Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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I officially graduated yesterday, 12 years of school are done and I guess I am now also officially unemployed. Beautiful ;)
Anyway, it was a fun day, beginning with champagne and strawberries together with my class, then on to the church for the ceremony, then climbing up in a carriage decorated with birch tree branches and colourful balloons drawn by a tractor and off to the town square, where we shouted our pretty song, which has yet to leave my head :D I think my voice isn't quite what it should be yet...
So, like so many before me have said:
"För vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studeeenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeen - fy fan vad vi är bra!" :hotjump:
Now I just need a job... :err: :p
Northern Lights said:
"För vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studeeenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeen - fy fan vad vi är bra!" :hotjump:
transl: for she's a jolly good student, for she's a jolly good student, for she's a jolly good stuuuuuuuuuuuuudent - and we all want her bra!
"For we have taken the examinations, for we have taken the examinations, for we have taken the examinations - damn how good are we!" - would be an approximate translation based on my rudimentary skill.

Congratulations Northern Lights :)
NF: like a complete dork. I just got back the pictures I took of Katatonia at the BW&BK FESTIVAL and a little less than half of them have the tip of my finger in them :erk: . Luckily i had a digital camera as well, needless to say that those pics kick serious ass!:)
DJ is correct as ever :p

Thanks everyone, I'll make sure that one day you'll be able to point at my picture in the newspaper and say to those you know "look at that president/famous author/person who saved the world, she used to post on the same forum as I did a long time ago" :grin:

(yeah, right :rolleyes: :p)
Caelestia said:
wondering how Rusty is doing in Finland...
[Rusty]Quite alright, thank you. :p Can't be arsed logging out of this account though, and this keyboard is confusing. The travelling yesterday was absolutely fine, thanks to fireangel. :notworthy I met Zeanra in Helsinki that night (technically today) and we stayed talking in the hostel for ages, before she left me all alone. :waah: Slept really badly last night in my prison cell of a room, couldn't be arsed getting up early enough for breakfast, then got lost in Helsinki and was so busy trying to find the train station that I didn't have time for any food. Then I managed to bugger up the train journey and got to Hämeenlinna over an hour early, and hung around getting bored sitting on a really uncomfortable bench before Santtu came. So yes, I'm fine now. ;)

EDIT: best of luck, ED old chap.[/Rusty]
It does suck, however, I don't mean to offend anyone (on or off UM)
I probably should have said most people... as it's not everyone, of course. It's just that there's many (and most of the) people who only write me when something needs to be done ... then they dissapear again...
Northern Lights said:
I officially graduated yesterday, 12 years of school are done and I guess I am now also officially unemployed. Beautiful ;)
Anyway, it was a fun day, beginning with champagne and strawberries together with my class, then on to the church for the ceremony, then climbing up in a carriage decorated with birch tree branches and colourful balloons drawn by a tractor and off to the town square, where we shouted our pretty song, which has yet to leave my head :D I think my voice isn't quite what it should be yet...
So, like so many before me have said:
"För vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studeeenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeen - fy fan vad vi är bra!" :hotjump:
Now I just need a job... :err: :p

yay congrats :D

haha i know what it feels like, i graduated two weeks ago :p

NF: alright i guess. watching football and being a bit pissed off about the fact that the person i voted for didn't get enough votes to be a member of the european parlament
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