Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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furniture is expensive, more than anything. but trust me, it's fun buying your own furniture, especially if done with my friend livio. i understand that not everyone can share him, but just pick one fun guy, partner or not, and go shopping for furniture: you'll see that it's not as bad as it seems.

as for the kids, no, you can't buy them, it's not legal. but it escapes me how can anything be more exciting than actually producing life. well, they're expensive as well, possibly more than furniture, but you know, that's why the grown-ups go to work.

edit: there is a relationship thread. mr. mod, could you point it out?
Rahvin said:
what do you get out of it?
A shit load of emotional validation! Someone with low self esteem or someone who gets bullied alot will do this sort of thing just to actually feel loved. All you need to do is find desperate person who craves loving attention of the opposite sex and *BAM* you got yourself an online relationship. What Im trying to say is it makes lonesome people feel better about themselves. I dont agree with it at all...

It's like this desperate bitch that goes to my college/sixth form. She clearly has no self esteem. So then she makes love to like 6 guys in one party just to "feel like she's being Loved" (as even her parents probabli wish she was never born). The reason she has low self esteem is becos she screwed all her friends over and then they all laid the hurt on her... but she pretty much deserved it.
hyena said:
as for the kids, no, you can't buy them, it's not legal. but it escapes me how can anything be more exciting than actually producing life. well, they're expensive as well, possibly more than furniture, but you know, that's why the grown-ups go to work.
Hmm, if the goal with life is to work as little as possible (unless you have a funny job - which in itself is a paradox) then kids are only another obstacle on the road to nirvana. Heh, I'm getting more and more convinced about this.

Gotta go out and rescue teh dog. He's entangled in the hedge again.
Kovenant84 said:
<--- has a sudden urge to bring back his relationships thread :p

Where is your relationships thread? Is it the one called personality something?
if you were the one to remember relationships you would remember the gender of krigsbarn, hence you would not make the mistake you did a few days ago, hence you wouldnt even be here. FOR ALL YOUR INFORMATION, KRIGSBARN WAS INFACT STEVE, MEANING KRIGSBARN WAS NOT A SHE, INFACT A HE.
hyena said:
furniture is expensive, more than anything. but trust me, it's fun buying your own furniture, especially if done with my friend livio. i understand that not everyone can share him, but just pick one fun guy, partner or not, and go shopping for furniture: you'll see that it's not as bad as it seems.

as for the kids, no, you can't buy them, it's not legal. but it escapes me how can anything be more exciting than actually producing life. well, they're expensive as well, possibly more than furniture, but you know, that's why the grown-ups go to work.

Hyena - sorry to say it but now you're acting silly. All you said is TRUE to some extent
The question is: what is the idea behind relationships? Do they always have to end up havidng kids and buying stuff, however pleasurable it may seem?

The beauty of relationships is that there are many different kinds of them and mentioning kids first thing WAS SIIILLLYYYYYYY!!!!!!

I know i'm littering a nice topic but I really can;t find the right one. Can anybody unearthe it for me? Tx
DeepInMisery said:
if you were the one to remember relationships you would remember the gender of krigsbarn, hence you would not make the mistake you did a few days ago, hence you wouldnt even be here. FOR ALL YOUR INFORMATION, KRIGSBARN WAS INFACT STEVE, MEANING KRIGSBARN WAS NOT A SHE, INFACT A HE.
err, no. steve was not kriggy. he was just joking when he said he was.
DeepInMisery said:
if you were the one to remember relationships you would remember the gender of krigsbarn, hence you would not make the mistake you did a few days ago, hence you wouldnt even be here. FOR ALL YOUR INFORMATION, KRIGSBARN WAS INFACT STEVE, MEANING KRIGSBARN WAS NOT A SHE, INFACT A HE.
Oh, what a surprise. Somebody addressed me saying: you remind me of HER
Branwen said:
The beauty of relationships is that there are many different kinds of them and mentioning kids first thing WAS SIIILLLYYYYYYY!!!!!!
how about you think before you post something? kids were mentioned by me because you claimed a relationship consists of exchanging words of love. now, while i know this is the popular trend amongst 15-y-o people, other things come to mind sooner or later. if you don't want kids that's fine - actually, even more than fine if i'm any judge - but that doesn't mean that you can define "the beauty of relationships" as in "whatever the hell branwen likes in relationships".
rahvin said:
how about you think before you post something? kids were mentioned by me because you claimed a relationship consists of exchanging words of love. now, while i know this is the popular trend amongst 15-y-o people, other things come to mind sooner or later. if you don't want kids that's fine - actually, even more than fine if i'm any judge - but that doesn't mean that you can define "the beauty of relationships" as in "whatever the hell branwen likes in relationships".
whatever. I realized I treat you and Hyena collectively becaue it was both of you that jumped at me then. I never said I didn not want kids.
rahvin said:
collectively or separately, unlike you we've both stated our own opinion about relationships, instead of setting up a rule as to how they ought to be.QUOTE]

Did I set up such a rule?

that's just too bad.

You shouldn't be surprised. Women are different. Most women WANT kids at some point in their lives even if at some other point they don't
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