail of Tears concert, looking forward to another great concert in July... and in less than 6 hours I will have Harry Potter #5 in my hands, weeeee!
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NF: bored. days are too long and boring, yet i have no time enough to do what i have to do, i wonder if i'd better spend time again in front of the pc bored cause nothing is happening or go to do something useful but hateful :p
NF: anxious. Tomorrow is my last final exam and I'm officially finished for the year. I just don't feel like studying though!
i'm starting to feel really sick. apparently the heatwave in my area has no intention of going away anytime soon, and every day i have less energy and i feel more tired. in addition to that, i'm surrounded by people who have achieved grandmaster level in stating the obvious and keep on repeating over and over that it's darn hot.
of course i don't like it either, but the constant whining somehow makes it worse. at the top of this ladder of annoyance sit my parents, who are somehow convinced that complaining about every single thing in life would make it go away. then it comes to friends and coworkers and your average joe on the streets. all you hear is how hot it is today and yadda yadda. if you've got nothing to say then shut the fuck up: i don't want to add to the disadvantages of the season the constant bitching of first-prize winners at "masters of boredom" 2003.

Well my friend, you need to achieve grandmaster level on pretending to listen what people say while minding your own for the heatwave...I guess the only thing you can do about it is shower as often as you can, or make a quick trip to somewhere esle ;)

(no, people is never going to stop whining, and much less Thanatos)
@rahvin: what a cheerful way to start your day... chill out and turn /ignore on on them. ;)

NF: Just woke up in the tunes of Constant :cool:
geez...she's not young all right, but past her expiration date??? I usually go for women younger than me but I like her a lot, and don't you tell me you don't like older women :p

Seriously, what's wrong with her?

NF: insomniac...and I have an exam tomorrow :cry:
Thanatos said:
Seriously, what's wrong with her?

i don't know... maybe it's just me, i never happen to like models or actresses because i think they look fake and dumb and empty. it's not even as if i'm sure they are, but it's a conditioned reaction to stardom i guess.

Think I'm medically depressed. Not down, or a little moody, or teen angsty...clinically depressed :lol:
I've noticed my behaviour becoming more alarming over the past few weeks. I've gone the past two days barely talking to anyone unless asked a question, I took myself to bed at about 8:30pm last night, not because I was really tired, but because I couldn't see any reason to stay awake...and then I finally managed to convince myself to get out of bed at about 10am...and usually I only sleep for 6 hours. Top that up with only eating a bowl of sultanas yesterday, and I've decided I need to slap myself around a bit and pull myself out of this hole. Can anyone help with the slapping part? I'm sure my worries are pathetic compared to people in the big world of grown ups...I just need a bit of good luck...
*slaps dark_jester* ;)

come on man, do something. preferrably something you like. write a funny sonnet for a non-existent loved one. build a dam made of bamboo sticks and post pictures of it. buy a ticket to wacken. call a long-lost friend and tell him how bad he sucked. list all loose threads in any single wot book. learn to play the tuba and practice at nighttime. vote in the damn survivor polls above.

how am i for subliminal messages? :p

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