School systems for example think math is more important than rocking out on an instrument and they can kiss my fucking ass.
I didn't start learning to play guitar until I really got into death and black metal, I've been playing 5 months so far. And of course I would've never death growled seriously without listening to death metal. I agree it does go with musical choice as well.I think I've done pretty well for myself without having played an instrument, I've wanted to but I just dont have the time or money to, so maybe my desire has helped me
But seriously, playing an instrument goes alot with musical choice, not the other way most often.
Who the fuck is this ?
don't know or give a flying fuck!
I do understand why you don't like rap. Ignorance. Fiona Apple is hardly indie anyways.
I can't recall fiona apple having guitar so don't give a flying fuck is she sang for 4 days and had the most unique voice on the planet because she's some weird fucking chick that sings about what the fuck knows!
If I saw a fiona apple video and there was actually a band and guitar and it was not 'LOOK AT ME I'M FIONA APPLE SOME WEIRD ANOREXIC CHICK THAT IS CROANING FOR 3 MINUTES... LOOK AT ME I'M SINGING and i'm fiona apple care about me because i'm some chick.
... I might give a flying fuck!
There is more to music than the guitar, and disliking music strictly on the basis of it not having a guitar in it proves even more how much of an ignorant bastard you really are.
EDIT: Shit band or not, Finch - What it is to Burn is a really good song.