Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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Int said:
A friend of mine a few years ago was worse, I could barely hear her irl. She had this sort of high-pitched, quiet, slightly squeaky voice which I found very difficult to comprehend, so everytime she said something I either gave a response that didn't make sense or just said "huh? uh?" like a moron. Hahah it was pretty bad. :p
Haha, yeh not being able to hear in person would be worse! It's only mobiles that i'm like this with, landline phones i don't have the problem, it's just a little frustrating!
rahvin said:
i was in greece with dark tranquillity. :blush:
Was that the Athens gig? How did they play? did they do some new stuff? what was it like? Goddamn Im so jeallous *shakes fist in a jeallous rage*

NF: Like I Gotta go back to school tomorrow. I don't want to, but I know once I'm there it will all be fine/same old. Im happy because I put together some cool songs... but I dont have a sodding band to play them in :yell:
King Chaos said:
Was that the Athens gig? How did they play? did they do some new stuff? what was it like?
yes, the gig near athens. the festival was quite good though the public area seemed a little too small. firewind, a band from greece, played first. i later suggested to them to check out um and consider getting an official forum. they seemed to like the idea. dark tranquillity did a very good show though the sound wasn't always perfect. the heat was unbearable but they stood and take it (while i was almost fainting by the side of the stage, like about three hundred thousand pictures will show). the only new song played was the by now tried and customary one thought. then it was gamma ray's turn (kai hansen is a cool dude, btw), and later soulfly really got the crowd moshing like maniacs. the wasp show was good, but i didn't appreciate the singer's attitude or the number of pre-recorded vocal lines they used.
I saw Soulfly at the Hultsfred festival two days ago, btw. Really good gig there too. But Dillinger Escape Plan was teh bestest. However, it was a a little embarrassing that my two friends and I passed out (in a rather controlled or almost planned way, actually :grin: ) at about 11 pm one day after a relatively intense boozing session. :o

And I just have to let out an elitistic little laughter at all those who watched Backyard babies and thought they were rock'n'roll as noone else, when Zeke were playing at the same festival.
rahvin said:
yes, the gig near athens. the festival was quite good though the public area seemed a little too small. firewind, a band from greece, played first. i later suggested to them to check out um and consider getting an official forum. they seemed to like the idea. dark tranquillity did a very good show though the sound wasn't always perfect. the heat was unbearable but they stood and take it (while i was almost fainting by the side of the stage, like about three hundred thousand pictures will show). the only new song played was the by now tried and customary one thought. then it was gamma ray's turn (kai hansen is a cool dude, btw), and later soulfly really got the crowd moshing like maniacs. the wasp show was good, but i didn't appreciate the singer's attitude or the number of pre-recorded vocal lines they used.
Thanks for the insight. :) You MUST show us some of these pics. They sound g-r-r-r-reat!

My Brother saw soulfly at Download and said they sucked... I don't really like any of their albums, and their live show sounds minimal and boring. But It sounds very moshable, so Im sure it was fun.

Child of Time said:
But Dillinger Escape Plan was teh bestest.

As always :rolleyes:. They usually pown everyone from all accounts.

NF: A light tummy ache... It should pass. I just brushed my teeth and now I cant make my cheesy toast :waah: Im such a moron (correction *hungry* moron)
NF: Tired, temporarily enjoying none of my bosses being around so i'm just lazing around browsing UM and listening to Dredg. I've been at work for an hour and i only just decided to figure out what it is i'm supposed to be doing :)

Also hoping my passport arrives soon..
NF: so-so
my neck is fucking killing me, since i was sitting in an awkward position playing a game for a long time (that is all i CAN do..since im basicly a loner now :waah: )
King Chaos said:
My Brother saw soulfly at Download and said they sucked... I don't really like any of their albums, and their live show sounds minimal and boring. But It sounds very moshable, so Im sure it was fun.
well, they played roots and territory and inner self, which solicited the same reaction as when gamma ray did i want out... ;)
NF: tired but okay. Today started my first Finnish course again, and I should have gotten up at six. But I woke up at 7.20, half an hour before I needed to go to the bus :ill: so I after I stared at the clock for five minutes, I could decide between having a shower or breakfast and chose the first option. Thank god I packed my bag already, otherwise it would have been a_bit_ hectic :Smug:

I like the teacher (she is friendly and strict and very well organized), which is good, so I am motivated to work more. Of course I almost forgot everything I learned before, but it´s starting to rise up again, and when I will have finished my two courses, I finally finished the first book, too. *yay* (thats in two months or so..)

Also I got a new phone & phonenumber, for Finland (yes, rahvin, I`ll tell you this one, too :) ) which will bring down my sms- and phone-costs dramatically :D

So now I need lots of coffee, but feel fine. Oh yes, and remind me that in a few days I can open the "Woah, Salamurhaaja is here"-thread ;) :hotjump:
yeah, backstage :D

I just don´t know the number by heart now, and I don´t have a phone in here, but today I will transfer all the numbers to the new phone. And cool to hear about greece, tell me more? I pm you my new e-mail-addy.... a second. ..

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