Not really. I think those words decribe the belief that "we are an accident and life is pointless" quite accuratley. Atheist's themselves can be fine people, but their take on the meaning of life is pretty bleak.
I don't know any Atheists that believe that life is pointless. And what's so bleak about the big bang/evolution theories? They're far more interesting and downright amazing to behold than believing that as long as I follow a set of rules I can fly up to heaven and live in eternal peace. You're painting your own bleak picture of Atheism based on your own bias.
That's a huge call right there. Can't say I agree, in fact I strongly disagree, but obviously you're quite passionate about the movie so to argue with you would be a waste of time.
I might aswell say something else about titanic. I saw this in a crouded theater in connecticut while visiting relatives and just about everyone was crying(not kidding). Tickets and popcorn also were ten times more expensive than they are here and I just felt so ripped off. I was in this theater with girls crying for the last 1,2 hours of the movie.
i'm scarred :zombie:
Now I only watch violent movies!
The last movie I watched was about females and hookers being strangled.
Symbolism in Titanic I typed this up for 4 hours last night instead of working on my thesis because some people in another thread got me all riled up over Titanic with the usual "it's a silly girl movie" and "love stories are stupid and trite!" Blah blah blah.
Basically, if you go into something expecting(wanting..) to hate it, you will.
edit: This blog does not explain at all the significance of Titanic then, or its continuing significance now. However, if you want me to explain that as well, I'd be more than happy to. (Just let me get some schoolwork done first)
the terminator duo (ignoring #3 obviously) pretty much set the pace for action movies over the last 20 years. the concept of the movie wasnt really what made it such a landmark, it was the way the movie was made and what it achieved from a production standpoint. plus, it was an original concept and it was done fucking well. you could make anything sound derivative by generalising THAT much. plus any movie with GNR on the soundtrack wins.
Cameron is a fantastic director. Terminator 1 and 2, Aliens, The Abyss, True Lies, Titanic. Good list.