Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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The last Atlantis' post is touching, even moving. Poetic and sincere at the time, utterly unexpected coming from our old and beloved roman fellow. And I'm glad of seeing this kind of change (you know it). Welcome back, Val. ;)

I specially like the metaphor of the silhouettes, a part of a life vaguely defined, like something not real at all... It's an interesting point of view, and (imho) quite terrible of imagine.

|ng (Vaguely defined robot)
atlantis@ :wave: it's nice you are feeling fine...
i liked your post a lot....hmmmm maybe "liked" is not the correct word,since as the robot mentioned the metaphor about the sihlouettes is terrible,scary. Let's say i found it very interesting....
probably because it reminded me of some things.....

some days i feel so good,some days i feel so sad & exhausted....
i'm struggling to preserve the positive feeling when it comes......

you should have never left :)

fathervic (who also wants to see rahvin to see which marvellous treatment offers to him ;) )
Well, once again morning lectures are cancelled...I'd link to think that would make me happy, but instead I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by it all...temptation to drop out and join the band that wants me is very very strong at the moment ;)
Apart from that, same old...
NP: Enslavement of Beauty - Malignant Midwinter Murders...
Well, thank you |ngenius, Mel & FatVic for the warm welcome.
I feel now I have to face the time gone and finally give a try to understand deeply what happend and what I've become.
I finally feel it's time for merging with the world around again, looking after my friends and ppl (generally speaking).
Let's see what's coming out. I'm still on the way for a final recovery- this hangover won't last any longer.

Lotsa hugs, sincerly.


ps. @hyena: Yes! Rahve enlightened me. Let's Glorify His Holy Name!:Smug:
i'm tired, my eyes hurt a lot but i'm much more relaxed, relieved and glad to be alive than i've ever been before. thanks, hon :)

/maow :p
*moved by rei's happiness* (honest, i'm not mocking you!)

good job, dwf :D

Frustration tinged with rage...anyone ever have that feeling where they've gotta keep smiling, no matter how brittle the smile is, because they know the second they stop, they're not going to be able to remember how to smile again?
And the funny thing isn't that it is one or two big things, but it's all the little things that build up and build up, and you don't notice until suddenly you can't take the strain of the weight on your back. But as ever, you've gotta keep going...people depend on you to stay strong, and you have have people that rely upon you, and so you CAN'T collapse even if you want to...
So, as ever, I'll keep on going :D...sorry, just needed to rant somewhere where I wouldn't be locked up afterwards ;)

Craving hands carved in my back
If love was present I'd make it crack
Cynical tripping from here to there
It'll turn out less painful if I don't care
atlantis@ ..... i liked you post a lot :) being in a strange of stress which sometimes troubles me, reading such posts makes me feel i'm not alone and also comforts me somehow and gives me strength ("other people are struggling,i should try to be strong as well" :) ).In some way i admire you for your strength.I had no clue you weren't doing so fine,i don't even know why,but i want to wish you good luck :)

Rei@ :cry: that post was soo touching....

dark_jester@I like your ranting
what is it that burdens you dear fellow poster?
Reading you post and especially this phrase "you've gotta keep going...people depend on you to stay strong, and you have have people that rely upon you, and so you CAN'T collapse even if you want to... " i started thinking that sometimes, even though it seems unbearable, maybe the fact that u can;t collapse can work "therapeutically" as well....within a certain context of course,cause i think it's also positive to burst when we feel we can't do other way...
uff,the usual strange b***shit i'm thinking :D

as for how i feel...hmmm right now very very nice :)
I've got my mint,my Unicornl,my evil dog close to me and chupi company :)

~mel~ (olo vlakies leo)
sorry to burst in like a drunk retard (which i am right now), but i didn't tell of my latest archievement to obtain a nice woman :) well, things are up since a week, and everything goes well so far... she's like three years older than me and probably will move back to the US of A next year (summer), so this probably won't be for eternity, but i did not expect that either and just now it feels quite "yummy" :D:D:D
:) thanks :)
funny how easy some things become if you just let go some other things standing in your way...
it happens the same to me in the subway...everytime I let the metro in my way go, some minutes later there comes another one...hehehe they never let me down :loco:

fathervic (mmmmm)
yeah, kind of... when you first had the urge to catch every sub you scheduled, now you see there's always a nice sub five minutes later :D

vc (subway trains = women)
Hmmm, let see, I am drunk and listening to Satyricon, can't be too bad ;)
Been out with the former team members, talked with a supervisor of another team, what she will do if the team will change from this company to another, that was quite enlightning.
Found out I have a few interesting people to talk to, even after I leave this cursed village.
This is good, makes me feel quite nice, that some of these people might actually care, then again, I am drunk...

ooh, got my The Black League vinyls (of all 3 albums they made) and my 2 new Satyricon CDs today, haven't picked 'em up yet, but will do tomorrow morning :)
i feel bad. yesterday morning i had a car accident (well, not properly) and i hurt my right knee and my... (@the italians: what's "caviglie" in english? :confused: ) i think nothing's broken but the knee still hurts a bit when i move.
anyway, i spent the whole yesterday on bed sleeping and thinking, but i feel still tired and sad. :(

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