Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Northern Lights: Congratulations. Much luck to you now that you're free from the wretched hands of secondary education.

KRusty: Have a good time, man. Be nice to the Finns :P

GTranquillity: Hey, I'd drop you an email saying you're of absolutely no use to me at the moment :P
And ask you if you wanted to hang out or go to Six Flags :D
..but you know're in Europe :P
nf: a lot of things at once.

i'm tired because i drove forever today, due to heavy traffic around rome.
i'm sad because a little bird fell from its nest in front of my eyes and got splattered on my patio before i could do anything.
i'm amused because apparently an old lady ate her election card instead of writing the name of her favorite candidate on it.
i'm happy because it might be that my father's health is getting better.
i'm terrified because i might find out tomorrow that i need to travel to lucca on tuesday, without having done any of the work i should have done for the conference.
i'm hopeful because tomorrow night i'm going out with a nice guy whom i like, and he also phoned twice today to make sure i was still in for our date.
i'm desperate because there is never a moment when relationships in my family improve, broadly speaking.
i'm shaking my head in disappointment at the first exit polls.
i'm elated by the fact that i've finally heard (and liked) exposures, and by the fact that i've discovered - thanks rahvin - the italian rapper capa rezza.
Northern Lights said:
"För vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studenten, för vi har tagit studeeenteeeeeeeeeeeeeeen - fy fan vad vi är bra!"

*sob* Ahhh, teh memories... Congratulations! Bränn din studentmössa!

And sorry rahvin, D_J's translation is a tad better. But yours had a much funnier ending. :loco:
idari said:
[Rusty]Quite alright, thank you. :p Can't be arsed logging out of this account though, and this keyboard is confusing. The travelling yesterday was absolutely fine, thanks to fireangel. :notworthy I met Zeanra in Helsinki that night (technically today) and we stayed talking in the hostel for ages, before she left me all alone. :waah: Slept really badly last night in my prison cell of a room, couldn't be arsed getting up early enough for breakfast, then got lost in Helsinki and was so busy trying to find the train station that I didn't have time for any food. Then I managed to bugger up the train journey and got to Hämeenlinna over an hour early, and hung around getting bored sitting on a really uncomfortable bench before Santtu came. So yes, I'm fine now. ;)

EDIT: best of luck, ED old chap.[/Rusty]

Hello Rusty :)

Good to hear my description was of any help :) I was wondering if it worked, but I couldn´t come to await you at the airport, so I didn´t suggest that at all. Glad you found your way though (though only in one direction first ;))

Have fun (and for Idari, too of course) in Hämeenlinna and at the festival! Say hello to Ville Valo from me if you see him =)

NF: like I urgently need my own internet connection.... :erk: Otherwise fine.
nf: the index finger of my right hand is bandaged. but it should be my soul instead. moreover, i need to wake up way too early tomorrow, in order to attend an event which is totally useless to me, and which is totally blowing my fuse. i'm so aggressive these days that i almost wish i was competing for something, while in truth i only want to get drunk. but wait, i'm already slightly drunk.
Gtranquillity said:
It does suck, however, I don't mean to offend anyone (on or off UM)
I probably should have said most people... as it's not everyone, of course. It's just that there's many (and most of the) people who only write me when something needs to be done ... then they dissapear again...

Ah. Ok. Thank you for the clarification. Regardless of who you were referring to though, I did feel empathy and still do. So much for "revolving door friends," eh?
[Rusty] (Still too lazy to log out)

NF: Not bad. :p Yesterday Santtu took me around Hämeenlinna and forced me to buy her something, and even though I found loads of shoes that I wanted, she talked me out of buying them all (she's so picky). We also went to Aulanko park with her parents, and took her dog Jorma for a walk there. Finnish forests rule. (Y) But I/we forgot the cameras and the big tower was closed, so we went back today to take pics and climb to the tower to have a decent look around. We then went down a load of steps to a big bear statue, and Santtu's dad decided to take us on another path back to the car. It soon became apparent that some trees had fallen down and blocked the path, and we ended up having to crawl and climb and walk through loads of forest to get back. Santtu loved that. Then I was shown some other places around Hämeenlinna, and was forced into eating a vegeburger.

