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If there was one place to go than I would believe in god and read a bible, regardless if that one place was not real this would seem more realistic where I could think maybe god is real.

There is to many religions and heavens which to me cancels it all out, especially being there is no proof what religion is right or what paradise is the best place to go. I also can't picture people burning in hell for eternity. That's not realistic.
Also. How can you burn in hell when your corpse is rotting in a casket or ground or cremated ?

I'm not the most rational person but god sometimes I think wow I'm one smart dude!. I think everyone else is insane.

Someone else had too think this first and I love them.
Also. How can you burn in hell when your corpse is rotting in a casket or ground or cremated ?

I'm not the most rational person but god sometimes I think wow I'm one smart dude!. I think everyone else is insane.

You can burn in hell because your way of thinking isn't necessicarily right.
Correct. I would rather chance is though because of no evidence.

Give me something that would make me think.... well I could burn in hell and explain how someone can burn in hell. What is making people pick up a bible out of fear of going to hell ?

I don't understand. This more just seems like 'fear' and psychological.
I know I said I was done with this but:

Damn it, some of you guys act like the Bible is meant to be taken literally. It's a set of stories, poems, etc. meant to illustrate a code of behavior (that, again, basically says to be nice). Saying "hurr it doesn't make sense" is pretty pointless. It's a metaphor.

You may not take it literally, but many Christians do.

Todays Christianity is so pick and choose it is not even a real religion anymore. If I were to base my opinion on the Bible itself, I do not know any good Christians. The Bible has many rules clearly written out that are conveniently forgotten or ignored by todays "Christians". Believing that God, or a god created the earth does not make you Christian, it makes you religious or spiritual if you will. Being Christian means you adhere to the strict rules written out in the Bible. Just being a good person and believing in God does not really make a a Christian as many seem to beleive, or at least not a very good one. You cannot pick an choose which rules to follow, you take all or none.

I honestly think that a large portion of people are Christian because they are afraid of going to Hell. Not because they feel it is right or any of that, they are simply afraid. I know people who are the most un-Christian people I know, and yet they still profess to be Christian and I think it is because A:They don't know any different or B: They are afraid of Hell. Simple as that.

Almost all the Christian people I know have Christian families. They are raised with the religion and do not know any better. I always ask them " If you were not raised Christian would you have become one anyway?" Very doubtful. Religion was a necessary thing back when you didn't know whether you were going to live through the week. It gave people the sense of hope needed to make it through the day/week/month whatever. Now that we all pretty much know we are going to be able to eat and not contract the plague. Religion is unnecessary. It is a tool of the past and needs to be discarded.
Yes, I'm just disagreeing with the concept that the Bible is perfect, not trying to be an asshole about it.

Oh, alright. I don't think it's perfect either, I'm just saying that, for the most part, the message behind it is a postive one. You bring up a very good point, though.

I could go on and on why christianity is forced on people on a basis in this entire country and why it's a root to all evil.

You are so, so stupid. If it was someone else, and not you, who'd said this I'd try to compose an actual argument.

Everyone religion has a heaven which is why I do not believe in religion period. Every religion thinking they go to a certain heaven triggers something in my mind and I know it's fake. I guess something like that is so crazy that i'm like WOW.

This is incorrect.
Also. How can you burn in hell when your corpse is rotting in a casket or ground or cremated ?

I'm not the most rational person but god sometimes I think wow I'm one smart dude!. I think everyone else is insane.

Someone else had too think this first and I love them.

No one believes that their physical body goes to heaven or hell, you tremendous nit wit. The belief is that, upon death, ones soul is transported to another plain of existence. You're "hey you're body can't go to hell because it's in a casket" argument is laughable.

No, you are not "one smart dude". Far from it.

Evil?, you also make some very good points. I don't completley agree with you, but I appreciate someone composing a thought out argument instead of doing what Greys is doing.
Of course we don't know anything for sure as there is no way to find out. But what does that have to do with anything?

Because some people want proof ?. If I am going to read a bible until I die you do not think I would want to know ?. If you can't prove it why push it on people.

I can only determine what is real or not based on my 5 senses and if someone can not prove something than I am not interested nor is it real. Anyone could come up with theories,etc... I can't believe the bible is anything more than a story. If I was intested in the subject matter would read it not caring whether or not it's fact or fiction but it's not up my alley.
No one believes that their physical body goes to heaven or hell, you tremendous nit wit. The belief is that, upon death, ones soul is transported to another plain of existence. You're "hey you're body can't go to hell because it's in a casket" argument is laughable.

I did not literally mean people actual think your body can go to hell and be burned but logically it's the only thing that can be burned. That's kind of the point I was making. I was laughing at the theory of burning in hell which makes no sense imo.
Also is there any proof of their being a soul ?. I can't see it,touch it or feel it ?. I do not know much about science but what I have noticed is that the chances are we are not controlled and functioning because of 'soul' and it's just cells,etc... I think soul is more about character developement, not we literally have a soul in our body or head. That does not really make much sense to me either.
It started where I was simply asking who sanga song in a music video, and then someone said something about Titanic. I didn't bring it up. Then they started badmouthing it. I don't let people badmouth things I care about. Then it turned into a debate---so what?

It's interesting how you hate Christianity and all of it's rules so much, and yet around here you're the first to get annoyed if someone isn't following the rules. Bit of a contradiction,don't you think? Rules are okay as long as you like them?

shutup vagina go make me a sandwich
Good. What some of you say makes me feel so much better I do not indulge in fantasy nor take comfort or find security nor use to these to try and explain things. Once again non of you have any proof on god,heaven,hell,souls,etc.. whatever your crazy notions are. Expect someone to not agree or see your views without evidence and proof. Admit your're wrong!
Well there is that thing about the body losing one ounce or something immediately after death, but this could be attributed to gases which are released when you die.
Well there is that thing about the body losing one ounce or something immediately after death, but this could be attributed to gases which are released when you die.

Yeah. I guess you can release gas or shit yourself!. I guess that is your last farewell!

Not sure if it's true but I heard your nails and hair grows after you are dead!. If so would that still mean you are alive!
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