O/T Seattle shooting spree...

This is one of the more retarded posts of yours I've read yet....What business is it of your how many semi-auto firearms someone owns..It's absolutley none of your business!!! last time I checked Semi-Auto firearms are legal in every state that allows guns!!! Hell I myself only own one revolver and all the others are....guess...Semi-auto...Oooohhhh is the liberal patrol gonna come for me..Make that the UNARMED liberal patrol...Let them try!! And as far as shipping my firearms around the country...what are you smoking crack??? If my guns are not on my person they're locked in my safe!!
Why the hell would I want to ship them around and risk losing them?? (The mailman, the UPS Guy and whoever the hell else I DON'T TRUST 'EM!!!) In the eyes of you liberal clowns every amendment can be made better (by you and no one else) but to some of us it's fine the way our founding fathers wrote and you clowns should just leave them alone!!!

FYI, I'm not pro NRA....Those people are the true definition of GUN NUTS

ZeeZooZum said:
Every amendment has reasonable limits placed on it. Why not the second? That's what I don't understand about gun nuts. Just because you want a lot of semi-automatic weapons, doesn't mean anything in terms of your right to do so.

Almost every gun-nut is the same way that I've meet, and I've meet a lot of them. I don't care how many guns you own, but if you don't think there are at some point reasonable limits to it then you're wrong. You can't for example suddenly ship a cache of arms around the country if you wish. And trust me, I have met guys who think they should be able to....

I say Fuck the NRA and the rest of the lame special interest groups in this country.......
T_man357 said:
This is one of the more retarded posts of yours I've read yet....What business is it of your how many semi-auto firearms someone owns..It's absolutley none of your business!!! last time I checked Semi-Auto firearms are legal in every state that allows guns!!! Hell I myself only own one revolver and all the others are....guess...Semi-auto...Oooohhhh is the liberal patrol gonna come for me..Make that the UNARMED liberal patrol...Let them try!! And as far as shipping my firearms around the country...what are you smoking crack??? If my guns are not on my person they're locked in my safe!!
Why the hell would I want to ship them around and risk losing them?? (The mailman, the UPS Guy and whoever the hell else I DON'T TRUST 'EM!!!) In the eyes of you liberal clowns every amendment can be made better (by you and no one else) but to some of us it's fine the way our founding fathers wrote and you clowns should just leave them alone!!!

FYI, I'm not pro NRA....Those people are the true definition of GUN NUTS

You should learn to read more carefully as your post doesn't remotely respond to anything I said. AS I SAID, no one denies you have the right to own guns, but just because you like them doesn't mean you should have unlimited rights regarding them. The first amendement doesn't give me the right to stand outside the White House with a megaphone screaming "Kill Bush." Stop abusing the word liberal (as if you know what it means historically) and impart some commonsense on your passion. You also really need to check up on gun laws if you don't think there aren't places that regulate how many assault weapons or even semi-autmatic's you can own....

As for mailing guns, I once had a guy tell me he should have that right.:erk: :erk: He wasn't even drunk......
First of all...i'm not going to spend all afternoon ripping this post apart..I just don't have the time..So just a few key parts here First..Show me one law on the books (State or Federal) that limits the amount of semi-automatic firearms be them rifle or pistol that one person can own...Show me this!!! You're full of shit!! There is no law limiting the amount of semi-auto firearms an owner can possess the only limit on them is the size of their wallet if they can afford to..You have no clue as to what you're typing (I'm starting to think you just like the attention) There is a WORLD of difference between assault rifles and semi-auto...Assault weapons are classified by the pussy liberals as any firearm capable of accepting a feeding device over 10 rounds (Thanks to your faggot LIBERAL piece of shit buddy clinton) But fortunatley not all the states have to adhere to that ridiculous law (I'll give you a hint they were the RED states during the elections) So study up on these things before you start running your flapper...Again you and your simple liberal pals need to mind your own damn business when it comes to other peoples pasttimes and hobbies the only thing liberalism is good for is outlawing, censoring & banning things...And if America ever has to fight another civil war Conservatives .vs liberals...You clowns are in DEEP SHIT!!!

