Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I feel sickned and ready to kill someone, if you wanna know why, check The Crown forum and to think I wanted to see if there was people similar to me there, there is only a few smart people there and I think most of them are just visiting.
Sad to say most of the dumbest seemed to be swedish and finnish, mostly swedish tho.
I'm quite okay at the moment. Believe it or not. Quite at peace with the world and no, I haven't been drinking or using illegal substances.

NP: Nightwish - Two For Tragedy
Miolo@ sad news.....hope you'll get well soon...

Thanatos@ sad as well....what has happened? i hope you are already feeling better....

Sunjammer@ superchupi :)

as for me,i am a bit tired,some parts of my body aches,but generally i'm okay..... I NEED HOLIDAYS!!!!!!
Miolo@ sad news.....hope you'll get well soon...

Thanatos@ sad as well....what has happened? i hope you are already feeling better....

Sunjammer@ superchupi

ehem ehem :rolleyes:

@Salamareousodfiuwhe: what happened man??? nothing on a forum should get you so down....(and well you know, I'd prefer not having to go and check among the threads of another forum)

I'm starting the last row of practices in my uni, finishing one project at work and feeling I still can ask for a bit more :rolleyes:

fathervic (who wants more and more)
Terrorgod Its not stupid to kill someone that deserve it but it is stupid to be put in jail for it.

ugh!!! now I understand you....well actually I think a) they're joking (as when I said on IRC that Blind Guardian had dropped Hansi and now a female singer sang in Finnish) or b) they're completely retarded and the world is worst than I had ever expected....And probably the worst is that At the Gates is 100% right in that thread :p

So Salm...I'm glad, I thought you were also the average stupid and arrogant blackmetaler, now I just know you are a blackmetaler which is also bad :p bet less bad :loco: hehehehehe
so cheer up man, those dudes are stupid people!!!!! you are NOT!

fathervic ( as evil as bamby)
FV@ :lol: :devil: tsts kako paidi
brrrrrrrrrrrr for the first and last time in my life i feel like quoting ATG's reply to Terrorgod.....

Originally posted by At The Gates
Du är sjuk i huvet. Sök hjälp.
Det har du rätt i,käre ATG...oh,förresten,var är du?? Du har inte varit här på länge....Grattis på födelsedagen!

~mel~ (finns det någon som behöver en svensktalande psykolog???Kontakta mig gärna :p)
Originally posted by Melancholia
FV@ :lol: :devil: tsts kako paidi
brrrrrrrrrrrr for the first and last time in my life i feel like quoting ATG's reply to Terrorgod.....

I know, ATG is totally right with that one and that guy (Terrorwhimp) is 17, kinda scary in it's self, I don't think any amount of work will help him, he's going to jail for sure, just hope he won't be able to kill anyone.

um, thanks I guess, I may seem totally irrational at times (I think it's mostly my twisted sense of humor) but those people are so far beyond help...
And unfortunately I don't think they are joking and if they are, I think they should make it clear and in a bit better taste.
Originally posted by FatherVic

So Salm...I'm glad, I thought you were also the average stupid and arrogant blackmetaler, now I just know you are a blackmetaler which is also bad :p bet less bad :loco: hehehehehe

And just to clear this up, I am not a blackmetaller, like someone said somewhere, I listen to music, not genres, I hate genres anyway.

How many "blackmetallers" have you seen admit they listen to something like this

I've seen that thread, and it is depressing. It's quite sad the people who supported the killing wished homosexuals dead for something they have no control over...

I also got the impression the homphobes thought killing someone you didn't like or who "bothers" you is justifiable "if you don't get caught".
Hmm... perhaps someone may kill one of them or a family member of theirs for "bothering" them by being of a certain religion, from a certain country, or even liking a type of music or being in a scene the killer hates. :burn
Originally posted by Melancholia
finns det någon som behöver en svensktalande psykolog???Kontakta mig gärna :p

Jag. Efter att ha läst posten på the crown forumet....:) Men antagligen annars också...:cry:

Lame thread. Sorry I wasted my time reading it.

Well, I've got a fever of 101, and I almost puked. Don't feel good... Guess that's fitting.

wow, homophobia and "it's-my-right-to-do-it-because-i-can" theories all nicely packed in one banana-flavoured thread. :rolleyes:
the most disturbing thing to me is not the cliche-ish approval of pointless violence, but the tones of dread surrounding the "when a guy tries to hit on you :eek:"
i don't know about you, but unless i'm in jail and about to be raped by a gang of thugs, i'd hardly see someone of either sex trying to hit on me as a horrible menace. if i'm not interested/have different sexual tastes/cannot help them under this respect i merely have to say "no, thank you". it might be harder for a girl when a guy gets too physical, but has it ever happened to any of you to be hit on by a guy that didn't accept a polite refusal? maybe it's me living in blissful heaven, but a kick in the groin never proved necessary. perhaps i'm just not interesting enough...

as a side note, i'm coming down with the flu, so expect the worst these next few days. :ill:

Bah, at the heavy metal and goth clubs I go to, I get hit on now and again, first time made me uncomfortable but that was it...its easier to just smile and say you're not interested, buy em a drink and start a conversation instead. I think that doing anything else is the symbol of almighty retard-dom.
It makes you wonder if those guys are desperate to revive a very bleak part of black metal's history that really should be buried.
Fanboys :rolleyes:
well I felt bad because I was a stupid ass and hurt someone that is very special to me, and now add to that a budding cold and some fever and you have a not-feeling-very-good combo...and to think I'll have to stay all Sunday in bed, and then attend school even if I'm dying, because I have exams, makes me feel even better :mad:

@homo, I mean xenophobe and rahvin: I feel your pain :ill:

@Salamy: flame them

@Mel: hold on, the holidays are coming :)

@Venancio: felicidades Rulo :lol: :p

@D_J: :rolleyes:
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