Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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I'm starting to hate Christianity myself. Although, it's not really Christianity I hate as much as the people who've bastardized it since it started out as "the Way" right after Christ died.

try being an Asatru pagan living with born agains. its hell, if it actually existed.
I don't believe in morals and see it as religious. I don't think how people are has anything to do with morals. The only way to develope my own mind and thought process is to destroy morals religion and rule out unproven theories. If someone thinks I am immoral that can tell me I am closer to being free and an individual because I am not denying natural temptation in something which means I am not basing something on being right or wrong but natural desire and interest in something. I am not denying my natural thoughts with councern of how someone will perceive me nor think about if I am moral in the eyes of religion or society. Sometimes someone could think they are being immoral and be enslaved when it comes to lifestyle and taste,desire,etc... and not really know what they like out of fear of being looked at wrong or judged. Morals is just something to keep people sheep and make people feel guilt and regret.

You're amusing, Greys, but your head is too far up your ass. :rolleyes:

Same with people into religion. When trying my best to discuss religion have to stick my head as far up my ass as humanly possible!. You know how far my head is up my ass when I get into a discussion with people that don't even have proof but still have their heads up their ass..... far!
I love how all of you are calling it trite, an abomination, etc.. but you have nothing to back it up. It wasn't "a sense of spectacle" it was a sense of realism you soggy sack of shit. And the fact that two people fell in love aboard it was not out of question since there are several (okay many) stories of lovers on board that ship!

Realism in Hollywood? that's a fucking laugh. I suppose you think Bay's Pearl Harbour is genuine in its account too? Please Titanic is nothing more than a formulaic hollywoodized production of a historical event. The realism you seem to think is inherent in the film is ENTIRELY constructed, designed and produced.

Also, the sense of spectacle I am referring to is the constant use of epic high angle long shots that capture dramatic angles of the ship hitting the iceberg and eventually sinking. Certainly, the early 20th Century commuters on the Titanic did not have access to such views of their own situations and thus, these types of shots are used entirely for dramatic purpose and serve to take away any such 'realism' that film even had to begin with.

Titanic is rubbish, get over it.
Well guys, you inspired me to post an entire blog describing the significance of Titanic, in terms of the movie. If you want I"ll post an entire other thread describing the sinking of the Titanic in terms of culture and history.

Symbolism in Titanic

edit: JMann... do you have any idea how much of a prick you sound?
I love how all of you are calling it trite, an abomination, etc.. but you have nothing to back it up. It wasn't "a sense of spectacle" it was a sense of realism you soggy sack of shit. And the fact that two people fell in love aboard it was not out of question since there are several (okay many) stories of lovers on board that ship!

Just because you can't step outside your selfish little bodies to feel what someone else is feeling on screen doesn't mean the movie sucks. It just means you're empty inside. =) I understand it may be hard for you to feel how a 17 year old girl in an arranged marriage would have felt in 1912 but really... use some fucking imagination.

edit: And the love story did have a lot of significance... The movie used a lot of symbolism as well. Sorry you didn't see it?

You've lost your mind.
Yeah, real great. Machines taking over mankind was such a new concept. And he definitely did a better version of the Alien franchise than the duo of Ridley Scott and HR Giger.

the terminator duo (ignoring #3 obviously) pretty much set the pace for action movies over the last 20 years. the concept of the movie wasnt really what made it such a landmark, it was the way the movie was made and what it achieved from a production standpoint. plus, it was an original concept and it was done fucking well. you could make anything sound derivative by generalising THAT much. plus any movie with GNR on the soundtrack wins.

anyway, Death / Doom from Australia (early 90's) - Cruciform "Atavism". I'd recommend it for people who enjoy albums such as Atrocity's "Longing for Death"
I know I said I was done with this but:

Damn it, some of you guys act like the Bible is meant to be taken literally. It's a set of stories, poems, etc. meant to illustrate a code of behavior (that, again, basically says to be nice). Saying "hurr it doesn't make sense" is pretty pointless. It's a metaphor.
Belief in god makes no sense, let alone the bible.

Of course we don't know anything for sure as there is no way to find out. But what does that have to do with anything?
If you can't know something for sure, then your probably shouldn't believe it unless there is strong evidence pointing to it.
Susperia's blog said:
"Titanic" is the greatest film of recent times.

That's a huge call right there. Can't say I agree, in fact I strongly disagree, but obviously you're quite passionate about the movie so to argue with you would be a waste of time.
I would hate to be someone incapable of having faith in things bigger than myself. I would hate to be so cynical as to need stone cold proof of everything. Most of all, I would hate to be so pessimistic and miserable as to actually believe that the human race was just some big cosmic accident.
I would hate to be someone incapable of having faith in things bigger than myself. I would hate to be so cynical as to need stone cold proof of everything. Most of all, I would hate to be so pessimistic and miserable as to actually believe that the human race was just some big cosmic accident.

Loving the terminology there. Anyone who is an Atheist must of course be incapable, cynical, pessimistic and miserable.
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