Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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@dark_jester: i'm sure i'm always gonna prefer, say, robert jordan and terry pratchett. however, hp might be good. i'm about to finish book one and i must say it has its merits.

edit: @caelestia: wheel of time, wheel of time, more wheel of time.


Thank you and yes, I am taking this quite well, I
haven't had more than 4 weeks of vacation during the
last 2 years, so this could be a chance for that, even
tho I already have some job offers in the works.
NF:i went to see the results of the written exams and, apart from the fact that they don't let me see the result of every (3) single test but just the total, my result is not insufficient but it sucks. now i know that i'd better go to plough the fields instead than go to an university.
(edit: i don't know if there is an english particular way to say the previous phrase)
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@hilj: i've known people who sucked in high school but did allright at the uni. besides, i don't really see you in any agricultural job unless you start working out three years ago so that leaves you with but one choice.

@nick: ok, next! :p
seriously: who are they? long-time friends? is it a fleeting thing or something you've experienced over and over?

@hilj: rahvin said it all. results in high school don't mean anything really. leave this exam behind and look forward to university. :)
just look at me. i had mediocre results in high school and now i'm considered a worldwide genius. :D :p

Miolo, really? I'm afraid I'm the opposite...not bragging but I was a bit of a prodigy at high I'm struggling to get good grades...

@Hilj: Are they really that bad? If they're good enough to get into university, I say grab it with both hands, who knows, when you're doing the subject you enjoy and see as a future, your grades may shoot up :)
@hilj: what everyone said. you might want to go into a subject that gets your whole attention. i might want to say, though - and please do not take it as patronizing, i am just trying to give advice from my experience - that you might need to cut down on leisure activities such as this forum, shows etc - i did well at uni but rarely went out more than two nights per week etc at least until my fourth year (and i didnt use this forum, but then again, when i was in uni the internet almost didnt exist :p)
@nick: ok, if they don't even reply i'd say it must be their fault. unless you're asking something on the lines of "why do i live this life?", in which case they may think instead of just telling you whatever they better give the question some more consideration and thought.

@dark_jester: there's no minimum grades required to go anywhere, aside maybe from weird stuff like police academy or the air force/navy. she should just enroll and forget about the rest. besides, her high school isn't exactly the cradle of culture and a training ground for heroes: it doesn't surprise me that places like that would get students down based on funny criteria, as the normal ones are hardly appliable when they can't even teach you proper stuff like math, physics, or philosophy.

@rahvin, Miolo, hyena, D_J: :) thank you. i knew that the results weren't going to be great, bu at least i hoped something better.
considering my credit(??) points i have to get at least a 12 (a very very low grade) in the oral to pass, so i should manage to pass, hopefully with more than 12 in that exam ;)

(i'm boring, now i shut up)

edit: when i replied i didn't see all the previous replies

@hyena: well i have still a sort of 5th year of this school before university(or whatever i'll do), with computer at home ;)
@Rahvin: Ah, one of those. I'm glad I managed to get out of mine before taking my A-levels. Because here in England there IS a minimum grade requirement, and for law its pretty high. I was just lucky.

@Hilj: Even better, go go go :D
hyena said:
i might want to say, though - and please do not take it as patronizing, i am just trying to give advice from my experience - that you might need to cut down on leisure activities such as this forum, shows etc

yeah definitely. mind you, she went to an art school disguised as a high school disguised as an art school, so i gather so far her staying home studying (what?) or going out would have had no effect whatsoever on her grades, that sounded more or less randomly derived from the quantity of sedatives her teachers had gulped down in the previous 24 hours.

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