ZeeZooZum said:
You should learn to read more carefully as your post doesn't remotely respond to anything I said. AS I SAID, no one denies you have the right to own guns, but just because you like them doesn't mean you should have unlimited rights regarding them. The first amendement doesn't give me the right to stand outside the White House with a megaphone screaming "Kill Bush." Stop abusing the word liberal (as if you know what it means historically) and impart some commonsense on your passion. You also really need to check up on gun laws if you don't think there aren't places that regulate how many assault weapons or even semi-autmatic's you can own....

As for mailing guns, I once had a guy tell me he should have that right.:erk: :erk: He wasn't even drunk......
T_man357 said:
Assault weapons are classified by the pussy liberals as any firearm capable of accepting a feeding device over 10 rounds (Thanks to your faggot LIBERAL piece of shit buddy clinton) But fortunatley not all the states have to adhere to that ridiculous law (I'll give you a hint they were the RED states during the elections)

Exactly, and we all know how great the red states are.


This proves how intelligent we red staters are. We're the true Americans, even if the Northeastern states were there first and were the true heart of democracy in America.
T_man357 said:
What a Winner!!:rolleyes:

Thank you. I love annoying frothing ideologues who have tunnel vision. It's just like mice to cheese.

I haven't had this much fun since I argued with an enviromentalist that we don't really need nature and if the ice caps melt we can just bottle the water and sell it for profit.
You live a very, VERY boring life don't you!!! It's real cute that you think you annoyed me...But if you're to be honest you made an ass out of yourself more than bothering me....I like harrassing the ignorant...Better get back to your liberal butt buddy... you can annoy:rolleyes: me some other time..

ZeeZooZum said:
Thank you. I love annoying frothing ideologues who have tunnel vision. It's just like mice to cheese.

I haven't had this much fun since I argued with an enviromentalist that we don't really need nature and if the ice caps melt we can just bottle the water and sell it for profit.
T_man357 said:
You live a very, VERY boring life don't you!!! It's real cute that you think you annoyed me...But if you're to be honest you made an ass out of yourself more than bothering me....I like harrassing the ignorant...Better get back to your liberal butt buddy... you can annoy:rolleyes: me some other time..

I got you to rant didn't I?

I would rant about you rednecks or red-state ideologues who are ignorant of politics and history but I always prefer letting ideologues drool and rant incoherently ....."WAAA, liberals, WAAAAAAA"

But hey I love you redneck hippies. You're the perfect extension of all the knee-jerk leftys that came out of the 60's. The Right really has learned to whine like the Left finally.....

It's great fun inbetween writing........
Not only are you a simple liberal jackass...But you're also not very observant.. (Or you're slower than even I think you are) I rant about everything!! and I mean EVERYTHING!! but like I said I believe you to be too stupid to have even noticed that....So dude get back to teaching that phantom film class that only exists in your head...Or let me know where it is so I can laugh at you to your face..(Don't worry I'll be unarmed) It has been reasonably fun (For me anyway) You just keep voting blue and don't forget to save those whales...:lol: :lol:

ZeeZooZum said:
I got you to rant didn't I?

I would rant about you rednecks or red-state ideologues who are ignorant of politics and history but I always prefer letting ideologues drool and rant incoherently ....."WAAA, liberals, WAAAAAAA"

But hey I love you redneck hippies. You're the perfect extension of all the knee-jerk leftys that came out of the 60's. The Right really has learned to whine like the Left finally.....

