Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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rahvin said:
i don't know... maybe it's just me, i never happen to like models or actresses because i think they look fake and dumb and empty. it's not even as if i'm sure they are, but it's a conditioned reaction to stardom i guess.

Hmmm, yeah I've seen it, and it's more or less the same as the people who only like model type bimbos...but to each his own :)

@D_J: I'd be happy to slap you as much as you need it, I'll even throw some mockery and belittling for free :D (have you tried working out or forcing yourself to go out and meet friends?)
Rahvin: :lol: I'll give em all a shot, especially the tuba one. But loose threads in the Wheel of Time? It'd be longer than the series ;)

Thanatos: Slimey says hi ;) Seriously, working out has become an obsession, I think I'm living off the endorphins. And as for my friends, thats one of the problems, most of them aren't back from university yet, and the ones who are...well, a good friend of mine has been back for three weeks without telling me he was back. I found out from someone else I knew who went for a few drinks with him the other night. I tried to call, but he's not answering my calls or the messages I leave for him with his brother. I went round to his house and he had an excuse why he was too busy to do anything.

I'll get over my problems :lol: Seriously, just need to rant on here, because in real life I can't, the words just don't come out.
@ben: i am sorry that you are feeling so depressed. of course my only good advice is get harry potter! now! but i don't know if it's good for you. sure it was for me - i am around page 490 *grumbles at lack of time* and the occlumency part really really did a nice trick for me. i would never dare to slap you, of course, and i think i've surreptitiously given the rest of good advice i thought i had in private conversations... but i have the impression we didn't agree. so sorry i am not of much help. now get harry potter. :)
@Nick - Don't stress too much over it... try and flow with whats happening and work at it simultaneously... I thank you for your advice when I was having trouble as well...

On that topic, things have returned to some pseudo-normalcy between me and my gf (no longer ex-), although some damage has been done... I hope time shall heal the hurts, but then, only time will tell... Thanks to all who helped me with this... rep shall definitely be spread with muchness :)

~Kovenant (Just saw The Crow for the first time this weekend.)

~Nothing is trivial
Dark_Jester said:
I've gone the past two days barely talking to anyone unless asked a question,

This happens to me quite often. Sometimes I can't even get myself to post on the forum. :erk: I'm way too self-conscious. Anyway, I hope you get out of your funk soon though. It looks like you're doing ok by your last couple posts though, so that's good. :)

NF: Determined to get all of this packing done for my big move tomorrow.
Nogie said:
cool! i hope i'll finish it tonight/tomorrow before i'll have to start studying. heh

*keeps reading*

we should really have a thread about this, but when i started one it sunk. please someone else do, since my threads are real unlucky. OR COME TO FICTIONALLEY.ORG! i am so obsessive, i get a "server too busy" message on there and want to kill myself. plus, i'm trying to decide if i really really want to go out drinking or if i want to go home and read. awww.
im in chapter 22 of the 5th book
please someone read the book soon, i need to discuss it with someone other than my 10 yr old brother and 7yr old sister
@violet: hyena's way ahead of us all i guess. you can also start a thread and make her happy or something. i'm at page 60 on the first book, go figure. ;)
oh, but i forgot i spend all my time here and i don't have a life. :p

wooooow,too much Harry Potter reading around o_O Is it really so brilliant??
I myself,haven't succumbed to the hysteria (D_J:make the goddamned thread :p ) yet,but i plan to get and read at least one harry potta book this summer.I've seen a yummy hardback german edition i'd love to get my dirty fingers on... I'd like to see what is so special about the books.....
So,I prompt all the harry potta maniacs to repky to the following questions:
*What is so special about the bookies? The plot??? is it gripping or what?
*how is the writing of this woman?? good? average? nicely styled language etc??
*Does any of you possess HP merchandise? :err:

Does any of the Swedes (or even Norwegians-even though i've seen none) that surf the board like Karin Fossum??

I'm curently reading terry prachett's Mort....started yesterday and despite my lack of time I'm already on page 67 (and plan to reach 90 if i don't fall asleep with the book in my hands tonight)...It's amazing,I love the atmosphere of "magic" that manyof TP's book contain....and btw,Death is one of Pratchett's coolest characters....

I own a few HP books but haven't read them. There's just so much hype. It's sick...SICK.

I'm happy for once. I finished writing my last final exam for the year, so now it's summer holidays. Two months of sitting around playing guitar and posting here. Ah, the life...
Dark_Jester said:
I'm planning on starting a thread for everyone who HASN'T succumbed to the hysteria.
*raises hand* I haven't! :D

NF: :D but stressed because of packing... tomorrow at this time I will be in Stockholm, and from there I will continue to the Roskilde festival. Yay! :) Metallica, Iron Maiden, Queens of the Stone Age, Immortal, Turbonegro, Björk and lots more... to mention only the bands :p I'll be back on monday again...
My friend made me to go see the movie, I almost fell asleep. Maybe I was dissapointed that noone of those annoying little bastards got killed or then I am just too good with the sleeping thing.

NP:Darkthrone - En Vind Av Sorg
Incendiare@ lucky you!! enjoy your holidays :))

NL@ ha det så bra :))

RH@which moive?? the first or the second?? i+ve heard other people saying that they nearly fell that+s suspsicious :p
Dark_Jester said:
I've gone the past two days barely talking to anyone unless asked a question
This is how i feel right now, only i tend to bark at whoever tries to come close, it takes a lot of effort to actually not..

@husby: good luck with your exam *besito* *casts good luck on husby*

@Tebus: move?

@D_J: I HATE Harry Potter, it's such a fashion... i'm sure not going anywhere near those books.
Ben, Im very sorry man. I am going through more or less the exact same thing you are, so if you need to talk Im always here.

Thank you Kovenant, I appreciate it.

I feel like crap. I will no longer be talking to my ex until she grows up and sorts her shit out. The thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that I tried so hard with her, and I actually loved her. I think thats why its so hard, it would be much differant I didnt give a shit about her, but I do. Well its about time to not eat again, and to keep feeling like shit until I get the motivation to pick myself up again.

Oh and another thing. I actually think this has made me a much more bitter person.

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