Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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hyena said:
there's people who block entire organizations with a phone call. so there.
yes. they're called terrorists. :p

but i'm not sure i was not written down as a psycho. i think that the correct term is "sociopath" anyway (hence the weakness in relationships, maybe), and might be there in the papers somehow. :p
how can you be a sociopath? it's not as if you're scared of other people, you just correctly assume that at some point they will all be irrelevant and unnecessary and disposable and...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

now i'll go do what i need to do (and no, it's not a suicide mission, just the washup), but i want to point out that:

- i'm not that evil, there's cool people in the world, but since i am not good at relationships i never find them :p

- your comment cracked me up. i actually was thinking about a guy i once spoke with last summer, who has statues of pugs in his office but is nevertheless not a terrorist. or a very good covert one. the image will never leave me now. :lol:
Malaclypse said:
nf: 1 - 1 :-|
Better luck next time. :)

hyena said:
dyers eve makes me think of people waiting in dark rooms for years, until the day comes when they can invade the streets, holding their prized spray cans and relentlessly painting everybody's hair.
:lol: :lol:

Now imagines: rahvin literally trying to hide behind something that isn't there, crouching with his hands over his face.

And it really cracks me up!
Ive had a good day but for some reasonIm depressed. I dunno why. Im on some what of a downer I think. Me and my friends Got some great pictures today. I feel fed up like I dont know what to do with myself... I hate that feeling. I cant really complain though as its my fault Im bored.
That's just the anti-climatic feeling any person gets at the end of a really good day. You feel you should be accomplishing more to keep the blissful trend going. Happens to the best of us.
Gregor said:
That's just the anti-climatic feeling any person gets at the end of a really good day. You feel you should be accomplishing more to keep the blissful trend going. Happens to the best of us.

Yeah exactly.

Also I saw an old friend taking advantage of another old friend as I was on the way home from a rather dreadful band practice. It pissed me off because the female party involved loves the male, but the male is just such a player :erk:. I Dont know why I care. Its nothing to do with me.
It's got bloody cold. I have a massive load of work to do. The money I'm going to earn is already all spent. I never even get a chance to speak to any of you here for longer than 15 minutes. It all sucks.
we might be very mistaken when it comes to our opinion of us and our actions. with every passing day i'm more inclined to believe some of the stories i've always been keen on denying and dismissing as mean lies about my person. i guess i'm insensitive and an asshole after all, despite a certain resistance on my part to admit to these truths. i'm also not that bright - although this is seldom suggested even in the wildest of stories - because i spent about one hour outside of this building in the morning and i'm therefore now full of hay fever.
upon returning inside a coworker of mine told me that a girl who's worked for a while with us here at the library once confided to her she would have liked to date me. i nodded and went my way, but she (the coworker) kept prodding and bugging me and asking me, "what would you say?", so at some point i replied "i say i've heard enough bullshit to last me for a lifetime" and now she's mad at me, even though i didn't specifically refer to bullshit i had heard from her.
Branwen said:
You don't like that girl?
i remember she was cute and very kind. i could probably say she "wasn't my type", but i have no idea what my type is anyway (times new roman? comic sans?) so i suppose it could have been worth a try. my swearwords were aimed at relationships/dating in general. at how these things tend to fail miserably, at how i would like to be put in a capsule and sent orbiting around saturn until i'm much too old to care.
obviously, my coworker - who's well in her fifties - wasn't blessed with such a colourful explanation.
rahvin said:
obviously, my coworker - who's well in her fifties - wasn't blessed with such a colourful explanation.
:grin: :grin: :grin:
This is what I personally really hate. Older co-workers always trying to act as matchmakers for those unmarried and thinking that they're doing them a favour :ill:
@branwen: she would certainly do me a favour if she were able to pair me up with the girl of my dreams - had i dreams and would they feature girls instead of planes crashing and dark gardens - but i'm about as often inclined to think that she would do me an equally big favour by sewing her mouth shut with barbwire.
I think among the most embarassing questions is the world is 'do you have a boyfriend?' (which is much worse than 'are you married?') which is only in fact beat by 'why not?'
we're at "you should find a nice girl, you know?" level around here. pretty depressing. my dad the other day tried with "so how's your relationship life these days?", and i went "oh it's perfect, i don't even have one". cue a sequence of semi-funny remarks about how i should "do something" about it. i managed to reply politely, which is amazing considering the quantity of poisonous black bile i could pour on anyone addressing the issue with me.
I can't understand how such a smart and funny dude (Yes thats you rahv) could have trouble with the ladies :guh:. I was always one of the unpopular kids in school.Everybody thought I was ok to know but only so they could use me for favours. I gave up searching for a partner and in a prayer announced that there's more important things. A girlfriend might not even make me happy and could probably incomplete in sense of the word. Anyway it was probabaly about 2 years ago that I said that prayer and surely enough Ive been with my current Girlfriend for 1yr and 8 months. As soon as I stopped trying it just fell right in to my lap. I think theres an Ironic mystical power at work :p
Branwen said:
I think among the most embarassing questions is the world is 'do you have a boyfriend?' (which is much worse than 'are you married?') which is only in fact beat by 'why not?'
Yep, that's the worst question. Usually asked by middle aged Dame Edna Everage lookalike women. :yuk:

Luckily I don't have an issue about it anymore but if ever asked that question again -> :Puke:
Ok, ya know what? We need to all have a big get-together, where everyone from this board shows up, no-excuses-style. We'll just have to pick a place and a date (preferably once i've graduated :p). We'll crash a lil european town or something. And hook everyone up. In whatever manner you'd like to interpret that.

Any ideas?

King Chaos said:
Anyway it was probabaly about 2 years ago that I said that prayer and surely enough Ive been with my current Girlfriend for 1yr and 8 months. As soon as I stopped trying it just fell right in to my lap.
heh, as soon as i stopped looking, my then-bf came along. lasted a long time but here i go again on my own :p
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