Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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go during the winter time. it's perfect. camping there is a blast. there's a lot of mine ruins and shit to check out as well. it's pretty kickass
It's always windy here in plymouth. Even if it is only a rough breeze, it still never fails to be windy enough to annoyingly blow your hair around.


haha yeah, I think I hate wind more than I hate the wind more than I hate cold sometimes, cold wind is fucking horrible, cold windy rain omfg, I want slit my wrists when its like that outside.

I guess the reason I like nice weather so much is because I enjoy being outside. I cannot stand being stuck in my apartment all the goddamn time. Outdoorsy shit is just fun, and I like being adventurous.
Perhaps this is true of lake and river water (which we just LOVE to pollute anyways), the movement of which can be measured in inches perhaps feet per second, whereas groundwater which is the MOST IMPORTANT source of water we have on this planet moves in INCHES PER YEAR, meaning when we pollute it, when we use it too much, it is gone for YEARS AND YEARS.

Just for you, I vow to increase my carbon footprint tomorrow, hippy.
lol, as if any of that matters. Everything COMES from the earth, so putting it BACK into the earth, isnt going to do shit.

One would think, but a plastic milk carton takes nearly 2000 years to decay or so it is estimated, somethings won't even decay, and just because something comes from the earth doesn't mean that when we combine them into synthetic materials they arn't harmful to the environment.
One would think, but a plastic milk carton takes nearly 2000 years to decay or so it is estimated, somethings won't even decay, and just because something comes from the earth doesn't mean that when we combine them into synthetic materials they arn't harmful to the environment.

Time to call bullshit on this one. How the fuck would anyone know it takes 2000 years for a milk carton to decay? Did anyone plant one in the ground and check it every year? Everyone 10 years? What about everyone 100 years? I mean come the fuck on. How do you know some things wont decay? Have you personally done tests? Or just believing the bullshit that "scientists", aka people who make up shit half the time, say about a certain object. There is no proof that it takes said amount of years for ANYTHING to decay or decompose. Despite most of the shit we dump in the air, which I actually do believe to be harmful to the atmosphere in a way, theres no way I'm going to believe that putting something back into the earth where it originated, chemical properties changed or not, is going to harm the earth. Like I said, the earth is like a living, breathing, ever-evolving human being. It takes shit in, and fixes it, and shits it back out the way it used to be. And until that can be proven wrong, or until the day this mysterious 2000 year old milk carton finally decides to decompose and someone is there to see for it first hand, I will keep believing that its all bullshit.

edit: dont take offense, I'm not attacking you at all, just having a civil argument :)
...stop man, my tears about mother earth are spattering on my pleather open toed sandles.

Fuck the Earth. I live 80 years, if I'm lucky. After that, I couldn't give a flying fuck.
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