Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Special because I installed Photoshop and pretty much figured everything out. Yeah I know, simple things for simple minds.
I just got a letter from school telling me I have tpo retake a class next year. It's extrememly boring and I wasted an hour each day for almost 200 days in hte class and hundreds of hours outside of school doing work for it. I know more thaqn most people in the class do about the subject (Biology), and I missed homework and several lab reports. I did extremely well on all of my tests, I just didn't do enough of the homework since I had to spend several hours every day doing english work to prevent my teacher from failing me and making me go through another year of school. now I have to waste more time retaking a class I hate when I should be in a chemistry class that I find interesting. I really don't have any intentions of repeating the class. On the first day of classes, I'm going to the office and telling them that I'm not taking the course, and If they try to force me to, I'll tell them I'm dropping it. I'll try to get permission to get into the class I should be in, but I probably won't. I hate the idiots that run this town, and they make require 2 science classes. I skipped Earth science luckily, but I have to take bio to get into a chem class even though the rest of the state has chem and physics before biology. I don't know how I can graduate without htis, but since there aren't strictly required science classes, I might be able to spend hours on independent studies to get the credits I need for this... fuck the system

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@steve420: my mother's in earth sciences at the uni, maybe i could get her to write something that states you've mastered the discipline. ;)
no, really: it sucks. what if they want to force you to take it again? what can they do to you if you refuse?

hiljainen: why don't you change the text over your avatar to 'hilj b goode' now? :)
Man... sorry to hear that steve... I kinda know the pain... my school is making me retake my second calc course right now... essentially, if I didn't do it, I'd lose my ability to stay an Electrical Engineering major, as the course is a prerequisite for a large number of required courses for the major, and after next semester, they won't be offering those required courses anymore...

At least you have a chance to resist... good luck with it...

~Nothing is trivial
In my town they're a lot more stupid than how i could ever think: this afternoon they decided to shut(??) electricity for a couple of hours without a clear reason. i imagine how people that was working and needed electricity and haven't had the possibility to watch the news on tv could have taken it. :Smug: *head falls on the floor*
Hiljainen said:
In my town they're a lot more stupid than how i could ever think: this afternoon they decided to shut(??) electricity for a couple of hours without a clear reason. i imagine how people that was working and needed electricity and haven't had the possibility to watch the news on tv could have taken it. :Smug: *head falls on the floor*

err... it's not "your town", dear: it's in the news and it's made the headlines on newspapers: electricity supplies are scarce due to abuse, therefore they're cut for an hour or so here and there until the situation is back to normal. this happens in the whole nation, not specifically in your town.

rahvin said:
err... it's not "your town", dear: it's in the news and it's made the headlines on newspapers: electricity supplies are scarce due to abuse, therefore they're cut for an hour or so here and there until the situation is back to normal. this happens in the whole nation, not specifically in your town.


yeah, i heard it right now from my father. i'm still :Smug: anyway.
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