I'm being forced into the sauna soon, which will be interesting. Santtu is in there now, so she'll be having fun at the moment; I can't say whether she's enjoying everything else or if she's bored of me already. Also I'm still too shy and self-conscious to try hugging her again. :p [/Rusty]
idari said:
...forced me to buy her something, and even though I found loads of shoes that I wanted, she talked me out of buying them all (she's so picky). [/Rusty]

:eek: LIES!! :'(

Damn you, trying to make people think i'm horrible :'D Just tell them i'm a walking disaster ;p

NF: Good. I finally feel clean after all the sweating today, thanks to the sauna. I'm wondering if i should make a thread about Rus though, hmm..
Bah, a friend who saw Metallica in Munich just told me that they played bloody Dyers Eve! Why wasn't I there to hear it?? :yell:
Oh well, with a little luck they'll like it so much it becomes the new Enter Sandman on tours and I'll be able to catch them - and the song - later :D
Northern Lights said:
Bah, a friend who saw Metallica in Munich just told me that they played bloody Dyers Eve! Why wasn't I there to hear it?? :yell:
Oh well, with a little luck they'll like it so much it becomes the new Enter Sandman on tours and I'll be able to catch them - and the song - later :D
That's ok, they suck anyway. :p
dyers eve makes me think of people waiting in dark rooms for years, until the day comes when they can invade the streets, holding their prized spray cans and relentlessly painting everybody's hair. but then again, i've never heard the song.

nf: aaaargh. i still have to wash the dishes, wash myself and put toiletries in my suitcase. tomorrow i need to wake up early in order to catch an inordinate amount of trains to a place called s. giuliano terme, where i will reside until saturday in order to attend a conference in another place called lucca. i haven't even read the paper that i'm supposed to act as discussant for, and i nearly didn't read the one that i'm supposed to present, but having written it somehow helps. i will then spend a weekend unpacking large crates filled with books, cleaning my flat and performing other highly intellectual activities. monday brings another trip, to present something that i didn't even finish writing in torino - happiness because i see family and rahvin, but fuck you very much to the people who saw fit to tell me yesterday. tuesday is back here, trying to make the environment look remotely decent because my dad is coming here on thursday for a short trip, hence the place cannot look like ww3 has just been fought entirely in my home. on friday he leaves and i go to work. on sunday i fly to luxembourg where i'll stay for a week. probably i will subsequently proceed to implode. i'm already unstable, this morning i was supposed to have some feedback encounter with human resources and this conversation took place:

HR guy: i believe you should attend training in interpersonal relationships, because your profile says that it is your weak area. do you think it could be useful?

me (trying not to kick his shin under the table): well, it depends. i guess that i'm working fine with the different teams i'm in, ask them if you want to check.

HR guy: i know that, but these teams only encompass people from the research department, and as much as we know that there is very good dialogue between you lot you all need to learn how to relate with people from other areas.

me: hmmm.

HR guy: you know, it's also very important for your career, because increasing seniority also means you have to interact with a great many people that need to be approached differently from what you might be used to in your department. and you need to know how to find a way to persuade them too.

me: well, just up to some point in my career.

HR guy: what do you mean?

me: i'm just trying to say that after some point i will not need to persuade people anymore, or at least i hope.

if i had been trying to lose my job, it would have been a fair attempt. in the end, the guy was amused - he wasn't thick or anything, so he got the irony and we moved on. but still i need a holiday.
hyena said:
me: well, just up to some point in my career.

HR guy: what do you mean?

me: i'm just trying to say that after some point i will not need to persuade people anymore, or at least i hope.
:ill: if i had been there, you know i would have tried in vain to hide behind a stone pillar that in all likelihood wasn't there, mostly because this dialogue didn't take place in a specific classroom in our old high school building. thank god you travelled long and far to meet someone who's actually capable of enjoying such comments instead of writing down that you're a psycho.

well, you know... it was the truth. there is not a single argument that could be realistically produced against my statement. it's fact. there's people who block entire organizations with a phone call. so there.

but i'm not sure i was not written down as a psycho. i think that the correct term is "sociopath" anyway (hence the weakness in relationships, maybe), and might be there in the papers somehow. :p
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