Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Sick, tired and afraid. Why doesn´t this illness leave me alone already. I gave it 2 sickdays off from work and now I have to be at work already. And it´s not good idea. All I can think about is going to bed. Otherwise I would be fine I quess, but my throat... oh my throat. I can´t speak! And Hypo-gig is tomorrow! :erk: :waah:
and I´m going to go there no matter what. Come pneumonia, come!
And yea, rahvin is groovy, isn't he?
He is. But don't worry, no plans here. He's all yours.

King Chaos:
When are you gonna post some pics anyway? I think I know what everyone looks like now... apart from you.
I don't have a digicam.. But I'll ask around and post sth soon.
Gtranquillity said:
Nope - I'm sure you haven't seen a pic of me :)

*LOL* and me either. btw, Gtranquillity, the mail addy you have of me still doesn´t work. Before you come here, a week or so before at least, we should pm instead, okay?

Naku ist krig said:
@fireangel: You´re right.. Obviously i don´t have a clue. :erk:
But the point i had with
"saloon-toones" and stuff was that i am not interested in learning music at it´s calculative ways.
For schools , music isn´t just something that you hear, it is something that is built in numbers. For "them" feelings like rage, desperation or happiness are equal to squere root of a number or something.
If you tell me that they dont teach us anything like that, then tell why do these school exist? Does someone need an advice of a professional how pose on the stage right?
And plus, i am an afwul player. really.
hei dear,

okay, I can see the point with a too "mainstream" education, but I didn´t saw it that way. You can learn how to play or to sing in a music school, and well, this is a music university. I in fact don´t know about the details of their education, but I see what kind of people come from there and what kind want to apply there, so I didnt´find anything bad or commercial at it.

Still I see the difference between studying something "normal" and topics like art or literature. I just thought that there must be very good teachers and it´s about a subject which interests you.
I hope you find your way, you have still time to become desperate later :D

PS: sorry for double post, this computer doesn´t allow copying or several windows... :erk:
NF: :D :D :D :D

Yes, my last post for about 5 weeks, unless I end up somewhere with internet,
which is not very likely. So until then :rock:
NF: A little disappointed in myself and a little embarrassed... no females should ever try and ring me on my mobile number, never ends up good at all. i often dont understand them (maybe im a bit deaf :/ ) so it ends up being an awkward conversation involving many whats, huhs and irrelavant answers based on the few words i did hear correctly until they awkwardly leave.

I would hope talking in person goes better and comes at least a bit closer to resembling the online conversations :p

It was amusing though :p

(edited to appear less over-dramatic)
Int said:
You worry more than you should, Yayo.
Yes :p Definitely i do. Well mostly i was laughing about it at the time and still find it amusing, but i just wish i could hear the female voice better on the phone so that conversations had at least a little chance to flow!

Reading that post again i sound a lot more distressed about it than i really am. Basically the whole post is exaggerated :p

I might edit it :p
A friend of mine a few years ago was worse, I could barely hear her irl. She had this sort of high-pitched, quiet, slightly squeaky voice which I found very difficult to comprehend, so everytime she said something I either gave a response that didn't make sense or just said "huh? uh?" like a moron. Hahah it was pretty bad. :p
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