Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Dazed. I just watched a documentary on 9-11 on taped from HBO for my criminology class. All the recorded stuff, photographs, interviews and production was made within 2 months of the event... so it was pretty raw stuff.
I'm pissed off because I was goofing off with one of my friends, I ran into him and he fell over, and a teacher sent me ot my dean at school, and he's a fuckign asshole, so my friends goes to the school nurse (being forced) and has a quarter inch scratch on his arm, so the nurse puts a #"by 4" bandage on him arm, and the jackass dean says it's going on my record, then my friend pretty much tells him he's a fucking idiot, but he doesn't care :(
So it looks bad on a college application along with all the other shit I get :(
and I wasted another class period minus five minutes because I'm repeating a class and know everything...
I also planned out an extremely evil prank on the school, but I won't mention it here, all I can say is it interrupts exams with all hte lights in the school blowing out and Nightfall blastiong over the intercom :)
it'll take a loooong time to get ready (current date: June 2006)
I feel strange and my head feels weird having just written this:

Here' s my philosophy:

"God" exists.
Satori is strongly opposed to the concept of "God".
The strong connection of the hate between each other brings them together.
The two become close to one another in existance.
"God" has a large following, causing him to overshadow Satori.
With the two so close, Satori is only seen by those who want to hear him and those forced.
Those who strongly believe in "God" overlook Satori.
They do not see him.
If you do not see Satori in any way, or sense him in any other way.
Satori does not exist unless you want him to.
If you do not want Satori to exist, he will not.
If you want Satori to exist, he will exist.
Therefore, Satori is an unknown being, meaning to humans, he does not physically exist, but can in your mind.

But if you do not believe in "God", then it is a different thought process.

"God" does not exist.
Satori constantly believes that "God" does not exist.
The lack of existance of "God" is a factor in Satori's mind, but the fact that "God" is something, be it just a belief, is a part of Satori.
Satori actively believes that a part of his mind does not exist.
Part of Satori's mind will fade from existance.
The rest of Satori's mind will move to fill the void.
Satori's mind will collapse while attempting to fill a void and moving into nonexistance.
Without a mind, Satori can not physically exist to be a medium for the lack of existance of god to be brought into existance.
Satori does not exist.
Any thoughts of who "Satori" could be can only be imperfections in your mind.
If part of your mind does not exist, your mind will swallow itself into non-existance in the same manner that Satori's mind did.
You will physically cease to exist.
Everything you thought physically existed will cease to exdist in the collapse into the void of nonexistanc that began.
The world does not exist.

So of "God" does not exist, then the world does not exist.

I feel OK, but I haven't been able to take a shower since Saturday because my shower is clogged in the drain... so tonight I'll probably go to my grandmother's house half an hour away to visit her and also take a shower...
and I have to do homework.. which I didn't write down for one class :(

Oh well, at least VC posted here since I was getting bored here...
I ate a good meal, and now I have some juice, and I'm not in my usual schoolweek shitty mood...
just OK...
I want to go to bed now, but I have too muhc fuckig homework...
need to read another 12 chapters of a book (one night's work, not procrastinating at all)
write another page for that class
At least I got my two lab reports done... in under ten minutes for both :)
but I still have to ge tup at 6 tomorrow...
IS IT FRIDAY YET!!!!?!?!??!?!?
NF: ...odd, it's not every day your country's foreign minister gets murdered :erk: She was one of very few good politicians...
and I damn MSN all the way to hell for being so fiercely hostile against me. if anyone I have on my msn list would like to talk to me in the near future (god knows why :p) I'll be either on icq (139662157) or yahoo (social_repellant)
odd day, this.
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