Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Hungover a little. Went to see a guitarist last night at a pub, and drank a fair bit (at my parents' expense though). I wouldn't have bothered drinking as much as I did, but the guitarist forced me to. He played lots of classic rock songs - Queen, Deep Purple, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, yadda yadda yadda. After the first song I wasn't too impressed, I remember thinking "well I could do this". Then he started playing properly, and it was both incredibly fun and quite depressing to watch him pulling off various solos without even trying. He was a great performer too; I got the feeling that if everyone in the pub had've walked out, he wouldn't have noticed in the slightest. I kept thinking of Rahvin all night as well, the most prominent time being right in the middle of Queen's Fat-Bottomed Girls, which was quite disturbing.
NF: like saying:
DONT EVER DO THIS: hangover + paintball war for 5 hrs on a hot summerday
- ´cause it will kill you. :p
NF: Quite shocked. One of my brother's friends had a stroke on Wednesday, after which he lost feeling all down his right side. Today he had a heart-attack, which triggered another stroke or something like that, and left him in a coma. This evening the doctors decided there was nothing they could do for him, and switched off his life support machine. He wasn't even 30, and he's left behind two children, one of them only born this year. :/
yeah, always makes one wonder if one shouldn't plan life less and enjoy it more, living it more intense. you never know when your time is up...
Sorry for your brother's friend, Rusty. :erk:

I guess this makes my worries rather irrelevant. So i'll stop worrying about them altogether.
Rusty: :cry: something similar happened to a friend of my family, it was an aneurism not a stroke, but it happened so fast too and it left a very sad and shocking feeling :erk: the only thing to make things better was the thought that 8 persons had a chance to live thanks to his organs
Im in a Bad situation.

Yesterday my girlfriend and my close friends girlfriend went for a night out... which Im cool with (I trust my better half). Anyway, my mates girlfriend was whoring herself out all night to complete strangers. She made my girlfreind promise not to tell anyone, but she can't lie to me so she told me the details of the night. Now I feel guilty because my mate doesn't know that his long term girlfriend is totally fucking him about, and I'm not supposed to know either, but by not telling him he's being made a fool out of... Yet further by telling him his girlfriend would kick my girlfriends ass for telling me.

How complicated is that!!! My mate doesnt even know that his girlfriend went for a night out! He wouldn't agree to it when it was suggested anyway. He spent the whole night working so he could get enough money to record a demo for his and his girlfriends band ( ):(.

I, on the other hand, spent last night making music with my old band. It was hellah fun gettin back together. We spent about 50 mins just playing really sweet ass Jazz. then we did some of the old 12 bar blues... then we drank excessively. Then we made some really tr00 melodies and musicsal ideas. Good night for me 'twas.
Rusty said:
NF: Quite shocked. One of my brother's friends had a stroke on Wednesday, after which he lost feeling all down his right side. Today he had a heart-attack, which triggered another stroke or something like that, and left him in a coma. This evening the doctors decided there was nothing they could do for him, and switched off his life support machine. He wasn't even 30, and he's left behind two children, one of them only born this year. :/
:/ Sorry to hear that rus. Very sad :( and somewhat scary
Wow..quite shocking indeed Rusty :erk:, hope his family isnt taking it too hard

im fine except for the fact that my fucking left ear popped..and i cant hear out of it :erk:
after a day at the beach (pictures will come soon) i'm a bit more relaxed and ready to go see the new harry potter movie. i'll travel back to turin in the night and go to work straight afterwards, on monday morning. which is when i'm gonna be online next. tiring, perhaps, but i can't sleep anyway so i better do something useful.
it's raining. i hate teh rain when i need to ride a scooter for some 20 mins in order to see harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. it's mandatory that teh rain ends in max 1 hour.
NF; Tipsy and weird. That was a nice wedding dinner. Food was great, got to have my favourite soup, which I vowed never to have because of hte poor shakrkies but wht the hell. If I don't have it other poeple at my table will so why should i be left out?
NF: Peachy Keen! :) Just don't take any notice of the bag marked 'reality' which is stuffed full and stowed away hidden in a corner.
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