NF: Tired too, same as Sunjammer, but then it could be worse. Also I've realised again that I really need a hobby; I spend far too much time sat in my room either posting on UM/chatting on MSN, playing computer games, or reading. Of course any hobby I'm likely to take up would take place in my room as well, but at least it would (could??) bring a little variation to my life. And when it turns sunny again I can at least read outside instead of in my room.
I'm also going out tonight to a nearby pub with my parents and brother, some friends of my parents, and one of their (the friends') sons, who I happen to be vague friends with as well (he's a good bloke but we never kept in touch all that much after school). The point of the outing is to see an apparently talented guitarist play there - should be interesting.