Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Ok, I am pissed off again, I thought the earlier roomie was annoying, at least he didn't play un-metal with a fucking huge stereo set :mad: :mad: :mad:
I could see myself killing someone if I didn't know I am leaving in a week.
To solve the roommate problem, turn your music up louder than his.

Heh, it would be funny if your other roommate got his girlfriend pregnant... but it would be bad. The poor child. :( Also, it would give immigrants a bad reputation(namingly me also, if I move to Sweden).
Isn't half the fun of being an immigrant having a bad reputation to start with? Being an Australian who lived in Hong Kong and now lives in England, I've found no matter how upright you are, your reputation is always bad ;)
Wow, I didn't know you lived in Hong Kong before or that you were Austrailian. How long did you live in Hong Kong and Austrailia for, and did you like it in those countries?

I'm curious as my family is from Hong Kong area, and I've visited there several times. Wouldn't want to live there though.

The bad reputation is sometimes a good thing as people tend not to mess with you... but also bad. The nasty looks and people occassionally telling you to get out of "their" country is what gets me annoyed. :/
why is everybody puking??? :p

damn,this house is so fucking cold,my fingers are frozen...
bubu,i'm tired.......

~m~ (xeraste einai metadotiko )
Sigh, got a seminar on public law within the European Union in about 4 hours time...where is sanity when you need it?
Oh, and I'm feeling tired, hungry and lonely :D Just another day in my life, think I'll get around to writing 'Polish his Weapon' (my power metal remake of PMH :D)
Originally posted by mousewings
To solve the roommate problem, turn your music up louder than his.

Well, I said he has a HUGE stereo set, I only have my computer speakers, which even tho impressive, are nothing compared to stereos. Not to mention I was trying to watch a movie and then get some sleep after that, it was about 22.

Heh, it would be funny if your other roommate got his girlfriend pregnant... but it would be bad. The poor child. :(

True, that would suck for the kid. But before that I would have fun laughing at my roomies agony, especially since he just yesterday said that he had seen her and she looked a lot better when he was drunk hahahah

Also, it would give immigrants a bad reputation(namingly me also, if I move to Sweden).

Actually, it wouldn't affect immigrants at all, since we are in EU we don't actually have to immigrate here if we don't want to. I am a citizen of Finland and plan on staying that way til I die, well, unless I have to move out of EU... ;)
We love to swim in our :puke: .....ehm maybe not much!

Oh well, maybe no school tomorrow afternoon too, cause they want to close the bridges due to the high river level, and since we're 9 in my section and only 2 of us live in this town....
@Salmy: Just scream and yell above the music... Hmm... maybe that will won't work either.

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
especially since he just yesterday said that he had seen her and she looked a lot better when he was drunk hahahah
Ouch, :burn I guess she may have made the wrong decision with having feelings for him. :burn
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Actually, it wouldn't affect immigrants at all, since we are in EU we don't actually have to immigrate here if we don't want to. I am a citizen of Finland and plan on staying that way til I die, well, unless I have to move out of EU... ;)
Yes, but you are still a person from another country living there. As for citizenship, in some countries, you can keep your citizenship and become a permenant resident. The citizens here anyways, do not hold grudges against people who do that unlike in other countries. The only thing is now they are issuing ID cards to all the permenant residents; even those who have been in the country for over 10 years. :/
Originally posted by mousewings
@Salmy: Just scream and yell above the music... Hmm... maybe that will won't work either.

Nope, but thats ok, my other roomie had a little talk with him, as he is annoyed by it too. It wouldn't bother me otherwise, but have you noticed how boring and repeative the bass/drum lines are in un-metal songs?
Holy fuck, it's almost worse than techno, boom boom fucking boom :mad:

Ouch, :burn I guess she may have made the wrong decision with having feelings for him. :burn

I could've told her that, of course she wouldn't have believed me, since I would most likely have seemed 'jealous' to her :lol:

It's so funny when I see this shit happening here (my roomie is not the only guilty one). Human kind at it's best, for fucks sake :(

Yes, but you are still a person from another country living there.

The only way they would know that is if I spoke to them and as I refrain from speaking to people I don't know anyway, it would be hard to figure I wasn't a swede and since I am "white" most people wouldn't care anyway, they would figure (right) that I was here working on something that requires something swedes don't have (finnish) and not trying to steal their social benefits or whatever.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I could've told her that, of course she wouldn't have believed me, since I would most likely have seemed 'jealous' to her :lol:

It's so funny when I see this shit happening here (my roomie is not the only guilty one). Human kind at it's best, for fucks sake :(
Rap-metal is repetitive. Everytime I hear it I feel like killing someone. Heh, yes... you may have seemed a bit jealous if you told her that even if you're not. ;) It all is kind of amusing in a sick way.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
The only way they would know that is if I spoke to them and as I refrain from speaking to people I don't know anyway, it would be hard to figure I wasn't a swede and since I am "white" most people wouldn't care anyway, they would figure (right) that I was here working on something that requires something swedes don't have (finnish) and not trying to steal their social benefits or whatever.
The people in Sweden would obviously see I was a foreigner since I'm not white. They may also think I was a refugee and/or on welfare perhaps since it's a common misconception here and elsewhere that immigrants are... Anyways, I'm sure they would stare... The funniest thing I could think of to do there would be to pretend I didn't understand English. I'd listen into conversations, and if people talked badly about me, I'd snarl at them and put them in their place. :p :lol:

Sorry, I've been reading the Boondocks a bit too often.
In the twilight hours of boredom, I took it upon myself to record some pointless forum stats.

Most threads:

#1 Ormir: 40 threads
#2 JesterOfDeath: 31 threads
#3 Hedon: 28 threads

Honourable mention: VultureCulture with 26 threads, without any remotely connected to DT :p

Most posts:

#1 rahvin: 3510 posts of insisive analysis, philosophy and canned meat.
#2 Siren: 2320 posts of sexual harrasment (also charged with innapropriate conduct towards minors).
#3 Fathervic: 1930 posts of deep melon poetry.

Honourable mention: Thanatos with 1420 posts of utter nonsense.

First members to post:

#1 Hedon: October 10th, 2001 02:48 PM
#2 At The Gates: October 10th, 2001 03:45 PM
#3 Jo: October 10th, 2001 04:17 PM

Longest time as active member of DT forums:

#1 Hedon
#2 Villain
#3 ???

Honourable mentions: rahvin (despite making the deadly mistake of capitals and being Rahvin), Somber Soul, wildfyr, Arch.
Wow... My head hurts from ripping half my cds at my computer desk so I can clear some of the clutter.... I'm hungry (a sign my diet is working :p), I'm stressed from trying to quit smoking...

And a bunch of other silly things that bring me emotional happiness and confusion are in my thoughts.

What a interesting thing this is called life.
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