MagSec4 said:10 bucks says you still didn't go get your tickets after you posted that.
hyena said:@hilj: one thing i found to be real fun as a summer/night job was promoting local shows every once in a while. the money is bad, but at least it's fun. and if you add a little bartending/cloakroom service on the side, you can even make a decent amount in a night. look into your local pub and club scene, i'm sure you're going to find something.
Yeah, I found the things we should have been studying fascinating but we had serious problems with our teachers (Being terrible and getting fired etc) so eveything I picked up was from my own initiative. I wish things could have been better in that subject.Child of Time said:King: Ouch.And why did you drop psychology? That's one of the most interesting subjects you can study, imo.
OnyxDragon98 said:@King: yeah i know how that is..had to do it to one of my friends a while ago. I cant remember the exact details, but he was denying that one of his friends was saying stuff behind his back, like really fucking horrible stuff (again cant remember details..doesnt matter though). He was stupid enough to call me a liar, when he KNOWS i never lied to my friends about something of importance (of course there are times where lying is fun ..but its only minor). It turned out that he didnt want to believe me after 2 hours of me piling up evidence for it, so i just said "fuck it, your hopeless" and left.
King Chaos said:It's cool to know someone that can relate (although I dont exactly know ya)
Its just the amount of stress it caused. [~RaNT~] It was like a huge injustice. I started shaking. I swear I was only one more shot of biological Adrenaline off getting general adaptation syndrome and dying of a fucking stomach ulcer.
They are in a band together (My firend and his girlfriend). I go to every gig and the only people that turn up are the people I bring along. It's at the point now where they dont even advertise their gigs, just because I supported them by doing so they assume they can leave shit like that randomly to me. And his girlfriend (the guitarist in the band) does nothing but shit on me and my life, making rumours and trying to turn fuckers against me just because I confronted her for literally trying to (and failing miserably) manipulate people into hating my girlfriend. [/RaNT]
apparently, there's icon of coil, s.i.t.d., absurd minds and mesh playing as well. add to this that it's on a longer week-end than usual (29-30-31 october give way to the 1st of november, which is a holiday) and there's plenty of reasons to actually tolerate the rest of the bands (tristania? wtf?)Siren said:NF: excitedddd, i just found out there's a Seelenschmerz Fest 2004, and the line up so far sounds promising enough with Diary of Dreams and Blutengelp) in it.
OnyxDragon98 said:well that there is fucking ungratefulness bearing its head. if i was in your shoes id just let them advertise their OWN band. besides are they any good?..or is a Damned if you do, Damned if you dont kinda situation? Damned if you do because its horrible music, or Damned if you dont because you'll have to listen to bitching for some time.
King Chaos said:They are very good to say they are new to there instruments and stuff. They're just twats baisically. His girlfriend is a little whore and he has the mental age of an 8 year old. Im just gonne get out of this friendship in a way that should sever all ties... By SEVERING THEIR HEADs... nah just kidding... about the heads thing... the rest is true...![]()
spikes. heads. walls.OnyxDragon98 said:and by the way it got all know what to do