Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Generally worn out. My boss has asked me to work on monday, which is supposed to be a public holiday, as well as probably the two saturday's after that. I really need a break too, so this is very frustrating for me. This confirmed how i feel about work though, I couldn't care how much extra money they offer me for those days.. money is not more valuable than having time off to relax and have some time to myself.

Lots of other stuff on my mind, most not good, quite scared of the near future.. but Ayreon is helping for the moment.
Caelestia said:
My question was a no-brainer. I'd prefer if it was an honest and non-sarcastic answer. It's been more than 10 mins since I asked, though, so I'm sure you're fully prepared with the "smart" ones :)
Caelestia I don't know why but every time we speak we somehow manage to fall out the minute we start. This is not my intention, whatever you might think. This is the smartest answer I can think of without getting into a 'smart ass' mode. And let's call it quits.
NF: the Ensiferum-gig was gooooodddd! :dopey: And I watched it from the front row. =) But now it´s raining lots, and that is rather uncomfortable, cuz some gigs today would be outdoors :erk: At least Swallow The Sun is indoors, though.

btw, if anyone wonders why I would not reply mails send to fireangel-mail-addy, that´s simply cuz I still can´t access it. I hope that in next week the problem can be solved. :Smug:

see ya later :wave:
@Mich: Can I even call you that? It's weird how you refer to me by my real name and I keep calling you rahvin. Or should I invent a new one? :grin: Thanks for bringing up the castle. I'm better now, just tired as usual. If you want we can go to the Everything-Here-Is-Fragile room and smash stuff. The magical servants will take care of the mess. Having a magical castle rocks :)

@Branwen: I just wanted to know where you're from, is all. You can choose not to tell and well, you've chosen. No hard feelings. *BIGSQUEEZYLOVEYDOVEYHUGGS*
Caelestia said:
@Mich: Can I even call you that? It's weird how you refer to me by my real name and I keep calling you rahvin. Or should I invent a new one? :grin:
oh, you can call me any way that you want, as long as you call me. i do like rahvin better than my actual name or anything that can be derived from it, but if you find it more to your likings, i will answer to variations on michele as well.

Thanks for bringing up the castle. I'm better now, just tired as usual. If you want we can go to the Everything-Here-Is-Fragile room and smash stuff. The magical servants will take care of the mess. Having a magical castle rocks :)
it does indeed. i really feel like smashing everything right now. please hang around. or pm me. anything.
NF: Now that I have less than 24 hours until I leave, I'm feeling horribly underprepared and have the nagging feeling that I've forgotten something important. Hopefully it's just the irrational nerves making me feel like that though. I'm also in a quandry about which CDs I should take with me, and how many, and what I'll do on Sunday morning/afternoon to pass the time, and other such little things.
King Chaos said:
I take it you're talking about your Tuska trip
Nope, the Tuska trip, if it happens, will be later on in July. So I'll go there, come back, and then go and come back again. :p
nf: quite shitty. i already realized that i crossed a line with slandering a religion, on an irrational basis, as i have nothing agains any person practizing their religion, or being part of a particular "race". I must say, i'm amazed at how stupid even i can sound, when badmouthing something for the hell of it, without knowing what i'm talking about, or having any purpose whatsoever. Anyone feeling offended, or knowing what i'm talking about, .. dont be. :(
NF: Very tired and stressed and whatnot. I hardly slept at all last night, and then "woke up" with an almighty headache and mild nausea (presumably from stress/tension, nothing more). Hopefully it will fade once I start travelling - which is in just over an hour. :wave:
Miolo said:
nf: :guh: i just received an sms from our prime minister, reminding me to vote in the weekend. i wonder where they got my number. :err:
:lol: that´s insane. (I guess it means you are under total observation ;) )

NF: I vote for Henkka Blacksmith being the hottttest bassist on earth :loco:

In fact it stopped raining yesterday at a certain point, and I attended a wonderful COB-gig without getting soaked =) This band can never play any bad gig, that´s just impossible, they are breathtaking every time again. And the two guitarists from Trio Niskalaukaus stood next to me :D
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