Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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about harry potter: please bear in mind it might be a mass hysteria in civilized countries where a book is an object worthy of praise, but there is no trace or specific mention of harry potter - except briefly in the news the day a new book comes out - here. therefore i have no conditioned feelings like "uh, oh, it's so mainstream and i'm so metal so i have to say it sucks".
secondly, you cannot judge it until you've read the books. i cannot judge it until i've read the books so i won't.
lastly, the movies were not a fine piece of art, but so what? i expect you all tolkien geeks would be very skeptical of someone belittling your beloved lotr because the dialogues in the movies were written by a four-year-old boy with dyslexia.

oh, so many posts to reply to :)
@violet baudelaire: i'm on page 722 of OOtP. which means everything has pretty much happened. if you want to discuss, i'm game, and really, go to and specifically the park forum - there is a subforum discussing OOtP and i can't bring myself to stay away from it for more than about 12 seconds.
@all those who discuss the hype etc: i thought the same before starting to read harry potter during my easter vacations (actually my mum's a fan and she gave it to me, i had nothing to do and ended up reading books 1/4 in about 10 days). but i think it's just a lousy thought - rahve is right, try it and see if you like it.
@mel: as for why do i like it so much, i think its strong point is mixing the traditional traits of fantasy and fable (magic, a world with its own language and habits, weird talking creatures etc) with a kind of psychological insight into the characters that normally doesn't enter the genre. actually, this shows especially from book 3 on, while the first two are more adventure-like. but the whole series is very together, characters evolve etc.
as for merchandise, i am dreaming of a football tshirt in green and silver with 'slytherin' on the front and some number on the back. but i have had no luck so far in finding it. i guess i'll try the warner bros store in london next weekend and hope there is something alike. hamley's only has kiddie merchandise, alas.
@violet: uh, i forgot to tell you. keep a special eye open for chapter 28, i was just SO HAPPY of reading that. SO HAPPY.
NF: Blech... not so fun... was kinda sick last night, and my gf and I had a lil argument this morning... although, she got sick too, so we're both just kinda crabby...

Why is it that women like to tell you not to do something, but then when you stop get really upset and yell at you for it? Then when you start again, they're upset because they think you're doing it just cause they said to? And I get accused of playing games sometimes....
Hehe... I know... I sorta am... I was just airing the subject to figure if I was the only guy faced with it... lol... although I've figured out that if I'm spontaneously nice in some other way soon after an 'argument' of such a kind, then most of the hurt is healed... I dunno... I've often been told that my only 'redeeming' quality is that I'm such a nice guy... lol... thats kinda why everything happened so badly last week... cause basically I ruined even that by disregarding her feelings in a way... anyway... ranting... should be working... later

~Nothing is trivial

Oh, clarification... I don't want what I said to reflect badly on her in any way... after all... if I wasn't so dumb sometimes, I wouldn't put myself in situations where these things would happen...

excellent plot, all very well planned out. as for the language, its easy to read. but that doesnt mean its bad, just give it a chance. as for merchandise, i bought everything i own 3 years ago, before the movies came out. and please dont judge the books on the movies, specially the first one...

the problem most people find with the books is that theyre just *too* popular and fashionable. but not just because something is popular it means its bad...

@ hyena

i already finished the book :erk:
hah, i liked chapter 28 but i think one of the best parts in the whole book was the end of chapter 37... err ok ok ill go to that forum now before i get started
@Hiljainen: Hope you'll be doing alright.

Perhaps I should read the HP books during the summer since I already have them anyway.
Is the audience paying attention, you don't wanna miss this.

*drops pants, bends over*
Can you see the bruises on both cheeks?
Can you see the size 52 boot prints on it?
I would sue the company for this, if it wasn't for the fact that those
prints and bruises are from the managerial staffs boots.

In other words, I was fired today, but hey, shit happens and I think
I am much happier without this job anyway.
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Many thanks to all of you who replied my Harry Potter questions :)

Rahvin & Violet Baudlaire,you're totally right about the movie thing :) You can't judge by the movie,it's not the same...definitely not...I've actually watched the second movie (on the cinema) and enjoyed it a lot.It wasn't the most amazing movie ever,but i had 2 1/2 very lovely hours....My mum who accompanied me,also liked it....
I aslo agree with rahvin saying that you can't judge until you read the book.Since tastes of people differ,it's better to read and judge yourself whether you like it or not,especially when it comes to books who receive both praising and flaming....

hyena & Violet Baudlaire,thanks for the comments on the plot and story :) The fact that the world of HP is a magic one,is something very attracted to me and actually one of the reasons,why i want to try it... Most probably i will like it..who knows...

hyena@ how many pages long is the new Harry Potter book??

Kovenant84 said:
Why is it that women like to tell you not to do something, but then when you stop get really upset and yell at you for it? Then when you start again, they're upset because they think you're doing it just cause they said to? And I get accused of playing games sometimes....
Because the key is to do what they want without you being asked for it and also doing it in the exact amount/way they want :loco:
No,i'm joking.......Seriously now,i don't really know,it doesn't happen to all women/men,but i suppose it is normal to happen when you feel you are with someone who is your special one and somehow inconsciously you expect him to act exactly the way you want (i won't comment if this is wrong or not). So,when your special one fails to do sth and then he/she starts doing it after you asked it,it is very easy to get worried that he does it not because he/she sees now why he/she should do it,but because you have told him/her to do so.But i guess this little (and sometimes annoying) worries passes in a while. At least this is my idea on why such trouble may come up.... Well,if it happens from time to time,it is normal,if it starts happening in an exaggerated way it becomes paranoid behaviour :p

okey,okey,enough with my rants..


EDIT>Salmie,i've just read your post...I'm sorry about it :(( but since you think you'd be better off without this job anyway,i hope you'll have a good start with sth new :)
@salmy: i'm sorry because of the "giving the boot" thing, regardless of the fact you're probably better off somewhere else. it must be unpleasant because they must feel like they've won. :bah: well, forget about the ungrateful bossy bastards and think about your new job. :)

@mel: you seem to be willing to share a lot about women with us belonging to the male persuasion. are you aware that this kind of collaboration will see you lined up against a wall if your allies find out about your jeopardy? :p

Dark_Jester said:
I'm planning on starting a thread for everyone who HASN'T succumbed to the hysteria. The bloody kid is everywhere...
No shit. I was out a couple of days ago and there were little HP clones running around in their capes, hats and yes, toy glasses! They clutching their precious new acquisition like their lives depended on it.

Oh, if anyone is interested, there's a live webcast with JK Rowling tomorrow on MSN :tickled:
@Salamurhaaja: You seem to be taking it quite well actually. Hope you'll find a better job.
rahvin said:
about harry potter: please bear in mind it might be a mass hysteria in civilized countries
i must be living in an uncivilized country then. ;)
as for judging it etc, i really have so many interesting stuff to read, that i'd pick them any day instead of HP. once i'm done with them, i'd really have no prob to read and judge it for myself. :)

@Salmy: best luck in finding a new job. :)

NF: uh... allright.
My problem with it mainly is that I HAVE read it, and I didn't really find it to be anything special. Maybe I'm jaded ;) But I still prefer Robert Jordan, David Eddings and Terry Brooks...all personal preference I guess...
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