It's great fun inbetween writing........
T_man357 said:
Not only are you a simple liberal jackass...But you're also not very observant.. (Or you're slower than even I think you are) I rant about everything!! and I mean EVERYTHING!! but like I said I believe you to be too stupid to have even noticed that....So dude get back to teaching that phantom film class that only exists in your head...Or let me know where it is so I can laugh at you to your face..(Don't worry I'll be unarmed) It has been reasonably fun (For me anyway) You just keep voting blue and don't forget to save those whales...:lol: :lol:

But your rants amuse me. Why would I want them to stop? They make me laugh most of the time, especially when you think there are only two shades of political belief in the world. From my perspective there is no difference between rednecks and hippies (both are whinny bitches) or democrats and republicans (both are special interest and corporate stooges)

Thank you for your support!!!! Of course I'll rant more...And FYI there's only one shade of political belief....MINE!!! Everyone else is wrong!! WRONG I TELL YOU!!!! I feel a good one coming on...But work calls..(Damn work I wish I was an Illegal Alien!!!)

ZeeZooZum said:
But your rants amuse me. Why would I want them to stop? They make me laugh most of the time, especially when you think there are only two shades of political belief in the world. From my perspective there is no difference between rednecks and hippies (both are whinny bitches) or democrats and republicans (both are special interest and corporate stooges)

ZeeZooZum said:
I got you to rant didn't I?

I would rant about you rednecks or red-state ideologues who are ignorant of politics and history

What's with this red shit anyway? Cuntservative Wanker keeps refering to red states and now Zipity Zoo whartzit called does the same thing with red necks!Shit! Which hippy muthafucka in the left-leaning media decided one day that conservatives, republicans, and unwashed white trash from the hills should be represented by the colours of bolshevism, revolution, and Che Guevara t-shirts?

I want us to be the
BLUE states, BLUE blooded Americans, BLUE necks or, if you prefer, BLUE-faced ranters and ravers on the dick-HARD right!

That's a little tip of the hat to our
red-faced friend in Mass-Of-Two-Shits, Ted Kennedy, who keeps refering to the HARD RIGHT.

Just as long as you separate the
red spots on your red ass from any and all references to loyal and patriotic Americans.

That is, those of us who are conservative voting gun-appreciators.

T-Man, I'm rereading your postings here! Great job!
Jurched said:
What's with this red shit anyway? Cuntservative Wanker keeps refering to red states and now Zipity Zoo whartzit called does the same thing with red necks!Shit! Which hippy muthafucka in the left-leaning media decided one day that conservatives, republicans, and unwashed white trash from the hills should be represented by the colours of bolshevism, revolution, and Che Guevara t-shirts?

I want us to be the
BLUE states, BLUE blooded Americans, BLUE necks or, if you prefer, BLUE-faced ranters and ravers on the dick-HARD right!

That's a little tip of the hat to our
red-faced friend in Mass-Of-Two-Shits, Ted Kennedy, who keeps refering to the HARD RIGHT.

Just as long as you separate the
red spots on your red ass from any and all references to loyal and patriotic Americans.

That is, those of us who are conservative voting gun-appreciators.

T-Man, I'm rereading your postings here! Great job!

So you're a utopian we are all just american softy are ya? That's too fruity for my taste

Well unlike you or T-Man I hate the red states, blue states (Fuck I was just out in California. It sucked more than anything ever sucked including Teddy's Cape Cod...I felt like Cartman going to San Francisco in last night's South Park:lol: :lol: ), rednecks, hippies, campus liberals with their chalk, democracts, republicans, capitalists, communists, religion. Still, number one at the moment are all the fanatical Christians in the US with crucifixes up their asses bitchin and whinning about Judges....

Well, I just can't rant as good as T-Man
Aaaahhhh Grasshopper.....Practice makes perfect!!! Never stop ranting!!

ZeeZooZum said:
So you're a utopian we are all just american softy are ya? That's too fruity for my taste

Well unlike you or T-Man I hate the red states, blue states (Fuck I was just out in California. It sucked more than anything ever sucked including Teddy's Cape Cod...I felt like Cartman going to San Francisco in last night's South Park:lol: :lol: ), rednecks, hippies, campus liberals with their chalk, democracts, republicans, capitalists, communists, religion. Still, number one at the moment are all the fanatical Christians in the US with crucifixes up their asses bitchin and whinning about Judges....

Well, I just can't rant as good as T-Man