Not-so-good-and-old "How do you feel" thread

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NF: Absolutely bored.

For last two weeks, i´ve felt that everything is said and done.
I hate to admit this but i´ve evaluated my life and found out it is a bone that has been
gnawed out of flesh three thousand times before.

Not even my closest friends can help me with this case, because hearing the same jokes now and tomorrow, wont bring me up - but down.

[Deleted the silly list,which wasn´t even complete]

All this got even worse when i realised that
I dont give up studying, kill my myself,
kill a driver and steal a car,do something vile etc etc etc...
because i want to please people, my parents for example.

And that works on different way too: i am learning to play guitar, i have composed music,
written lyrics/poems, studied, helped people,met my friend again and again,even if i dont really want to,
corrected my typos here etc...
all because i want to please people.
And that saddens me..a bit.

But dont get me wrong, i am not planning to kill myself, i am just being whineass :)

EDIT: Made it more easyreadable.
NF: i'm laughing, i was looking for something to watch on tv and i stepped on a telefilm called 7th heaven, which is the stupidest thing EVER :lol: , i can't believe that even who created it actually manages to take it seriously. i mean it's so absurd that it looks almost like a parody of bigot people. perfect when you need a good laugh.

other than that i'm fine, looking forward to a dinner on saturday and my brain is burning to decide about a birthday present. i hate presents, i never know what to give to people, i only had the "perfect idea" once in all these years of presents ;)
Naku ist krig said:
And that works on different way too: i am learning to play guitar, i have composed music,
written lyrics/poems, studied, helped people,met my friend again and again,even if i dont really want to,
corrected my typos here etc...
all because i want to please people.
And that saddens me..a bit.

But dont get me wrong, i am not planning to kill myself, i am just being whineass :)

I think that this latter part sounds very good and constructive, especially the main parts about music and studies. If school is not terrible but only a bit boring, it seems advisable to finnish it, because that opens up to you many more possibilities for your life. And have you considered putting so much rehearsal and work in music, that you could apply for Pop&Jazz academy for example? Then you had the graduation paper of a musician, that´s the title. =)
take care :wave:
@fireangel: Nice thoughts you have, but i dont own enough selfdestruction-capability to apply for Pop&Jazz academy. I dont want earn my living by playing music i don´t even like. I´d rather be hitman (i am quite good sniper) than be a guitarist for a saloon band. :)

NF: Embarassed by my previous post - it had the quintessence but also lot of crap.
Everything seems brighter today than it seemed yesterday. Having two quickchats with Sami helped me to open my eyes. And of my mentally distant friends sent me a sms telling that he will come tomorrow to ruin my life, how nice is that :)

But this is a different story which i thought already on my previous post:

Have you ever thought that everything that you do, is because you´re obeying someone and trying to please someone or trying get admission for your own existence, outsider of your own self/mind?
So if you are thinking that you are somekind of satanist (you own free will-shit), you´re completely wrong and your life is ruined :p

[Example area]
For everyone: Do you really think that you bought that shirt for yourself?
- NO you did not.. You bought it that all can see for what you stand for.

For Thales-Lasse or Niklas Sundin:
Do you really think that you play music for yourself?
-NO. You want to earn respect of others.

Make up your own.

[/Example area]

Isn´t playing with this so called idea fascinating? And isn´t it funny how it doesnt have anything to with people´s bad/good moods? :p
yeah but the fact that I'm NOT eatinga sandwich although my stomach is churning empty is aimed at impressing someone
naku: I see you have no clue what Pop&Jazz academy is :D
it´s for all those who don´t go to Sibelius-Academy cuz they don´t want to become professionals in classical music. Children Of Bodom-guys and many more from metal bands have their degree from Pop&Jazz academy, and I know people from metal bands who plan to apply there. So no saloon-tunes! check out before you reject ;)
btw, there also seems to be a cool school at Orimattila, where many guys study music-technology. :)
Branwen said:
yeah but the fact that I'm NOT eatinga sandwich although my stomach is churning empty is aimed at impressing someone
you still have the choice to go and eat that sandwich if you want, thus doing something for yourself. i suggest you do just that, in fact. ;)
Branwen said:
men will never understand how much women have to suffer for them
any man who's pleased of your not eating when you're hungry - unless you have a serious health problem connected to body weight - is an asshole, and therefore unlikely to understand a thing.
Branwen said:
men will never understand how much women have to suffer for them

i really hate this way of thinking, unless you're kidding, like when we(we=girls) whine/joke about shaving legs, it's you who is chosing to "suffer".
i know a bunch of girls that live on diets and "ooh i want to be thinner or he'll never want me!" and i'd gladly punch them all in the face, if a guy wants you just if you look like a corpse model then leave him alone, nobody is forcing you.
like rahvin said if you aren't seriously overweight and so prone to health problems you should just eat your sandwich or pie or baked mammoth or whatever ;)

and moreover if you want a relationship with someone with a IQ higher than 17 then in theory you automatically avoid these persons.
all this applies both to guys and girls.
What Hiljainen said :)

Nobody will fall madly in love with you just because you have the body of a concentration camp victim and your life doesn't get better just because you get thinner. There's nothing wrong in being healthy and keeping fit, but eating is included in that...
NF: Excited. I'm going on a road trip to San Jose and San Francisco in a few hours. Incidentally, my motel room is across the street from Squeak's residence. Yeah, Motel 6, actually. Hotels and motels get quite expensive there apparently. Anyhow, I'm gonna visit her, relatives, friends, museums, restaurants, possibly a concert, historic places, etc. :hotjump:
What a nice discussion while I was having a big fat sandwich...!

No, I'm not anorectic and not totally stupid either. But I have to watch what I eat. Girls - be honest. How many of you have actually NEVER been on a diet? I think that women do it for very healthy and psychologically well-based reasons. They keep weight under control and feel more beautiful with it. A woman who feels (not necessarily looks) beautiful is nicer, kinder, more fun, better company etc.

Was that very sexist?
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