NF: tired but okay. Today started my first Finnish course again, and I should have gotten up at six. But I woke up at 7.20, half an hour before I needed to go to the bus

so I after I stared at the clock for five minutes, I could decide between having a shower or breakfast and chose the first option. Thank god I packed my bag already, otherwise it would have been a_bit_ hectic :Smug:
I like the teacher (she is friendly and strict and very well organized), which is good, so I am motivated to work more. Of course I almost forgot everything I learned before, but it´s starting to rise up again, and when I will have finished my two courses, I finally finished the first book, too. *yay* (thats in two months or so..)
Also I got a new phone & phonenumber, for Finland (yes, rahvin, I`ll tell you this one, too

) which will bring down my sms- and phone-costs dramatically
So now I need lots of coffee, but feel fine. Oh yes, and remind me that in a few days I can open the "Woah, Salamurhaaja is here"-thread
