Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hyena said:
@carl: swimming in sweden? oh my. the water was freezing cold here (i was bold and swam but i got a nasty pain in my ears for the chill), i can't imagine how it was like in your country.
Well, neither can I, since I changed my mind just after the water had touched my poor toes, but even the polar bears seemed a little frozen, and the penguins were packing their bags and headed back to Antarctica.
NF: Not too bad, at least not that I'm aware of, maybe it will change soon. :p However my hayfever brutally kicked in yesterday. Hopefully my brand spanking new Benadryl tablets will help, because pretty soon I'll be buggering off to read in the sun again.
Koich said:
Take comfort in the fact that you aren't Lolita.
Nice spam/flame.

I don't mind being myself, I feel happy like a kid on a Christmas eve.
I have the best fiancé ever, a decent job which pays well, lots of friends and a great family. It's summertime in Finland and there are tons of festivals I'm attending to. I can't complain.
let's see how i fare...

Lolita Vampiriá said:
I have the best fiancé ever,
nope. zero. nada. not even a fiancée with the number of e's needed to have her qualify as a member of the opposite gender. not even a fiancée who is the worst ever. rahvin = 0 ; lolita = 50.

a decent job which pays well,
well, i do have a decent job, and it pays ok. i don't know how much "well" is, but let's say it really means well. in this case, rahvin = 20 ; lolita = 30.

lots of friends
not lots, no. the few i have are pretty good. so let's say: rahvin = 25 ; lolita = 30.

and a great family.
lollers. :cry: no, my family is tolerable, with the exception of my mother, and that's all. rahvin = 15 ; lolita = 40.

It's summertime in Finland and there are tons of festivals I'm attending to.
it's certainly summertime in italy as well, but that doesn't make me jump around in joy. as for festivals, i'm attending the main one in tuska and dropping by the one in athens due to dt being there as well, so on that side i'm a little better off. rahvin = 30 ; lolita = 35.

so with a final result of 90 vs. 185, it's obvious that anyone should choose to be lolita instead of me without so much as a second thought. case closed.
Lolita Vampiriá said:
@rahvin, now I don't know should I feel like :lol: or :cry: for you.
Maybe a little hug when we'll see in Tuska?
that's fine by me. ;)
and i didn't want to be melodramatic about it. i wish i could say it was "a joke", but technically nothing i said is not true. so let's settle for "it was mentioned in a light-hearted way".
I'm bored and this looks fun, so I'll do me vs. rahvin.

Fiancé(e): of course not. And also I've never even come close to having one, so I can only award negative points for this. Rusty = -15, rahvin 0.

Job: no job, no desire to continue uni, no idea what I want as a career, and no idea what kind of short-term job to get while I work it out. Rusty = 0, rahvin = 20.

Friends: not lots by any means, but a few very good ones. Rusty 25, rahvin = 25.

Family: great with one exception. Rusty = 35, rahvin = 15.

Current events: summer and warmth is making me a little happier. I also have 2 festivals, Provinssirock and Tuska, and around the first festival is a very fun and unprecedented (for me) holiday. Rusty = 40, rahvin = 30.

Final score: 85 - 90 in rahvin's favour. And with that most scientific of research completed, I'll get some food. :p
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Nice spam/flame.

I don't mind being myself, I feel happy like a kid on a Christmas eve.
I have the best fiancé ever, a decent job which pays well, lots of friends and a great family. It's summertime in Finland and there are tons of festivals I'm attending to. I can't complain.
Yeah, when it comes to flaming, Joshy is tops.

I don't have the best fiance ever. I've never been engaged... came close but thank heck I my senses came first :P

My job is fun but the pay is shite. For now. Grr.

I have lots of online friends and only a handful of them offline... Pathetic.

My family is ok half the time. Now is the other half.

It's always summer here yet there are 0 festivals to attend. Still, I'm not complaining :)

Well done, Loli.
Damn you people, now i have to do this too :p

No fiance for me either, thank fuck, since i'm too young anyway.

No job either. No school, nothing. Sick leave rules, kind of. Though now i'm going to have a huge crisis about what i'll do with my life. Might head off to espoo to take this course-thingy in the fall though.

Friends...hmmm. I've got lots of friends. My 'main group' are my best friends, even though i don't see them often since i quit school. Then i've got some other friends that i occasionally go out with. As for online friends, meh...i've got some great online friends, but i've desperately been trying to shut them out lately, hmm.

Pretty much the same as Lili about family. One of my sisters is awesome, because she's sensitive and caring and not selfish and kind and sweet and stuff, but i'm not really close to her. My other sister is crap, a self-centered little whore who never thinks about anyone else but herself. My parents are nice sometimes, but sometimes they seem like they want me to die. I don't have the best family ever, but it could be worse too. I'm not close to anyone in my family though..i barely have any contact with them at all.

Yep, summer rules. It would definitely cheer me up if IT SEEMED LIKE SUMMER AND WASN'T COLD AS FUCK AND CLOUDY :bah: Stupid weather has been pissing me off for a few days. On saturday it was so warm and sunny and i had a great time messing around outside, but now it's freezing and rainy and cloudy, it's just depressing :(
And...i seem to win the festival section :cool:
Boyfriend = the best and kindest one

Job = I don´t count trainee thing as a job, but it´s ok. I´d like to do something real though.

Friends = I believe I have lost my best friend. The distance is blowing everything out of porpotion. "Normal" friends I have a couple. Online friends I have ... about 5.

My family = a sad story. But I love my mom and my bro and sometimes like my dad.

Festivals = Provinssi, Tuska and Wacken. And I still hate festivals.

And I complain constantly. Why shouldn´t I coz it´s funnnn.
Hm, tough job...
I will NOT take part in this competition, I'd lose all points to ANYBODY

Is it possible to have an online boyfriend the way you have online friends?
Branwen said:
Hm, tough job...
I will NOT take part in this competition, I'd lose all points to ANYBODY
can't believe it. why so?

Is it possible to have an online boyfriend the way you have online friends?
as long as everyone agrees, of course it's possible. it obviously depends on whether one is willing to be in such a relationship. anything long-distance is quite difficult in itself. if you never even get to see the other person, i think it borders to impossible for most people.
rahvin said:
can't believe it. why so?
Mr Intuition has spoken

as long as everyone agrees, of course it's possible. it obviously depends on whether one is willing to be in such a relationship. anything long-distance is quite difficult in itself. if you never even get to see the other person, i think it borders to impossible for most people
I'd like to try. I like impossible things. No just have to find a volunteer (could prove tricky)
rahvin said:
what would this perilous role entail, exactly?
Dunno... never tried it
Loving me and being loved in return. Not sure about other aspects :rolleyes: Would probably take loads of imagination.

Hey, people has anyone ever tried it? how did it work? or at least: have you EVER fallen in love online?
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