Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Child of Time said:

[John Cleese]And now to something completely different![/John Cleese]

Great, now they're striking at the place where I'm supposed to work from next monday. Well, the less work, the better.
and now to something completje differentje, ... professor Andrews S. Tanenbaum of v. amsterdam universitetje... keep up the fuggin good work!!!!! *offers lots of koekjes... chocolate koekjes .. delicious.... tasty!!!*
Neurotica said:
hmm...that sucks, I get the whole summer off. :p

NF: hot. It's 31.5 degrees in here. :ill:
Ha... that sounds awesome. I should get summer off but our second year begins before so Ill probably get a shed load of homework :bah:

Its hot here too dude... usually Im frozen sitting here but Im literally naked!

NF: Really bad. My friend is finding out his Gf has cheated on him from me and my girlfriend and its turning in to a br00tal brawl... But we are all good friends here. WHAT A SITUATION! :ill: this just isnt fun. His Girlfriend is denying it even though my girlfriend witnessed it... whats worse is we told her to tell him two days ago and she told us she had told him EVERYTHING... what a croc of shit!!!! SHES SUCH A BITCH! :yell:aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh


This situation is escalating to an uncontrollable and fucking unbelievabley exasperating level! I just want to go to bed but I cant because my woman wont let me. I have to go comfort her now. 1.45 in the morning!
@neurotica: good luck - I know what you're going through...!
Let's hope you'll get some of that Wheeling weather soon ;)

@king chaos: I hope things have calmed down a bit by now... !? :/

NF: like not doing any of the things that I'm supposed to do today... *sigh*
Gtranquillity said:
@king chaos: I hope things have calmed down a bit by now... !? :/

NF: like not doing any of the things that I'm supposed to do today... *sigh*

@ Gtranq: Yeah stuff has settled, in so far as I have no women screeming at me and no friends breaking into tears :erk:... But god knows what's actually gonna happen. Its a catch 22 situation :hypno:

I also feel like I really don't wanna do any of the sthings Im supposed to do today. I have to clean the house and do my st00pid paper round :(. Aint too bad though, I just havnt had a chance to relax all week. When you expect 2 weeks of pure "no worrieness" or no Work this sort of shit pisses me off a bit.
NF: NERVOUS. I keep shivering. I'm going to town today to pick up my Euros, and then everything will be ready for my trip and I'll have less things to occupy my mind with. :erk:
@ Rusty: Once you actually get there its going to be amazing Dude... But I'd probably be nervous too (I take it you're talking about your Tuska trip). Its gonna suck when you all get back and you have loads of funny real life stories to laugh and joke about and us non-tuska attenders will just have no clue :(. (It's my fault for not going to the damn festival... this can be my punishment :p )
NF: sick..and i got an french exam in 3 hours...fuckkkkkkk
all is good none the less...soon i will be able to relax and spend 3 months by myself :erk:
Hah. I went out to rent a movie, but none of which i wanted was available/existing at the video-club i go to. I'm glad i have some good ones left for times like these..
It's a really shitty rainy day today, but it's better than being too uncomfortably hot like it was the last few days. I had to drive through some thunderstorms with my driving instructor, and she can get pretty crazy sometimes, so that was interesting.
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