Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Branwen said:
Was that very sexist?
it's your opinion of men that is sexist, not - rather unsurprisingly - that of your own gender. quite appropriately, you do not stigmatize all women as weight-freaks, but you do stigmatize all men as obsessed by a search for slenderness in their partners.
Hehe, I tried to diet once or twice. Failed on both occasions because I love food and I love to eat. Also had very bad self-esteem. It's improved considerably, so I don't care so much. "Diets" don't work anyway. If I'm going to lose weight, I'll do it the right way.

To answer Branwen's question (even if it's not directed at me), I don't mind chubby people. I've been attracted to people who were slightly overweight, although I must admit obesity isn't something I'd go for.
Branwen said:
I don't! OK, let's get personal: do you like fatties?
when i was 18 i've been in a one year relationship with a girl who was considerably obese. out of all my other girlfriends, only a couple were not overweight. and in case it matters, i'm very thin so i certainly don't do it for a feeling for mutual pity. is that enough, your honour?
Branwen said:
I don't! OK, let's get personal: do you like fatties?
Calling over weight people fatties is terribly derogitory. That's slandering people by appearance. All sorts of people come in different shells. Its cliche' but its true that whats inside is what counts, at least to me. And If you're aiming for men that care more what's on the outside, then your setting yourself up to be anhilated by "the player". There are plenty of great guys out there who'll love you for who you truely are. If these great guys ever knew you suffered for their kind (by not eating) they'd feel both guilty and annoyed that you ever thought that way.
Branwen, don't fret! The good men don't make slimness a priority. Why would you want someone so shallow in the first place? Anyway, to assume all men are like that isn't really fair. And yea, rahvin is groovy, isn't he? :D
to partly reduce my grooviness: it's obvious that i won't date someone i don't find attractive on the outside as well, regardless of how incredibly interesting they might be. it's just that i don't happen to only find attractive very thin girls. my reasons for being fascinated are different. extreme fatness and thinness are probably turn-offs alike, of course, but like i said we're talking about extremes.
Branwen said:
No, I'm not anorectic and not totally stupid either. But I have to watch what I eat. Girls - be honest. How many of you have actually NEVER been on a diet?
well i've never been on a diet, but i guess i'm lucky cause i eat what i want, i don't do sports and still i'm underweight.
the point in this is who cares if you weigh 2 kg more or 2 kg less? surely not an intelligent person, and if you feel good with yourself you shouldn't care either (always except for a extremely high or low weight that can cause health problems)
Nf: good now that i have some food in my stomach

personnally i really dont care how the girl looks or how slim they are. alot of people label me as the takewhaticanget type of guy..but thats hardly the case :hypno: .
OnyxDragon98 said:
and me :p
not that it matters or anything..i just havent been able to find camera (since mine is broken)
I thought you had a self pic in your avy a while back?

NF: pretty hungry. Im getting pizza tonight from my favourite Italian take away. It is my favouritest treat! ("Most favourite treat" for those of you who arnt in the mood to talk like babies)
King Chaos said:
I thought you had a self pic in your avy a while back?

well yah that was me..but did you get any idea of what i looked like out of it? my hair was covering my face. and that picture is like..uhh..7 months old anyways.
@fireangel: You´re right.. Obviously i don´t have a clue. :erk:
But the point i had with
"saloon-toones" and stuff was that i am not interested in learning music at it´s calculative ways.
For schools , music isn´t just something that you hear, it is something that is built in numbers. For "them" feelings like rage, desperation or happiness are equal to squere root of a number or something.
If you tell me that they dont teach us anything like that, then tell why do these school exist? Does someone need an advice of a professional how pose on the stage right?
And plus, i am an afwul player. really.

@rahvin: Do not examine just the eating-event , think of what would happen if you stopped eating.

As we can see, this path is leading nowhere. :grin:
NF: Happy. Just happy.
Gtranquillity said:
Nope - I'm sure you haven't seen a pic of me :)
I was periphrastically trying to get Branwen to post a pic (I was >curious< to see if she was mega skinny or a "fattie" due to the discourse of the topic... I just didn't want to come straight out and say "well now I wanna see if you are anorexic, or fat and reflexively expressing denialish anger toward yourself by not eating and assuming all women dont eat and it's the male kinds fault:guh:" ) I think I made up some words then... but whatever. Now my scam is descovered... and I want to see a picture of Onyxdrag98 and Gtranq!. :wave:
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