Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Dark_Jester said:
What kinda abuse? That's an odd turn of phrase when dealing with public services...

let's say most people here don't care about basic rules for managing the use of energy throughout the day: they live with their tv and stereo always on, they constantly get boilers to warm water even if they don't need it, they keep a/c at maximum when they're not home and so on.
i'm not saying the guys in electric companies are right in cutting it randomly, but they're trying to net out more money from an irresponsible behaviour, and from what i see around me of the crime, we really deserve the punishment.

Aaaaah, I see. That makes sense when I think about it. I was about to comment that if they tried that here in England, there would be complete and utter chaos with people changing distributors. Then again, I guess thats one of the joys of the system of privatisation of services here. As we have to pay for every bit of electricity used, people tend to be much more careful...
Dark_Jester said:
Aaaaah, I see. That makes sense when I think about it. I was about to comment that if they tried that here in England, there would be complete and utter chaos with people changing distributors. Then again, I guess thats one of the joys of the system of privatisation of services here. As we have to pay for every bit of electricity used, people tend to be much more careful...

privatisation took place here too, but there is technically a situation of monopoly over some services: while formally the companies are not managed by the state anymore, you cannot change your distributor as no rival company established itself as of yet. it's a bit different with phone companies, but not much, and... well, i think hyena can explain it better from this point on. ;)

NF: VERY frustrated. That lovely black dress I wanted... is gone :cry: The stupid thing is I've been here for a couple of hours, reading random things while waiting. The next thing I know, I've missed it by 3 minutes. That'll teach me to bid at the last minute :p
@Caelestia: Aww, hopefully you can find another one. :)

NF: Just drank a can of Pepsi and listening to In Flames, so I'm sorta hyperactive. :D
@the budding economists: i don't want to write some overlong explanation here, if someone is interested in the whole monopoly thing please pm me.
NF: a bit disappointed, i just came home, this evening me and my friend went to a pub with some other friends and we met a guy that we knew a lot of time ago, he has tits now o_O nothing against this, but i didn't expect it at all.
Nogie said:
a few months ago me and a friend of mine went to see some gigs and when we got into the club this huge ass dude was coming out and he had bigger tits than mine.. it was hilarious... my friend couldnt stop laughing. :lol:

well, this one used to dress and act in a female way also before, but i didn't know he was thinking to "change".
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